Where are the Democrats who slam Iran and stone cold terrorist Suleimani? Can’t really find any, and, of course, Squad members are unhinged
Rep. Pramila Jayapal: "President Trump recklessly assassinated Qasem Soleimani. He had no evidence of an imminent threat or attack." pic.twitter.com/htYowEvXOM
— The Hill (@thehill) January 8, 2020
(Breitbart) Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), the co-chair of the Progressive Caucus, proclaimed on Wednesday that “there was no raw evidence†of an “imminent threat†to warrant the elimination of Iran’s top terror chief, declaring that President Trump “recklessly assassinated†Qasem Soleimani.
Jayapal, upon emerging from a congressional classified briefing on the strike eliminating Iran’s top general, proclaimed that there was “no evidence of an imminent threat or attack†to justify the action against the terrorist mastermind, who directed terrorist proxies abroad. She claimed:
President Trump recklessly assassinated Qasem Soleimani. He had no evidence of an imminent threat or attack, and we say that coming from a classified briefing where again, there was no raw evidence presented that there was an imminent threat.
Well, of course she goes there, because she hates Trump and loves her Islamist buddies in Iran
The Pentagon said in a statement:
General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans.
The Pentagon also confirmed that Soleimani approved of last week’s violent attack against the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
She’d rather listen to her friends in the Iranian government
And then there’s Jew hater and terrorist lover Ilhan Omar (via Twitchy)
.@IlhanMN says she has PTSD and the talk of conflict w/ Iran is making her uneasy pic.twitter.com/jzjUfKjEUY
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 8, 2020
Also Ilhan
Ilhan Omar laughs and jokes around as her colleague discusses U.S. casualties in Iraqhttps://t.co/LfpLyXLPQG pic.twitter.com/R28SVlIqq5
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 8, 2020
Comrade Bernie and Liz Warren are going to be on a conference call with a pro-Tehran group.
One thing that has been noted in the counter-Islamist sector is that the hardcore Islamists do not always attempt to achieve their goals through force: in fact, more attempt to use the mores, laws, rules, societies, and founding documents against us as they infiltrate and try to affect change towards their way of life. People like Jayapal, Omar, Rashida Tlaib and others really are examples of this. And Bernie, Liz, and others are Useful Idiots and human shields for instituting Islamism.

Think Sheila Jackson Lee let one rip.
Watch closely.
So, the same people who wanted Trump impeached… still don’t like him. I’m shocked.
In other Democratic news…. https://genesiustimes.com/deceased-iranian-general-soleimani-surges-into-4th-place-in-democratic-primary-race/
I would love to be able to say that I think the Democrat party has allowed their visceral hatred of Trump to taint their thinking but I really can’t. The Dems just hate America itself and Trump so much they have become The Enemy Within. They no longer act nor sound like loyal Americans when they speak or appear in any public venue from the Oscars to the House floor to the media. They spew nothing more than defamatory hatred for Trump and us, his supporters. And while they’re at it ALWAYS side with the enemies of America.
Trump 2020 Stand with America.
Never forget that with Conservatives it’s ALWAYS projection. ALWAYS.
Trump and his band of devoted followers hate today’s America and have become The Enemy Within. You want to eliminate Blacks, LGBTs, Muslims, the poor, atheists, non-white immigrants, liberals and intellectuals.
There are now two main branches of Republicunism – White Nationalists and The Wealthy. And of course there is some overlap.
Never forget that with Conservatives it’s ALWAYS projection. ALWAYS.
Because it’s what you always do.
Trump and his band of devoted followers hate today’s America and have become The Enemy Within.
now that’s projection.
You want to eliminate Blacks, LGBTs, Muslims, the poor, atheists, non-white immigrants, liberals and intellectuals.
Sounds more like you guys. Once they cease to be of value, you find a reason to hate them.
Catholics and Jews are a good example.
There are now two main branches of Republicunism – White Nationalists and The Wealthy. And of course there is some overlap
What, no beleaguered housewives, no midwest farmers, none of that middle class you say you’re defending?
Baghdadi Bunny has been silent the last couple of days because the news for America is all good, thanks to Trump, so now he has to fall back on all the old Commie bromides.
I see they have a picture of Willie holding one of Epstein’s Sex slaves. And then there’s the revolt of Democrat Senators against Pelosi Galore.
It’s really a mess for you these days. He’s won our 40 year war with Persia and made all the Demos show what perverts they are.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Right on time you come in with utterly stupid statements with no foundation only meant to upset people and not have a meaningful conservation. Would you please get help.
Trump and his band of devoted followers hate today’s America and have become The Enemy Within. You want to eliminate Blacks, LGBTs, Muslims, the poor, atheists, non-white immigrants, liberals and intellectuals.
Of course the right wants to eliminate looking at people based on the color of their skin. Don’t you?
Of course we want people to live their lives and their religious beliefs they way they want to, absent of any harm to others. That is why we support religious freedom and the left supports religious hatred and suppression.
Of course we want to eliminate the poor. We want everyone to be successful. The left wants people kept in poverty and blames others for their own choices. Talk about projection…you’d rather see people being poor then successful.
There is no evidence that people on the right hate immigrants. We do expect those who come to the country do so legally, but the left hates America so much that their vision is a nation without laws and anarchy.
It is a good thing that you separated “liberals” and “intellectuals,” because most hate filled liberals are not intellectual in the least.
So while you scream about “projection,” it is clear that the only way people like you can get through life is by casting your hate onto others.
After all, hate is all the left has.
Rep Jayapal is Indian. And she was absolutely correct that this administration did not present any evidence of an imminent threat. They lied, but that’s not unexpected.
Even Senator Lee (R-UT) said the admin briefing was bullshit.
And she was absolutely correct that this administration did not present any evidence of an imminent threat. They lied, but that’s not unexpected.
Of course, the Representative lies in that failing to present evidence is the same thing as a lack of evidence.
That’s the thing with the left. There is so much hatred within them that they lose all sense of logic and intelligence.
All the left has is hate.
The Congresswoman is just another Commie. Phil Sheridan was right.
Lee is just another Whig. He thought it was safe to act like he had a pair.
And Trump had plenty of evidence and America seems to think he was right. But you always are on the side of America’s enemies.
That’s treason, y’know.
What does it matter that the person is an Indian. You clearly do not understand what a bigot and racist you are. Then one person could not understand the briefing and shot of his mouth, so what. Again, just trying to start an argument.
Really? And when they killed Bin Laden there wasn’t any imminent threat, either
“imminent threat” is not a requirement for killing an enemy combatant, only historical and probable threats. Only a fuking fool would wait until disaster was imminent to act. Are you a fuking fool?
Trump 2020 Don’t wait for immanent threats, kill’em now!
You’re the closest thing to a reasonable Con around. So if an “imminent threat” is not necessary (and no evidence was presented – we’re expected to take trump’s word for it), are there any criteria to justify extrajudicial killings?
Or can the US President assassinate anyone he perceives as an enemy? Would trump be justified in having Kim assassinated? Putin? Khamenei? How about Americans that you and he label as traitors?
All Conservatives have left is hatred.
(and no evidence was presented – we’re expected to take trump’s word for it)
Of course, this is a lie. Evidence was presented. Just because you haven’t seen it does not mean it isn’t there.
Whoops: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iraq-security-soleimani-insight/inside-the-plot-by-irans-soleimani-to-attack-us-forces-in-iraq-idUSKBN1Z301Z
Does the commander in chief need to present evidence that takes out a military commander on the battlefield?
That’s the thing about the left….they are willing to ignore any evidence and logic in order to continue their hatred.
They hate the US so much they would rather support terrorists.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Whoops. The cited article doesn’t describe “imminent threats”.
Does it seem logical that assassinating one person would stop a complex planned attack?
You are blinded by your hatred. A right-wing authoritarian Nirvana is within your grasp and nasty libs are in your way. No abortion, no gay marriage, state religion, consolidation of white conservative domination, strongman leader, weak Congress, weak courts… Thumping your chests, boasting of your “patriotism”, threatening fellow Americans for standing in your way.
After all, all you have is hate.
Whoops. The cited article doesn’t describe “imminent threatsâ€.
Clearly you did not read the article.
Does it seem logical that assassinating one person would stop a complex planned attack?
Thank goodness we never went after Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. After all, according to you, there was no effect from that raid. However, history shows otherwise.
The hate is so all consuming in you that you are acting more and more irrationally.
All the left has is hate.
It should be easy for you to extract the confirmation of an “imminent threat” that I must have missed, thanks.
The world would be better with Kim, Duterte, Erdogan, Assad, Putin, Maduro, Deby, Nkurunziza gone. Why not assassinate them since there is no need for an “imminent threat”?
It should be easy for you to extract the confirmation of an “imminent threat†that I must have missed, thanks.
It should be easy for you to read the article and other information that has come out that proves your position of “no imminent threat” as being wrong and a lie.
You’d rather close your eyes, support terrorism and terrorists than admit you are wrong.
That’s the depth of your hate.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Funny-all liberals have left is, among other things, hypocrisy. Who’s this bin laden guy..?
bin laden was the mastermind behind 9/11. Why are you defending him?
You’re the closest thing to a reasonable Con around. So if an “imminent threat†is not necessary (and no evidence was presented – we’re expected to take trump’s word for it), are there any criteria to justify extrajudicial killings?
Talk to the Magic Negro. He did it all the time.
Or can the US President assassinate anyone he perceives as an enemy? Would trump be justified in having Kim assassinated? Putin? Khamenei? How about Americans that you and he label as traitorsIdiot, he just made that point to the world, but especially to the Persians.
He can nail any of them, any time, any place.
All Lefties have is stupidity.
“Why are you defending him..?†Who’s defending him? The argument, as it were, was over imminent threat, and guess who brought that up-you. If that’s the metric you’re using for this last terrorist, then be consistent and try and keep up.
Just think, if trump hadn’t assassinated Suleimani, the Ukrainian airliner wouldn’t have been shot down. Unfit.
It’s hard for normal Americans to understand the far-right’s infatuation with trump. You recognize that he’s mentally unfit to be President. Mike Pence is more genuinely conservative than trump, but obviously less crazy. So why the trump worship? It’s got to be his cruelty and authoritarian tendency.
Just think, if trump hadn’t assassinated Suleimani, the Ukrainian airliner wouldn’t have been shot down. Unfit.
There ya go. The Iranians shoot down a commercial liner and you blame Trump.
Tell us all Jeffery…..did Trump pull the trigger?
Did Trump ignore flight paths and airline schedules?
Did Trump change the international squawk codes issued to the airline?
The depth of your hatred is so great that you support terrorists.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
There ya go, William Robert. Tell us all, Billy Bob… would the Ukrainian airliner have been shot down if trump hadn’t pulled the trigger on Suleimani? Actions have consequences.
Only a fool would consider any and all criticism of trump as supporting terrorists. Have you become a fool, Billy Bob?
Then again, all you have is hate.
“Only a fool would consider any and all criticism of trump as supporting terrorists.”
Who mentioned “any and all criticism”, child? Only you. This was very specific, concerning Iran’s decision to shoot down an airliner. The only fool here is you.
“Then again, all you have is hate.”
Nice projection, dimbulb. Not seeing any hate there, just somebody pointing out how and why you were wrong.
All the left has is hate. Hatred of Trump, hatred of this country, hatred of people who won’t buy into your bizarre apocalyptic pronouncements. That’s probably why Democrats have made common cause with Islamists.
Tell us all, Billy Bob… would the Ukrainian airliner have been shot down if trump hadn’t pulled the trigger on Suleimani?
And if Bucketmouth hadn’t supported the uprising against the Shah, would the Ukrainian airliner have been shot down?
Actions have consequences.
Yeah, like Zippy starting 7 wars because he wanted to be Khameini’s bitch.
Only a fool would consider any and all criticism of trump as supporting terrorists. Have you become a fool, Billy Bob?
No, but you have.
Then again, all you have is hate.
And all you have is stupid.
would the Ukrainian airliner have been shot down if trump hadn’t pulled the trigger on Suleimani?
We don’t know and neither do you.
If you think that the downing of the Ukraine airline falls on Trump, you are more delusional than people imagine.
Actions have consequences.
Agreed. Being a terrorist, killing innocent people, attacking the US, etc., have consequences. The fact of the matter is that you’d rather let people kill Americans and other nationalities than condemn Suleimani. You’d rather he was still alive, continuing to kill than be worm food.
Only a fool would consider any and all criticism of trump as supporting terrorists.
Nice straw man. You have not seen me say that some criticism of Trump is not warranted. However, in this case, you are saying that Trump and the military taking out a terrorist is a bad thing. You would rather the terrorist still be alive and plotting to kill Americans and others. You therefore support terrorists.
You continue to go off the rails with the depth of your hate.
You proclaim that you support women, yet support terrorists that would kill those very same women. You claim to support minorities and people of color, yet you support terrorists that would kill those very minorities and people of color. You claim that it is the right that hates Muslims, but yet it is you that supports terrorists that kill other Muslims and members of other faiths (including those who are atheists.)
You are so filled with hate that you will not or cannot see the logical fallacies in your own beliefs.
You hate America and this President so much that you support terrorism and terrorists, lamenting the death of a man who killed thousands and was plotting to kill more.
That’s the depth of your hate.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Its easy to see the infatuation with Trump. The alternative is clones of YOU!!
Just think, if trump hadn’t assassinated Suleimani, the Ukrainian airliner wouldn’t have been shot down. Unfit.
And if Britain hadn’t declared war on Germany, all those merchant ships wouldn’t have been sunk.
It’s hard for normal Americans to understand the far-right’s infatuation with trump.
Normal Americans love Trump. It’s hard for them to understand why Lefties hate their own country.
You recognize that he’s mentally unfit to be President. Mike Pence is more genuinely conservative than trump, but obviously less crazy. So why the trump worship? It’s got to be his cruelty and authoritarian tendency.
So, that’s why you have this thing about him. You think he’d make a perfect Stalin or Mao.
Your kinda guy, right?
And he’s perfectly fit for the job. He fights back and beats your asses every time.
bin laden was the mastermind behind 9/11.
bin laden was the money behind 9/11. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind behind 9/11.
You really are that stupid.
Whoops. The cited article doesn’t describe “imminent threatsâ€.
Does it seem logical that assassinating one person would stop a complex planned attack?
Apparently, it did, but, like the hit on Heydrich, there was more to it. Just as Heydrich was expected to be trasnsferred to Paris to help prevent a resistance in the event of a cross-Channel invasion, so Salami was hit to prevent another Teheran and a coup in Iraq.
BTW Looks like his own people ratted him out.
You are blinded by your hatred. A right-wing authoritarian Nirvana is within your grasp and nasty libs are in your way. No abortion, no gay marriage, state religion, consolidation of white conservative domination, strongman leader, weak Congress, weak courts… Thumping your chests, boasting of your “patriotismâ€
And your problem is…?
threatening fellow Americans for standing in your way.
Antifa’s your thing.
After all, all you have is hate.
And all you have is stupidity.
You don’t understand, yet again. This time it is why the Iranian was killed and not other people you consider as bad. Will you READ. You are stupid for not getting a better education. The fact is that Hitler was in the cross hairs of the British. They could have taken him out at any time. Why didn’t they, because they knew him and how he was governing, they even knew he was killing the Jews. They did not know who would take his place and the way Hitler was governing was helping the Allies more than hurting them. And yes, they allowed the Jews to die, if you read the statements of Churchill and FDR, they hated Jews so it did not matter to them. Remember, FDR was a Democrat.
Why kill the Iranian, because we could. He was high enough that his death by violence would send a statement and make the Iranians fear us. And it has worked. Also, note the evidence that is available. The guy was on our turf, Iraq. Someone was targeting him as is apparent from films released and the precision of the shot, suggesting a laser paint. So the time was perfect. If Trump had told the Dems they would have told the Iranians. Enough said.
You veered off target there, chief.
So it would be OK if a coalition of Canada, England, Japan, S. Korea, Germany, France, Sweden, Australia and Israel decided to assassinate Trump the next time he visits his handler, Putin?
Non sequitur, for openers.
Trump is not a terrorist operating on a global scale.
I am not sure who Dookie is, another of your childish spasms. But your comment does not make sense. Why don’t you grow up?
Because he couldn’t be a Lefty. Most of these clowns are just throwing a tantrum because they’re not rich and famous like Trump and it’s so not fair, but childish spasms hits it (and him) right on the head.
He’s also trying to follow Uncle Saul’s Rules, but he doesn’t realize they don’t work any more.
Why Jeffery is whining about the Salami hit (aside from the obvious).
9th Circus just gave him his first sanctuary city win.
Listen, everyone knows the assassination was not about US safety, but was about Nov 2020.
And we’re learning more about Salami. His proxies were responsible for the deaths of 600 US servicemen.
And the US embassy wasn’t the only one he was going to hit. Try 3 more, as well.
No, it wasn’t about ’20, but it sure as Hell is going to affect ’20.
I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the evening.
Just think, if trump hadn’t assassinated Suleimani, the Ukrainian airliner wouldn’t have been shot down. Unfit.
Just think, if Jeffery hadn’t tried so hard to tie Trump personally to one illegal being hired at Mar A Lago, that guy with the ax wouldn’t have been arrested. Unfit.
Teach, Jeffery L Keene isn’t fit to comment here. You should ban him from the island.
Just think, if Columbus hadn’t discovered America Custer wouldn’t have been massacred. Stoooopid!
Trump 2020 Stop the stooopid.
Edward Sibley Dutcher is dumber than his sockpuppet.
It’s not schadenfreude you smell, but your dirty diaper. And the word is schadenfreude.
Porter Good only bans those that embarrass him.
Edward Sibley Dutcher, when his Messiah is insulted, starts playing his name game.
Why? Who knows? Why does Porter Good allow it? Who knows?
Actually, I’ve seen so many spellings, it’s dealer’s choice, but your affinity for the language of the Nazis never fails to bemuse me.
Porter Good only bans those that embarrass him.
Well, you were banned for the bear suit, so you lie again.
And, if you only had a brain, you might have surmised there was a /sarc tag implicit. Unfit as you are.
Why? Who knows? You really are a fool.
You used the German word, not me. And it’s still spelled schadenfreude, regardless of your excuses.
Actually, it turns out YOU were Bill Bear. Didn’t know we knew that, did you?
All you have is hate. And sniveling insecurities.