…are TVs which use too much energy and create carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on Tasmania being control freak stupid level 1.

…are TVs which use too much energy and create carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on Tasmania being control freak stupid level 1.
With Each Briefing, Trump Is Making Us Worse People
He is draining the last reserves of decency among us at a time when we need it most.
April 11, 2020
Daily, Trump’s opponents are enraged by yet another assault on the truth and basic human decency. His followers are delighted by yet more vulgar attacks on the media and the Democrats. And all of us, angry or pleased, become more like Trump, because just like the president, we end up thinking about only Trump, instead of our families, our fellow citizens, our health-care workers, or the future of our country. We are all forced to take sides every day, and those two sides are always “Trump†and “everyone else.â€
…Trump’s spiritual poverty is making all of us into worse people. We are all living with him in the moment and neglecting the thing that makes us human beings instead of mindless fish swimming in circles. We must recover this in ourselves, and become more decent, more reflective, and more stoic—before Trump sends us into a hole from which we might never emerge.
With Each Briefing, Trump Is Making Us Worse People
With you, a physical, spiritual, intellectual, and moral impossibility.
He is draining the last reserves of decency among us at a time when we need it most.
How would you know about decency?
And even the Libertarians don’t quote The Atlantic any more.
Just more Lefty whining over Trump’s refusal to bow to Uncle Saul’s Rules.
50 center ask yourself a question.
California mayor says he’ll resign after comparing Trump backers to KKK: report
When the leader of your party says the other side is a basket of deplorables.
When one side says that Trump is a rapist and all the other names you and millions others assign to him.
When China Joe Biden is accused of sexual assault and ALL…EVERYONE of the MSM outlets do not even cover it or mention it and yet whenever Trump or Kavanaugh or anyone on the right is accused its front page news for 100 days.
Biden is accused and NOTHING……..Trump was accused and it was sensationalized.
When half of the nation with the support of a shadowy government and the MSM of this country takes the sides of a nation who keeps millions of muslims in concentration camps against its own people.
When half of America wants to give stimulus checks to illegals and let them clog up our hospitals in a pandemic while we throw out those OLD WHITE PEOPLE.
Why you ask 49 center? Why is Trump draining the last reserves of Decency from US….GO FUKING LOOK IN A MIRROR YOU DOUCHE BAG.
Trump is pimping hatred in his stormtroopers daily.
He uses his daily fake press conferences and his angry tweets to motivate his troops and to discourage everyone else.
Ask yourself why Trump wants so much discord in the US.
The author of the piece you no doubt DIDN’T read says it’s because Trump is a broken man, incapable of any other behavior – no sympathy, no compassion, no conscience, everything always about him – he’s a malignant narcissist. That makes sense from what we’ve all observed.
It was merely infuriating and even entertaining while there were no crises, but now his behaviors are harming Americans. He’s in over his head.
There can be little question that authoritarian gov’ts such as China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Brazil are rooting for the continued destruction of America.
The right’s decades long war on the US Federal Gov’t is working.
“Stormtroopers†J again claims the Drama Queen Alert award for the week. Care to offer any proof of said “stormtroopers�
NO you 50 centers are pimping hatred daily. You basically along with your communist leftists are calling ANYTHING the right does as racist, xenophobic, homophobic and detrimental to the USA’s welfare.
NOTHING the right does on the whole is anything other than wishing the best for Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and ALL USA CITIZENS. However the press bashes Trump daily, argues with him, lies about him, makes shit up about him and you then say see…he is pushing ugliness because he is defending himself against CHINA backed people in the press and YOU 50 centers.
There is nothing you can point to that is negative. He has done everything conceivable to help all 50 states.
He only demands that governors stop trashing him for not shitting PPE.
YOUR EMPLOYER C H I N A bought up all the PPE in the world while they were LYING to everyone that the VIRUS WAS NOTHING.
YOUR SIDE was impeaching TRUMP for LIES YOU MADE UP because you think he is a god king because he defends himself BIGLY and Builds a BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL.
Right now any rational man can see Trump is saying I can keep the country closed and the governors are saying FUK YOU TRUMP and then when they OPEN UP and everyone gets sick again Trump can then Point the finger right at the Dumbshit governors who fell for his trap and have no choice but to take the blame.
538-0 in November as people are dying in blue states by the droves because their idiot governors hated trump more than they Loved their own citizens.
Remember Trump said lets open by Easter and the left lost their shit. HATE TRUMP. TRUMP IS AN IDIOT. TRUMP IS A MINDLESS GODKING.
Now the same people that said that are saying we are going to open up by the end of April which is when Trump says he wants to open BUT he says I need to listen to my medical experts and the governors are saying, NO we will not listen to them because they are making you look too good.
Blue STATE Governors want their citizens to DIE and then with the Communist China PRESS blame it on trump. Not happening Comrade.
Trump once again has out manuevered everyone with a few simple words. I HAVE THE AUTHORITY. No he doesnt and even he knows that. He knows ONE THING if he says UP is down the Left will say your a fuking idiot and jump off a sky scraper to prove him wrong.
That is what the blue states are doing right now. They will watch their citizens DIE to prove Trump wrong.
sorry for you blue states. One day you will learn what communism is really all about.
We suspect you work for the Russian intelligence services. They pay 75 rubles per pro-trump post or tweet. They pay 150 rubles for a pro-trump post on a non-right wing website. Facebook posts are 200 rubles, while a pro-trump facebook comment is only 40 rubles.
You’re a 75-rubler.
Why do the Russians back trump?
The 50 Cent Party, or 50 Cent Army (Chinese: 五毛党), is the colloquial term for Internet commentators (Chinese: 网络评论员), who are hired by Chinese authorities in an attempt to manipulate public opinion to the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party.
Does russia hire bots for propaganda?
2019-07-01 · But it demonstrates that Trump’s gains in popularity during the 2016 campaign correlated closely with high levels of social media activity by the Russian trolls and bots of the Internet Research…
Russia spent an estimated 200k dollars on internet advertising. They acted as Americans posting on accounts that were continually being banned by Facebook, Twitter and instagram. Obama did almost nothing to stop this despite knowing it was happening.
Here again is a LIE, perpetrated by the media to GET TRUMP
What is the reality?
From Hillary Clintons Own Hacked Emails.
Attached to one of these emails is a memo from Clinton allies to the DNC dated April 7, 2015 discussing possible coordination opportunities between the DNC and a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. According to the memo, the Clinton campaign sought to enlist the help of the DNC to encourage the media to treat the campaigns of Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Donald Trump seriously, in an attempt to damage the rest of the Republican field:
Pied Piper candidates include, but aren’t limited to:
• Ted Cruz
• Donald Trump
• Ben Carson
We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to [take] them seriously.
Throughout the course of the primary campaign, studies showed that the media gave eventual Republican nominee Donald Trump a disproportionately large amount of air time relative to his standing in the polls and at the ballot box.
Is why HRC lost. That and Bernie Bros hating on HRC.
Its the Democrats fault they lost to Trump. Not the Russians even though the left always conflates the idea that they hacked the DNC and then released this information….the information is still TRUE, wheter it was hacked or not.
HRC demanded of the press to boost up Trump. In fact when the Gold Star Bru hah hah happened, HRC disappeared for days, not doing any rallies or speeches to let it play out. when it was done. Trump moved up 3 points in the polls.
I didn’t know he had so much emotional power over you little snowflakes….
The first round of relief checks may be delayed to have Trump’s signature on the memo line.
Treasury says there will be no delay.
They’re already out there.
He never seems to tire of being wrong.
I got mine today.
My daughter got hers and her sons today.
Several of her friends got their stimulus checks today.
the checks are DIGITAL. They do not have Trumps signature on them.
2020-04-14 · WASHINGTON — President Trump’s name will appear on the economic stimulus checks that will be mailed to millions of Americans beginning next month, the Treasury Department confirmed on Tuesday.
THOSE GO OUT NEXT MONTH. I doubt they will be delayed. MORE FAKE NEWS BY THE 50 center.
My wife and I got ours today and I checked for the housekeeper and she got hers too. That was fast. However, she has not yet got the $265k from the CARES Act. The bank told us on Monday when we filed it that it would probably take 14 days. That’s okay at this point the damage is done.
My wife already decided to use $750 of her check to have her Bentley detailed. I do so hope that pisses off Elwood.
Exactly which of Trump’s policies have drained the last reserves of decency from America? You commies are all bullshit talk and that’s all you have. The leftist Little dictators in cities and states across America have deliberately attempted to destroy Trump by destroying the economy, putting 20 million Americans out of work, causing small businesses to go under and keeping people locked in their homes against their will. That’s fascism Elwood. Stopping people from celebrating their religion is fascism Elwood. Arresting people on the streets, in parks and in the ocean because they exercised their right to assemble and freely associate is fascism Elwood. I thought you baby killing pigs believed “My body, My choice” or is that only when you want to murder little babies?
For three weeks all the deep state/fake news media cabal had to say was that “Trump didn’t close us down fast enough” yet it wasn’t he who closed anything but the borders and international transportation while you commie sympathizers yelled “xenophobe” and “raaaaacist”! Now when he states he has the power to reopen everything you start screaming he doesn’t. If you say he had the power to shut things down ten he must have the power to reopen them. Or is that too logical for you?
Suddenly you say the states have rights but when they want loose gun laws, no abortion and voter ID to stop your fraud you don’t agree with states rights. You are all liars!
I thought you believed in “My body, My choice”. Then we have a CHOICE to open our businesses and go to work, worship and play any time we want.
Trump 2020 Mr. President, step in and save us from the Nazi mayors and governors.
Almost all conservative policies harm the working classes, but his primary mechanism for demoralizing America is the cruel assholery that his supporters adore.
He is working overtime to smear American institutions and to aggrandize himself. Only Trump can fix it, he brayed. He’s a constant drumbeat of smearing the FBI, the Intelligence Community, the military, Congress, the press, the CDC, NIH, the imaginary ‘Deep State’, NATO, NASA, the Fed, healthcare system… He smears whomever and whatever he needs to, to absolve himself of any and all responsibility, and to pimp his supporters.
Voters in Wisconsin figuratively crawled over broken glass to get to polls to vote out a Republican Supreme Court judge. A majority of Americans have ‘Trump fatigue’. Even Rasmussen has his job approval down 11 this week, 44 to 55.
Almost all conservative policies harm the working classes, but his primary mechanism for demoralizing America is the cruel assholery that his supporters adore.
and which working classes are these? If anything scared the Left, it was the economy.
Trump’s support is high among minorities and working stiffs, so clearly Jeffery is lying again.
He is working overtime to smear American institutions and to aggrandize himself. Only Trump can fix it, he brayed. He’s a constant drumbeat of smearing the FBI, the Intelligence Community, the military, Congress, the press, the CDC, NIH, the imaginary ‘Deep State’, NATO, NASA, the Fed, healthcare system… He smears whomever and whatever he needs to, to absolve himself of any and all responsibility, and to pimp his supporters.
when did Trump say anything bad about the Armed Forces?
The rest deserve any blowback they’ve gotten because they’ve done a lousy job, particularly, the CDC and NIH.
And it was Bloomie that claimed he could get it done.
He couldn’t.
Voters in Wisconsin figuratively crawled over broken glass to get to polls to vote out a Republican Supreme Court judge. A majority of Americans have ‘Trump fatigue’. Even Rasmussen has his job approval down 11 this week, 44 to 55.
Um, it was a primary. There were lots of people up for a vote. Too bad that was the only one that went your way.
And people want to go back to work, so they’re getting antsy.
Been saying this from the start.
Soooo, you can’t answer which of Trump’s policies “drained the last reserves of decency from America” can you? You’d rather keep up the blatant demagoguery and just say shit that isn’t true because you are wonderful and virtuous and emote all things wise and wonderful, right?
I assume at this point since you said the last reserves of decency have been drained from America there is nothing left to save. America is now an indecent, empty country and it’s all Orange Man Bad’s fault!
Your childish and simplistic view of everyone and everything you disagree with is telling. We’re all evil. You’re all wonderful. Yet in the scheme of history the people and countries that agree with what you believe murdered millions while we fought and continue to fight for freedom.
The Tree of Liberty is going through a drought. We need to make the enemy bleed. It’s all they know. The deep state and criminal media have colluded to over throw Trump “by any means necessary” and now have arrived at economic destruction and the murder of fellow Americans. By any means possible, indeed.
Arresting people for worshiping, going to the park closing people’s businesses like Nazi’s shuttering Jewish businesses, putting 20 million mostly Trump voters out of work while releasing mostly democrat criminals from prisons and jails are what is really draining the last reserves of decency from America. That would be you commies, not us.
BTW Elwood, what have you done for others during this crisis. Just yesterday my wife took a lady for her kemo at Abington hospital and sat with her so she would’t be alone. Decency? Maybe YOU are the one with no decency.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the commies like Elwood who believe America isn’t decent win.