This is always so amusing. Democrats and the right leaning #NeverTrumpers are always yammering on about all the ways Trump is a dictator and trashing the Constitution, but, this is the best they can do
Trump’s second act is rife with enablers of constitutional degradation
THE TRUMP presidency has entered a dangerous new phase. Administration officials who had some scruples have given way to men (yes, only men) whose first priority seems to be retaining their jobs. Because the chief requirement for that is personal loyalty to the president, who has shown himself to be without scruple, decency or respect for the Constitution, the result is the progressive erosion of core institutions. (snip)
The wisdom of that view is being borne out by the administration’s second act. It may be that Attorney General William P. Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney also are protecting the country from Mr. Trump’s whims and grudges in ways that we cannot see.
But what we do see suggests they are playing the role of enablers of constitutional degradation: From the Justice Department, the dishonest rollout of Mr. Mueller’s report, or the politically driven threat of an antitrust lawsuit against car makers who anger the president by negotiating clear-air standards with California. At State, an abject failure to stand up for honorable Foreign Service officers slandered for doing their jobs honorably. At the White House, a willingness to encourage, and then lie about, the abuse of foreign-policy powers in service of personal political interests. At the Pentagon, a refusal to stand up to Mr. Trump’s malign interference in the military justice process. And this is not an exhaustive list.
I enjoy the part about the Mueller report, a cute little attempt to de-legitimize it. Of course, nothing in there is unconstitutional, just Politics 101. And, yet, the same WPEB had zero problem with all the actual violations of the Constitution from the Obama administration (even the left-leaning Atlantic has problems with Obama), nor have they mentioned Joe Biden using his position to enrich his son, nor current Democrat presidential contenders blatantly saying they will violate Constitutional Rights.

Kinda interesting and telling that after almost 3 years nobody can find an actual unconstitutional act committed by the President.
Yet they keep finding more and more corruption by the Democrat elite and no one goes to jail.
liljeffy, that’s a terrific scoop.
CNN analyst: Impeachment polling is a ‘warning sign’ for Democrats
Top Democratic strategist pleads with the party to abandon impeachment
New fears that moderates may scuttle impeachment push as House heads home for Thanksgiving
And lastly: Dems reverse course and go ahead with impeachment despite pleas to stop.
On and on the news goes. Like the democrat strategists say, they have many things they can run on including gun violence, healthcare, and immigration but they have chosen to hang their hat on not defeating Trump but rather pinning every other house and senate member to Trump and then labeling all of them treasonous and bribe-taking liars.
The WP’s concern for the Constitution would have more resonance if they had shown concern for it before this, such as during President “Pen and Phone”‘s tenure.
As it is, it looks exactly like pandering to their LIV readers. Which is likely because it IS pandering to their LIV readers.
It’s a new strategy that is not very well kept. The democrats are now moving to STAGE TWO of the impeachment proceedings.
They know that if they actually impeach they lose ALL CONTROL and that goes to the GOP and the Senate so they are going to continue these hearings for the next three-four months until everyone needs to begin serious campaigning.
Then the plan is unless they find egregious sins by the president they will decline to impeach hoping that the sewer water is all over the GOP candidates rather than Them. They know this is the only chance in hell they stand of not being massacred at the polls in November with their communist comrades running in RED STATES all across the land. You know… THIRTY(30) red states, about 27 of which are solidly RED and in Conservative not communist.