…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post noting Pelosi hasn’t sent the impeachment papers to the Senate.

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post noting Pelosi hasn’t sent the impeachment papers to the Senate.
Teach I still remember your post about how Obama’s EPA rules were going to kill American craft beers
Do you remember it?
Could you repost it?
Privilege is videoing yourself committing felonies and expecting to get away with it.
Yes, like these states. https://twitter.com/reallizusa/status/1349731284034048001?s=21
Peter Navarro rehashes all the previously claimed “irregularities”. Can you summarize the evidence/proof or are you content to just link to twits?
What’s to summarize? Next to, for instance, “dead votersâ€, it lists the number of dead voters in each state. Those votes obviously shouldn’t be counted. Is this too far over your head?
Fake news, dumbass. Fake news. They found 2 dead voters in GA. They found 3 in PA, and trump votes at that.
Peter Navarro works for Donald Trump and even stated that trump could delay the inauguration. Did he mean by bombs, assassination or riots.
Your problem is you merely link to some twitter twit who likely knows no more than you or trump.
Your feelings/belief/opinions are not evidence.
You’re problem is you haven’t refuted a thing on the chart, which is par for your course
It begins. The oppression of freedom loving Americans…
A Virginia man allegedly tried to pass through a security checkpoint with an “unauthorized” inauguration credential, unregistered handguns and more than 500 rounds of ammunition, according to officials.
Wesley Allen Beeler, 31, of Front Royal, Virginia, was arrested shortly after 6:30 p.m. Friday after police found two unregistered Glock 9mm handguns, 509 rounds of 9mm ammunition, 21 12-gauge shotgun shells, and one 17-round Glock 17 magazine, all in his truck, according to a police report.
“The oppression of freedom loving Americansâ€.. You’re speaking of the well orchestrated tech suppression of speech?
We appreciate your anti-capitalism stance. Conservatives much prefer crony capitalism and rigged capitalism.
Private companies don’t suppress free speech, do they? Do you think the government is behind the actions of facebook, twitter, instagram, Amazon etc? This is the government of Donald Trump, GOP Senate, 25% of the federal judiciary appointed by trump and a conservative Supreme Court.
Companies are not obligated to self destruct by posting or publishing damaging information. You should know that.
Private companies don’t suppress free speech, do they? You speak of the legality of the situation, but they’re still suppressing speech. Which of course is what one does when they have facts on their side…. Seems I remember some regime in Germany starting out that way in the 30s, can’t quite think of it right now……“Companies are not obligated to self destruct by posting dangerous information..â€. Hey genius-they’ve lost billions in market worth since they began their Gestapo tactIcs, but thanks for getting it completely backwards. But private companies can do what they want? Good-then let private restaurants open up.