Members of the Cult of Climastrology are rather upset that the Coronavirus is taking attention away from their doomsday cult
Why the coronavirus outbreak is terrible news for climate change
It appears increasingly likely that the global coronavirus outbreak will cut greenhouse-gas emissions this year, as deepening public health concerns ground planes and squeeze international trade.
But it would be a mistake to assume that the rapidly spreading virus, which has already killed thousands and forced millions into quarantine, will meaningfully reduce the dangers of climate change.
As with the rare instances when worldwide carbon pollution dipped in the past, driven by earlier economic shocks, diseases, and wars, emissions are likely to rise again as soon as the economy bounces back. In the meantime, if the virus leads to a full-blown global pandemic and economic crash, it could easily drain money and political will from climate efforts.
In fact, we absolutely should dedicate the bulk of our international attention and resources to the outbreak at this moment, given the grave and immediate public health dangers.
At this one cult member understands it would be a bad idea to recommend keeping the focus on Hotcoldwetdry when people are afraid, getting sick, and some dying (especially since ‘climate change’ is a scam, a false issue)
Still, the fear is that the highly contagious coronavirus could complicate the challenges of climate change—which presents serious, if longer-term, threats of its own—at a point when it was crucial to make rapid strides. There are several ways this could happen:
- If capital markets lock up, it’s going to become incredibly difficult for companies to secure the financing necessary to move ahead with any pending solar, wind, and battery projects, much less propose new ones.
- Global oil prices took a historic plunge on Monday, driven by a price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia as well as coronavirus concerns. Cheap gas could make electric vehicles, already more expensive, a harder sell for consumers. It’s why Tesla’s stock crashed on Monday.
There are several more bulletpoints, but, essentially, it comes down to no one wanting to piss away money on the climate scam when markets are tight. And it is more difficult to get cheap solar and wind products from China, which dumps them on the world market. Oh, and “Rising health and financial fears could also divert public attention from the problem.” Yes, people are concerned with this real world issue, rather than a fake one.
You know, if Warmists really cared, they’d support re-electing President Trump, because the economy will do better under Trump than Bernie or Biden, and when the economy does well companies and individuals have disposable income to invest in Hotcoldwetdry stuff. The capital is around. Funding is available. And people’s lives are doing well enough that they can pretend to care about fake issues.

Warmists are socialists and socialists don’t give a rat’s ass if the economy would do better under Trump because under Rapin’Joe or Bernie the Red they’d just TAKE what they want regardless of the economy or the consequences. Or did you think Castro and Maduro nationalizing industries was a “business” move by their owners?
Trump 2020 Keep private property (or as close as we now have which ain’t much)
I am seeing more and more that Joe is nothing more than a meat puppet. If he wins the presidency, it’s not sure who will really be running the executive branch. It won’t be Joe Biden. It is strange that all the same people who loudly proclaimed using an article 25 to remove Trump for mental incapacity are not running someone who is obviously Senile as their preferred candidate.
Denialists are fascists and fascists only care about power and lining their pockets.
Rapin’ Don inherited a continually improving economy, and as everyone knows, presidents have little influence on the business cycle.