Social distance they said. OK, we said. But you can only do it at home, they said. You can be out and exercise, they said. But now you can only do it at home, they said. And we’ll fine you (unless you are an illegal alien in the sanctuary jurisdiction of Milwaukee). And, no, I don’t think it’s over the top to call them Fascists
Milwaukee police to issue fines for violators of ‘Safer at Home’ order
The Milwaukee Police Department says it will be issuing fines to violators of the ‘Safer at Home’ order starting May 2.
In a Facebook post, the department said that starting May 2, the Milwaukee Common Council will authorize both the Milwaukee Police Department and the Milwaukee Health Department to issue fines for violations of Gov. Tony Evers’ “Safer at Home” order.
Police are authorized to issue fines of the Milwaukee City Ordinance “Rape or Obstruction of Orders” to any person who intentionally violates or obstructs execution of the order, Milwaukee police say.
The post comes hours after a 1,500-person protest against the order concluded at the Capitol building in Madison. During the rally, Capitol police say they issued no citations and made no arrests.
The next protest should be soon be in Milwaukee, don’t you think? I’d say by Tuesday. To be honest, the folks in Madison weren’t helping by not social distancing.
The Green Bay PD also plans to fine people for exercising their Constitutional Rights.
To get around stay-at-home orders, Spaniards have been walking some unusual ‘pets’
The Spanish government’s strict stay-at-home order allows people to leave their homes to walk their pets.
Well, that order has prompted some to get a little creative with what the government means in terms of “pet.”
On Friday the Spanish National Police tweeted an image of a man getting fined for “walking” a fish in a bowl in Logroño, a town in northern Spain. He was penalized for violating government orders to stay inside due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Agentes de la @policia han sancionado a una persona por salir a "pasear" a sus peces por la calle. Los agentes le avistaron en #Logroño portando una pecera en contra de lo estipulado en el RD del Estado de Alarma.
#EsteVirusLoParamosUnidos— Policía Nacional (@policia) April 24, 2020
There were also people walking hens, toy dogs, and a guy walking around in a dinosaur costume. But, again, as long as they were social distancing, what’s the problem?

The rules in my little corner of the Peoples Republic of Kahlifonia are not this extreme. I have seen very little change in the norm around here. I hope when the court cases come along for these people that they will stand up and demand a jury trial.
F@ck Milwaukee.
Surrounding towns are upset.
To the retards and middle-school mean girls among us…
Has the reckoning begun?
My elderly family friend who passed a couple weeks ago was one of them listed as a Chinee Flu death. He died of heart failure but had the Peking Plague. His wife found out yesterday when she was contacted by a lawyer who questioned if she was interested in suing the hospital for false death cert.
When the lawyers are out you know somethins’ a goin’ on.
suing the hospital for false death cert.
Oh, I like that.
I can see the ads on cable now.
Well having a he/she as head of the state health department explains a lot.
Which one of you boogaloo bois will light the fuse?
Already been lit, moron.
That’s what all those protests are.
They’re coming for you.
While you hide in your house cheering them on. Pussy.
Trump cheers them on. Pussy.
The GOP cheers them on. Pussies.
So you support the assassination of police officers, gov’t employees and politicians?
At least they have a fighting chance 50 center.
YOU SUPPORT MASS MURDERING A BILLION…..2 BILLION people of famine, starvation and global war over no food and no medicine as you keep people locked in their homes.
Whose the bigger pussy?
Were you at the NC demonstration to lift the lockdown ? You are always questioning climate activists for not living the life. Please tell us why you weren’t there .
Trump now reversed course 180 degrees about the reopening of Georgia
Are you still in lockstep with him ?
Trump now reversed course 180 degrees about the reopening of Georgia
He disagreed with the timing, but otherwise is cool with it?
Do you ever tire of these idiotic virtual signaling Uncle Saul questions that prove nothing?
why haven’t you organized any counter-protests, you’re so against it? Could it be you’re all talk and no action? Could it be you’re afraid of all those white men who want to work?
John were you there when Biden sexaully assaulted women?
Former Clinton adviser calls on Biden to withdraw over assault allegations
Larry king live has clips of one of the ladies calling in to complain in 1993.
Biden is a sexual predator. But I want him to run. Don’t resign China JOE….We need to compare your sexual perversions to IL TRUMPISTA’s and then let the HASH TAG SAVE THE WOMEN wing of your party decide who they should vote for.
I love hypocrisy.
Were you at the NC demonstration to lift the lockdown ?
Were you endangering people in New York for following DiBlasio’s and his administration’s recommendations to not shelter and go out to movies, restaurants, etc AFTER Trump recommended people should start social distancing? Since you hate Trump so much, were you out there spreading the virus that has consumed New York and accounts for over half the deaths in the country?
You are always questioning climate activists for not living the life. Please tell us why you weren’t there .
Thanks for showing your hatred and lack of logic. Teach’s (and others) position is that members of the warmist cult go out and protest and yet away from the protest, don’t walk the walk. Teach (nor anyone) has to “protest” to show they believe that the states should relax some laws and rules. We can, and do, do that on our own.
By the way John, did you see that Witmore backed down on some of her restrictions after saying she never would? Did you see where she attacked a fellow Democrat and human being for thanking the President when she had COVID-19 and recovered?
That’s how much hate the left has. They would rather a person die than that person say Trump did anything right.
We all know you won’t respond because you are too busy trying to get your mom to make more pizza rolls.
The depths of your hatred is well on display.
After all, all the left has is hate.
This is how much hate the left generates on a daily basis:
They really have nothing but hate.
The left wants to murder 1-2 billion people perhaps even more by keeping the world locked in their homes until the world is starving to death.
I wonder if they really understand that the world operates on a JUST IN TIME system in which food arrives Just in time to restock the shelves when life is serene.
In global anarchy the just in time system will collapse, people will be fighting each other for food, the sick, infirmed and children will be dying as the strong destroy and take from the weak.
This is what 50 centers want. Its what China wants. They want to step in and take over because they DO NOT CARE HOW MANY DIE to achieve their political ends.
Sound familiar John and Elwood?