Hey, this is what you crazy Modern Socialist moonbats voted for, so, don’t complain. And don’t leave the state, bringing your crazy with you, trying to spread it after escaping it. Live under the crazy you created
California Just Declared War On Thanksgiving With Kafka-Level Regulations
Gov. Gavin Newsom just gave Californians more regulations for an early Christmas present — and anyone hoping to celebrate the holidays with family better hope there’s a gift receipt.
Just in time for the Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities, when most families gather with loved ones, California’s Democrat governor has issued a new set of regulations that bans gatherings of more than three households. Additionally, no indoor gatherings are permitted, so don’t plan on eating around the dining room table unless you lug it out into your backyard.
Newsom’s ban on gatherings of more than three households means that a family with more than two grown children can only have two visit at the same time. According to the Pew Research Center, almost two-thirds of mothers in their young forties in 1976 had three or more children. If those mothers are grandmothers now and their children are grown, that means up to two-thirds of families would be banned from bringing all their children under one roof for the holidays.
Sounds fun, eh?
Not only is California limiting the number of households that can come for Thanksgiving, the state also requires hosts to write down the names of all attendees for contact tracing. For families who want to celebrate the holidays with both sets of in-laws, “participating in multiple gatherings with different households or groups is strongly discouraged.â€
Remember when Liberals used to be about government staying out of their bedroom, meaning their personal affairs? What happens if The Government comes and you don’t have a List? Will they arrest you? What if there was no COVID, but, government still wants you list?
That has to be the end of the crazy, right?
In addition to limiting how much of your family can gather, California is mandating that all gatherings happen outside. That means families can’t congregate in the kitchen to cook together, serve food in the kitchen, or sit around the dining room table. Family members can leave your backyard and enter your house to use the restroom, but only if the restroom is “frequently sanitized.â€
Have fun with that in warm Southern California and in the cold north and mountains. And, people must maintain 6 feet separation at all times.
Speaking of Thanksgiving turkey, Newsom’s regulations require that “as much as possible, any food or beverages at outdoor gatherings must be in single-serve disposable containers.†And no serving your own plate — if food can’t be served in single portions, then someone wearing a face covering must be there to dole out servings.
Attendees should also put their face masks back on as soon as they finish eating. And make sure to keep your gathering short, even if it’s been months since you’ve seen your extended family. “Gatherings should be two hours or less,†Newsom’s rules stipulate.
Is this about safety or just Progressives (nice Fascists) just controlling your life they way they want to? If you get used to it, you’ll comply more, right? And no singing Christmas carols, as it is “highly discouraged”. Who enforces all this? These are not suggestions. These are mandates.
Stay in your own state, California Democrats. This is yours, and you should have to live with it.

Teach will you be celebrating with a large group of family and friends ?
Not even zoom?
I don’t think so
At least Teach has a large group of family and friends.
Stick that up your LOl.
I guess Jeffery’s afraid to show his face in light of how bad things are going for the Left.
The cancerous mole on the side of Porter Good’s infected hemorrhoid, aka Sibley, is an asshole even as Mr. trump rounds the bend on his glorious re-election!
Glad you finally agree Trump will win handily.
I would guess that a lot of Californians will honor Governor Newsom’s order in the breach.
The cities are loaded up with apartment dwellers; if they cannot have indoor gatherings, where can they meet for Thanksgiving, in asphalt parking lots?
“California limiting the number of households that can come for Thanksgiving, the state also requires hosts to write down the names of all attendees for contact tracing”. Yep Gavi, We’ll get right on that.Most everywhere I go in this shithole of a state, people are ignoring everything that dolt lets dribble out his pie hole.
From the actual debate,
“We had a good relation with Hitler before he invaded Europe.”
Guess who said it.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Shotgun Joe just said so.
Holy ghastly, Batguy.
Gropin’ Joe tried to hide Hunter behind Russia, so Trump brings up the laptop and calls him a corrupt politician for all his deals with dictators.
So Welker jumps in to vamp.
Too bad Trump keeps getting his point across as Shotgun Joe struggles to put together a coherent sentence.
And finally,
President Trump, “Would you close down the oil industry?â€
Joe Biden, “Transition from the oil industries, yes!â€
Moderator Welker: “Uh, why would you do that?â€
When you lose your Lefty shill, you’ve blown the whole game.