Let’s see: all the EU nations were members of the Kyoto Protocol, and failed. They’ve instituted all sorts of taxes and fees and restrictions and such, and they’ve failed. They hailed being part of the “historic” Paris Climate agreement, yet, none of them are even close to their own stated goals. So, sure, declare a climate emergency, right? Fourth times the charm, right?
European parliament split on declaring climate emergency
The European parliament is split over whether to declare a global climate emergency before next week’s crucial UN summit.
If passed, the climate emergency resolution – to be voted on on Thursday – would throw down the gauntlet to incoming European Union leaders. The European commission’s president-elect, Ursula von der Leyen, is expected to take office on 1 December, having promised “a European green deal†in her first 100 days.
The draft resolution states there is “an environment and climate emergency in Europe and globally†and declares the EU will “take action accordinglyâ€.
“It is a message to European citizens, to young people, to say that Europe is the very first continent to declare a climate emergency and to act accordingly,†said Pascal Canfin, a French MEP who chairs the European parliament’s environment committee and co-authored the resolution.
Oh, good, they’re sending a message! Since they like platitudes, how about “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”?
The text also references the US president Donald Trump’s decision to begin formal withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement earlier this month.
“We need to send a signal that after Trump’s decision, Europe is more than ever committed to deliver,†said Canfin, an ally of the French president, Emmanuel Macron.
They’re so committed that they are all failing on their Paris pledges.
While the climate emergency resolution is supported by many Liberals, Socialists, Greens and the radical left, the centre-right European People’s party (EPP) – the European parliament’s largest group – is uneasy about the word “emergencyâ€. A source said the German word der Notstand was associated with the name of an infamous law of the Nazi era.
Hey, in that context, it’s the perfect word, considering the actual goals of the Cult of Climastrology, which really aren’t that different from the Fascists.