…is everything horrible for climate change … dogs, cars, roads, concrete, electricity, OMG, panic!!!!!…. you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on some Coronavirus good news.

…is everything horrible for climate change … dogs, cars, roads, concrete, electricity, OMG, panic!!!!!…. you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on some Coronavirus good news.
Great news if confirmed!
Gee whiz, I was talking about chloroquine on Tuesday.
Off an article in Gateway. They were the first to mention it, y’know.
So much for the Pudendum.
If the study, the effect, is confirmed, not the story.
The chloroquine/Covid-19 story is at least a month old. So no, the Pudendum was not the first to mention it.
from China:
Chloroquine Confirmed Effective as Coronavirus Cure
By Staff Reporter Feb 23, 2020 10:51 PM EST
Chloroquine phosphate, an antimalarial drug, is shown to have yielded positive data against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China.
But anecdotes are not the data needed to make the decision.
And contrary to what was reported on FOX, the small French study was not well-controlled, randomized or blinded. But it was a start.
Poor Jeffery, he’s so praying for a big die-off in this country, but that free market health care keeps getting in the way.
Poor Sibley, so now you’re admitting the ACA is working? It’s a start. Do you consider the FDA and CDC to be part of the imaginary free market healthcare?
Anyway, you may not realize it but we have to make evidence based decisions, not emotional based ones.
Trying to make yourself look intelligent. Give it up.
You desire a rigorous study, ain’t gonna happen. No ONE would allow that.
This combo worked for SARS of which this virus is related.
Just think, you are go to run a fully demented old man for president. That is a first. Trump will win hands down especially after he gives everyone over one thousand dollars. I am laughing at your frustration.
The GOPhers already ran a demented man and he got beat by a girl by 3 million votes. But he’s president and deteriorating.
You GOPhers had a demented president in the 80s.
Do you trust the reports from the Chinese scientists?
If you still have your med license you could prescribe chloroquine for everyone you know tomorrow.
“He got beat by a girl by 3 million votes.†Really? Who’s the President? Yes, we know…
As it turns out, 3 studies back up chloroquine used with azithromycin shows 100% success
Hate to burst your bubble.
No, actually, I don’t.
Oh fuk, no you dinnit. You dinnit link the pudendum.
Try again.
He’s a terrible reporter.
While execs get to stay home with pay, kudos to the grocery clerks stocking shelfs, nurses and lab techs, first responders, janitors sanitizing facilities, pharmacy techs, delivery drivers and food workers.
When this is over maybe we can show our appreciation by making sure working class Americans once again get rewarded for their work.
While execs get to stay home with pay, kudos to the grocery clerks stocking shelfs, nurses and lab techs, first responders, janitors sanitizing facilities, pharmacy techs, delivery drivers and food workers.
Which execs are staying home? And ICYMI the working stiffs aren’t doing all this for free.
When this is over maybe we can show our appreciation by making sure working class Americans once again get rewarded for their work.
That’s what pay is for. If you’re talking about socialized medicine, nobody’s interested. 99% of the dead in Italy had co-morbidities.
I guess waiting years for surgery has a price.
So you agree that the working class Americans should be paid more. That’s good. It would solve many of America’s problems.
The income/wealth disparities in America aren’t a result of the imaginary free market, but was built gov’t policy by gov’t policy. Labor, fiscal, monetary, immigration, trade, tax, healthcare, bankruptcy, patent/trademark, you name it.
We’ve had 40 yrs of concerted efforts favoring corporations/wealthy over the working classes and it’s reaching a breaking point.
Poor Sibley, so now you’re admitting the ACA is working? It’s a start. Do you consider the FDA and CDC to be part of the imaginary free market healthcare?
It never worked, so why you say it still exists is another one of your many mysteries.
And the free market healthcare is so imaginary the number of deaths from Red Chinese Germ Warfare Flu is 1% of what the usual flu gives us.
Anyway, you may not realize it but we have to make evidence based decisions, not emotional based ones.
When you start doing that, let us all here know.
Oh fuk, no you dinnit. You dinnit link the pudendum.
Try again.
He’s a terrible reporter.
Stick it up your pudendum.
That’s the story, the one you’ve been hoping wasn’t true.
But it is.
Trump wins again.
The GOPhers already ran a demented man and he got beat by a girl by 3 million votes. But he’s president and deteriorating.
She lost by at least 4 million (fraudulent votes don’t count) and he’s having the time of his life.
You’ve got the geriatric zombie.
You GOPhers had a demented president in the 80s.
Yeah, he won the cold War and brought the country out of Bucketmouth’s recession.
Do you trust the reports from the Chinese scientists?
Of course not, they’re Communists.
If you still have your med license you could prescribe chloroquine for everyone you know tomorrow
Kind of a waste if they’re not sick. Why not save it for the sick?
That’s why he’s a doctor and you’re a minimum wage troll hanging out in Mommy’s basement.
Daughter is a pharmacist. They are sold out of Chloroquine across the entire country.
You see we don’t make Chloroquine. China does. China began using this drug early on. In fact it was touted days after the virus was sequenced and China began using it along with all their other communist companies they embezzled from the United States.
The US invents the drugs, sends it to China and they posses it as their own. Then they make it out of GOD knows what, because the FDA only occassionally inspects the drug making facilities along with the facilities that make the chems that go into these drugs. So ever wondered why the rash of ADHD and other problems suddenly popping up in the last 20-30 years.
Does anyone know why Iran and Italy have it so bad right now? Because they have direct ties to China. Italy and IRAN begged China to extend their Belt and Road Project to their country. As a result China not only sent them money but sent them infected workers.
And FORMIZ I have a question. You keep saying this is a biological weapon out of one side of your mouth and then saying it is NOTHING out of the other. I find that disturbing for two reasons. One if it is a weapon do you think it would be this easily defeated?(Since you keep saying its nothing but the flu but its also a weapon and now WA state has defeated it) And two if it is nothing, how could it possibly be a weapon? Most weapons are designed to kill or incapacite and tie up and overwhelm your medical response, not to mention inflict so many casualties that it renders units unfit for combat. Seems to me this China Virus is tying up and overwhelming medical staffs and it has brought the world to its knees and many countries are taking the 10 count right now.
Stop arguing with Elwood. He is just saying whatever he is paid to say by his China handlers. They are legion. Why do you think the DNC has pointed fingers at Russia? Because they are all taking money from China and Putin ain’t givin them shit.
The US invents the drugs, sends it to China and they posses (sic) it as their own.
While there may be some truth to what you say (includes India, as well) but …
chloroquine was discovered nearly a century ago by an Italian scientist working in Germany for Bayer AG, part of the great German chemical industry of the late 19th century and early 20th.
You caught me. My real name is Wuxi Yangshi (無錫阳石) a Chinese national borned in Guangzhou in 1988 and am member of MSS (咩). Assignment is to promote China takeover of world online, one blog at time.
Do you and others really believe that foreign governments pay Americans to troll little-read right-wing blogs?
chloroquine was discovered nearly a century ago by an Italian scientist working in Germany for Bayer AG, part of the great German chemical industry of the late 19th century and early 20th.
You mean the one that gave us mustard gas and Zyklon B?
For the record, Chloroquine was discovered in 1934 by Hans Andersag and coworkers at the Bayer laboratories, who named it “Resochin”. It was ignored for a decade because it was considered too toxic for human use.
You caught me. My real name is Wuxi Yangshi (無錫阳石) a Chinese national borned in Guangzhou in 1988 and am member of MSS (咩). Assignment is to promote China takeover of world online, one blog at time.
And doing a damned lousy job of it.
Do you and others really believe that foreign governments pay Americans to troll little-read right-wing blogs?
you’re the one who keeps saying the Russians sunk billions into throwing the last election.
More bad news.
WA seems to be flattening out. The hardest-hit state (thanks to its jackass governor) is seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.
Jeffery, this just ain’t your plague.
PS Turns out Dr Fauci is s big fan of the Hildabeast. Explains a lot, don’t it?
This is the guy against chloroquine who loved getting in Trump’s face. Also the guy who loves the lockdown of NY and CA.
Another Dr Cocteau.
Washington state has 1500 cases and 80 deaths.
New York has 8500 cases and 50 deaths in half the time.
NY is by and far the hardest hit area and with its tight clusters of people, its going to look like Italy in about a week.
I pray for You formwiz. Your trying so hard. But alas, it is very difficult to wish away the moon when it rises.
More deaths in WA, ROLCON.
If the disease is “flattening out” in Washington, that would be GOOD NEWS, not bad news.
Bad news for you.