Because they know you’re having a really tough time getting a mask, right?
Biden administration weighs plan to directly send masks to all Americans
The Biden White House is considering sending masks directly to American households, according to three people familiar with the discussions, an action the Trump administration explored but scrapped.
The Covid-19 Response Team is evaluating the logistics of mailing out millions of face coverings, but no decision has been made, and the proposal hasn’t yet reached President Joe Biden for final approval, a White House official said.
The idea has been raised in several meetings among Biden’s top health experts in recent days, particularly as Biden continues to urge Americans to use masks as a primary defense against the spread of the coronavirus. (snip)
It’s unclear when the masks would go out to the public, how many would be included per residence and whether they would be disposable or made of cloth. It’s also not yet clear what the cost could be.
“There are a range of options on the table to help protect more Americans from the coronavirus and encourage people to mask up, but no decision has been made,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.
It’s unclear what the purpose will be, unless they’re going to have the Biden/Harris or Democrats logos on them. Or be made in China, which would enrich Biden’s kids and Joe. Seriously, are you having trouble getting a cloth mask? They seem to be at every convenience store, grocery store, Walmart, Target, Dick’s sporting goods, etc. You can find just about anything you like at Amazon. I have a Dodgers mask, East Carolina Pirates, an American flag one, a pirate face one, some basic stuff, some gaiters (the ones by Mission are great for working out), one by Under Armor (good for outside when cold, otherwise, big time face sweat). I can order a NJ Devils one in a heartbeat if I want. So, why send them to citizens when everyone can get one in a heart beat? Is it just another little “paper cut” making people reliant on Government?
Did any reporter bother asking what the point was?

The day after mine arrives ,it will be found out in the forest with fresh skid marks, laying next to a drying pile of last night chili.
Jeff and john,
Notice that Time magazine has come out with a summary on the steal and how it happened and who did it. So, don’t pretend the steal did not occur.
If The Steal didn’t occur there wouldn’t be a band of fence, razor ribbon and armed troops surrounding the Capitol. They wouldn’t need them.
The fences and defenses around DC and state capitols exist not because The Steal occurred, it’s because delusional “Americans” such as you BELIEVE that it did. See the difference?
Just because jihadists act on their BELIEF that the US is the Great Satan doesn’t prove the point. It just proves that the jihadists are delusional, like you and those like you who want to do harm to the nation.
“Americans” like you “love” America much like Trump “loves” America. It’s transactional. As long as America favors you with privilege and stature you’re a patriot. When you don’t get your way, you’re a traitor.
As to what drives cultists like jihadists and the alt-right to counterproductive violence, all signs point to cult behavior, where emotion overwhelms reason.
Notice you didn’t cite the summary. IT’S you pretending. Trump didn’t win. Nothing was stolen. “Stop the Steal” is a QAnon invention.
Did you mean the article by the estimable Molly Ball in TIME? Did you read the article or accept the viewpoint from some right-wing blogger? (btw, just looked at Gateway Pudendum… you’re parroting what the odious jimhoft typed)
No wonder you didn’t cite it.
What you call The Steal was a concerted effort to get Americans to vote. Since conservatives are a minority it’s easy to understand why conservatives want as few voters as possible. You’re upset that so many Americans voted against Trump. No wonder you’re angry. You didn’t get your way. In Georgia, again with a massive voter turnout, two Democrat rookies defeated GOP incumbents. This frightens you. What if these blacks, working poor, college kids, housebound seniors start voting regularly? You should be afraid.
Have you noted that GOP legislature after GOP legislature are rushing out voter suppression laws? No wonder. It’s the only way a minority can rule a majority.
Do you consider helping registered voters to vote as “rigging the system”, LOL?
The TIME concludes exactly the opposite of what the odious jimhoft and deviant7134 claim. It explains much of Trump’s plot to steal the election and the efforts of the opposition to combat him.
But please read the article – it should give you some peace of mind. Conservatives hate democracy because they hate large swaths of Americans and devalue their vote and their Americanism.
from the TIME article: “On March 3, Mike Podhorzer (election strategist) drafted a three-page confidential memo titled “Threats to the 2020 Election.†“Trump has made it clear that this will not be a fair election, and that he will reject anything but his own re-election as ‘fake’ and rigged,†he wrote. “On Nov. 3, should the media report otherwise, he will use the right-wing information system to establish his narrative and incite his supporters to protest.†The memo laid out four categories of challenges: attacks on voters, attacks on election administration, attacks on Trump’s political opponents and “efforts to reverse the results of the election.â€
Yikes. Mr Podhorzer predicted Trump’s behavior some 8 months in advance.
Ball concluded:
“As I was reporting this article in November and December, I heard different claims about who should get the credit for thwarting Trump’s plot. Liberals argued the role of bottom-up people power shouldn’t be overlooked, particularly the contributions of people of color and local grassroots activists. Others stressed the heroism of GOP officials like Van Langevelde and Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, who stood up to Trump at considerable cost. The truth is that neither likely could have succeeded without the other. “It’s astounding how close we came, how fragile all this really is,†says Timmer, the former Michigan GOP chair. “It’s like when Wile E. Coyote runs off the cliff–if you don’t look down, you don’t fall. Our democracy only survives if we all believe and don’t look down.â€
“Democracy won in the end. The will of the people prevailed. But it’s crazy, in retrospect, that this is what it took to put on an election in the United States of America.”
#Believe the Lie
#Unity Motherf@cker!
Bwaha! Lolgf
Read the article, Rimjob.
Your analysis was found lacking Rimjob.
#Believe the Lie
Bwaha! Lolgf
Given that most states have mandatory mask orders, and people have been obeying them, what reason is there to suspect that people need masks and don’t have them? This sounds like just another waste of money to me.
But it does sound like a great idea for a protest to me! Organize everyone who despises the Biden Administration to tear the mask they receive in two, write “f(ornicate) you” on the shreds, and mail them back to the White House!
That’s what Trump would want you to do!!
This is going to happen. I know someone who is already working on the contract with the USPS.