I don’t really have to say yet again that I do not condone the violence that happened, but, when you call people you disagree with Nazis and White Supremacists and raaaaacists and such for years, then conduct an election that is full of, let’s call them, irregularities, which can’t be explained and are not explained, people are going to be pissed. When they hear the plans of Democrats, they are pissed. But, hey, dissent is now no longer patriotic, and will be deemed an insurgency
Attack on Capitol was the beginning of an American insurgency, counterterrorism experts warn
After ransacking the U.S. Capitol and threatening the lives of members of Congress on Jan. 6, they walked down the building’s broad steps unmolested and into the mythology of right-wing extremism. Many wore shirts identifying them as accolades of QAnon, riders in “the Storm†who believe the fever-dream conspiracy that they are foot soldiers in a war against Satan-worshipping pedophiles in the government’s “deep state†bureaucracy. There were also neo-Nazis and anti-Semites in the overwhelmingly white crowd, including a man wearing a “Camp Auschwitz†sweatshirt. Racists rallied to the Confederate flag of rebellion that some of the insurrectionists waved in the halls of Congress.
Yes, this hyperbole is actually in the straight news section. As far as ransacking, it was nothing compared to what BLM/Antifa did to privately owned stores across the country
With President Trump only days away from an unceremonious departure from the White House, the vision of a mob desecrating the citadel of democracy felt for many observers like the end of a shameful period of norm breaking and tradition smashing. But for counterterrorism experts who have spent the two decades since the 9/11 terrorist attacks closely studying and fighting violent extremist groups overseas, the spectacle looked like something altogether different: the likely birthing of a violent American insurgency.
Retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal was formerly the head of Joint Special Operations Command in Iraq and the commander of all U.S. and allied troops fighting the Taliban and al-Qaida in Afghanistan. “I did see a similar dynamic in the evolution of al-Qaida in Iraq, where a whole generation of angry Arab youth with very poor prospects followed a powerful leader who promised to take them back in time to a better place, and he led them to embrace an ideology that justified their violence. This is now happening in America,†McChrystal told Yahoo News.
A radical group of citizens have adopted a very hard-line view of the country, he noted, that echoes the Lost Cause narrative that took root in the old South after the Civil War. “Only President Trump has updated Lost Cause with his ‘Stop the Steal’ narrative that they lost because of a stolen election, and that is the only thing holding these people down and stopping them from assuming their rightful place in society,†McChrystal said. “That gives them legitimacy to become even more radical. I think we’re much further along in this radicalization process, and facing a much deeper problem as a country, than most Americans realize.â€
Similarly, counterterrorism experts say a number of the white supremacist groups who took part in the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol have reached out and formed linkages with white nationalist counterparts in Germany, Canada, Norway and Russia. “I worked with the State Department to designate as terrorists an extreme white supremacist group in Russia that has many ties to U.S.-based groups,†said Ali Soufan, a former FBI supervisory special agent and counterterrorism expert who led some of the highest-profile investigations of al-Qaida attacks, speaking on Thursday to reporters. He noted that a National Security Council strategy document identified the Nordic Front, a neo-Nazi group spreading throughout Nordic countries, as a threat to the United States. “If the Nordic Front is a threat to the U.S., that means they have some connection to activities here. There are also [right-wing] extremist groups in Canada designated as terrorist organizations by our ‘Five Eyes’ allies, but they still operate with impunity here in the United States. That has to stop.â€
So, dissent will now be labeled terrorism and insurgency. Should be a fun four years.

Teach typed: “… I do not condone the violence that happened”, And then he condones, excuses, refuses to condemn, and justifies the insurrection and murder of a police officer. He’s upset because he imagines the Proud Boys, QAnoners, white supremacists and neoNazis were unfairly criticized.
Even if true, is that reason enough to revolt? Guess so.
The Proud Boys, QAnoners, white supremacists and neoNazis now plan to attack as many state Capitol Buildings as they can (since the US Capitol is now being guarded). Peaceful protests won’t satisfy Trump who needs multiple massive violent uprisings to enable his final solution of invoking the Insurrection Act. Will Teach march on Raleigh?
Yes, when your peaceful protest turns into breaking into the United States Capitol filled with Senators, Representatives and the US Vice President confirming the electoral college count, killing one officer and injuring over 50, it is labeled terrorism and insurgency. Why? Because that’s what it is.
Teach again excuses the insurrection by trying to equate it with the BLM protests/riots. Once again… an attack to overthrow the nation by breaching the United States Capitol Building to disrupt the final electoral college voter confirmation while screaming “Hang Mike Pence!” is a direct assault on the nation. We understand your embarrassment that so-called patriots have tried to overthrow the nation, but there it is. You drank Trump’s Kool-Aid that the election was fraudulent and now you are being justifiably criticized for your treason.
There comes a time for concession and conciliation. Now’s that time.
I think that Teach had no problem with the bombings and murder of police by the SDS and Weather Under Ground back in the 1960’s and ’70’s or the Resistance in the 1980’s. Leftist amnesia is amazing.
Check your calendar. It’s 2021.
Hey good job, you didn’t miss a single democrat propaganda talking point. The democrats can use your entire post as their Post Constitutional Manifesto…
That’s a well thought out comment. Why did you bother?
You mean like this, J? The hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze me. https://twitter.com/jimfish56837379/status/1350179475519123457?s=21
Hmm..seems like antifa was already at the Capital ready and waiting.. https://twitter.com/karmaboy4u/status/1349152195040735232?s=21
As long as fascists like Elwood parrot their masters line that our protests are “insurgency” and “terrorism” this shit will not end. You are as mentally obsessed with the so called Qanon, Proud Boys, neoNazis and his all encompassing “white supremacists” as you have been with Trump for the past five years.
You people are a one trick pony. All you have is hate and vitriol for anyone who disagrees and anyone who is not one of your elitists and all you’ve done for the last five years is call Trump names and call us names. Will you PLEASE STFU with the name calling and at least try to get back to a normal political relationship where we are opposition but not enemies?
As long as those such as Kye parrot his Messiah’s line that the election was stolen this shit will not end.
You people spread misinformation and disinformation. All you have are conspiracies tale, hate and violence.
So now you want a normal political relationship. You first. Listen to what your Trump has been saying and twitting about the opposition for the last 4 years.
It’s not “his line”. Your scum party and scum candidates who BTW are owned by the CCP, fraudulently won this election. But before that, you leftards vandalized and tried to take over 2 federal courthouses. You rioted, burned, looted, and assaulted people but especially the police in all of the cities run and administered by Democrat politicians. You cost thousands of people their jobs and livelihoods, and cost the taxpayers over 2 billion dollars in damages and insurance costs. And that’s not even counting the rioting perpetrated by the left in DC 2 months ago. And you’re worried about Trump “twitting?” We’re not allowing you to conflate the acts of a couple of anarcho right wing extremists and a whole bunch of leftist agents provoateur douchebags to “us” owning all of the “hate and violence.
Honest to God, you people really are lucky that you’re even alive, because you would NOT be tolerated by any other civilized society in the world.
Elwood, you do realize all your lying party needed to do to put the accusations of fraud to bed was HOLD AN INVESTIGATION and perhaps where the cheating was most grievous have a recount to prove your honesty BUT YOU COULDN’T DO THAT! It would prove the fraud! So now you are known liars AND cheaters. YOUR president is a pretender, a fraud, a liar and a cheat and you’re all in on the scam.
Lying scum!
Lying scum,
You, Trump and his shitty lawyers couldn’t persuade anyone that there was any fraud.
GA had two recounts after the initial vote. Biden won every time. THAT didn’t put the accusations to rest. In fact, Trump called GA officials and threatened them in trying to get them to overturn the vote!
There was NO credible evidence of significant fraud. None. It is a conspiracy tale from trump to save face. He lied to you and you believed it. Two months later he incited his followers to break into the US Capitol Building.
We understand how dispirited you Trumpists must feel. You must feel like marks victimized by a grifter. You may have actually felt/believed that trump had a plan to steal the election. He tried everything, including interfering with the final Constitutional acceptance of the count with his mob.
Federal and local authorities are monitoring “chatter” (as the feds did with jihadists) to discover some of the plans of potential right wing terrorism (Proud Boys, white supremacists, neoNazis, IIIPercenters, Oath Keepers, militant evangelical groups etc).
In less than 12 hours that little lying pussy Rimjob has posted 20+ comments here at the Cove and not a one of them with anything substantial – just his typical dumbassery.
Bwaha! Lolgf
I’ve noticed that now that his lying, senile, red chinese puppet is being installed as pretender Elwoods crazy-assed rants are getting more numerous and even more outrageous. He, like his red chinese masters are even worse winners than they are losers.
I guess when your entire life and belief system is an obnoxious lie based on communist propaganda and supported by millions of murdered victims you tend to get a little testy when challenged.
Impeach the pretender!!!!
Trump lied to his followers, pushing the ridiculous claim that he won an election that he clearly lost. His followers are not blameless, of course, being ostensibly sentient beings with free will.
Reconciliation can only occur when the best of the Trump supporters (traditional conservatives, lifelong Republicans) disavow the worst Trump supporters (QAnon, IIIpercenters, neoNazis, white supremacists, anti-Semites, insurrectionists, New Confederacy). This is an internal battle for the party of conservatism, but the mass of Americans have reacted to strongly to the assault on the US Capitol. As I’ve said many times trump is but a symptom of the reactionary rot that has infected the Republican Party (the NuGOP = far right reactionaries). Traditional, reasonable conservatives were expunged from the GOP starting with the Tea Party and now the revolutionists. America has had an underground right-wing “militia” movement from at least the Clinton years as culminating in the Oklahoma City bombing. The steady drumbeat to “take back the country” (from blacks, Mexicans, gays, libs, urbanites), recognize “real America” (white, rural) and “San Francisco culture” has inflamed the most extreme conservatives. Most distressing is the overwhelming disinformation that sustains nuCons, whether a “stolen election”, Chinese influence or that the Covid pandemic is a hoax. It’s hard to reconcile that a sizable minority of Americans believe these things.
Here’s a quote from freshman Congressman Peter Miejer:
“While the Capitol was being assaulted by his supporters who were duped into believing the election was in fact a landslide victory and the true results could be overturned, Trump egged on these violent delusions. If the Republican party ever hopes to regain the public’s trust and lead the country forward after this heinous assault, it must first be honest with itself.â€
And freshman Congresswoman Nancy Mace:
“Everything that he’s worked for … all of that, his entire legacy, was wiped out yesterday. We’ve got to start over.â€
QAnoner Marjorie Greene (Q-GA) has pledged to submit articles of impeachment against the new President on day 1! Great! Just Do it. It should be entertaining.
The US has problems. Acutely, the pandemic continues to rage but widespread vaccination should put us behind in 2021. The economy is suffering greatly under the burden of the pandemic and is requiring infusions of cash adding to the burgeoning debt. And now we have the constant threat of right-wing domestic terrorism (I know, I know “whutabout BLM?”). Long-term the nation needs to address in income/wealth inequality gap. We won’t survive as a nation with a society of wealthy elites and a struggling working class. No society ever has.
Another droning copy & paste job.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The tedious Crotchsniffer has moved up the pecking order to become Teach’s main fluffer. formwiz, we hardly knew ye.
Do you type Bwaha! Lolgf each time or do you copy and paste?
Crotchsniffer complains about the number of times I comment, but he responds to each of my comments with Bwaha! Lolgf
Funny that.
Update, you uneducated corksoaker: The only things copied and pasted above are in quotation marks and attributed to the Republican representatives who spoke the words.
Suck balls, pervert.
It’s not “his line”. Your scum party and scum candidates who BTW are owned by the CCP, fraudulently won this election. But before that, you leftards vandalized and tried to take over 2 federal courthouses. You rioted, burned, looted, and assaulted people but especially the police in all of the cities run and administered by Democrat politicians. You cost thousands of people their jobs and livelihoods, and cost the taxpayers over 2 billion dollars in damages and insurance costs. And that’s not even counting the rioting perpetrated by the left in DC 2 months ago. And you’re worried about Trump “twitting?” We’re not allowing you to conflate the acts of a couple of anarcho right wing extremists and a whole bunch of leftist agents provoateur douchebags to “us” owning all of the “hate and violence.
Honest to God, you people really are lucky that you’re even alive, because you would NOT be tolerated by any other civilized society in the world.
The American majority (not you, not trump, not the animals that ransacked our US Capitol Building) realize we’re lucky to be alive. That’s why we’ve resisted Trump and his brownshirts overturning the election and overthrowing the government. If Trump (and his Stasi) had their way we’d be dead soon enough.
Elwood P. Doodo0 is a communist propagandist with a donkey appendage stuck in his throat….clearly blocking any oxygen from getting to either of his two brain cells.
He has value to the communist though because he can still cut and paste the lies and drivel that he is being paid to do.
The comments sections of right-wing blogs such as this are littered with comments such as yours. Psychologic projection after projection.
“Yes, this hyperbole is actually in the straight news section.”
I Call BS on this! If it came from Yahoo, by definition it didn’t come from a ‘straight news section’.