They just can’t get over that Donald Trump won the 2016 election and that he’s not willing to bend the knee to what Democrats want. Also, that Donald Trump is more than willing to attack Democrats back, often with twice the smack
House Impeachment Resolution Authorizes Fishing Expedition Probes that Go Far Beyond Ukraine
The House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry resolution would officially authorize probes into U.S. President Donald Trump that are unrelated to the Ukraine-linked allegations that triggered the investigation to impeach him, including efforts to obtain the commander in chief’s tax returns.
Unveiled on Tuesday, the text of the resolution states that the measure orders “certain committees†to continue investigating whether there is sufficient evidence to impeach Trump and “for other purposes,†without explaining what those purposes are.
In other words, the resolution, expected to be voted on this week, would authorize any ongoing Trump investigations under the sun. The measure is expansive, breathing new life into a wide range of non-Ukraine probes, including an ongoing investigation by the House Judiciary Committee into whether Trump paid money to silence sexual affairs accusations.
Echoing some Republican lawmakers, the White House has rejected the resolution as an “illegitimate sham.â€
House Democrat impeachment investigators are supposed to be trying to determine if Trump abused his power by allegedly pressuring Ukraine to investigate corruption allegations against Joe Biden and his son Hunter in exchange for aid during a July 25 call.
There’s absolutely no chance this will all backfire, right? The open-ended nature of this certainly won’t look like a formalized witch hunt, right? It won’t drive voters into Trump’s arms in battleground states, or at least cause them to refuse to vote Democrats, right?
A New York Times Upshot/Siena College Poll released on Wednesday shows residents of six battleground states oppose impeaching and removing President Trump from office by a 52 percent to 44 percent margin, but support the House impeachment inquiry by a 51 percent to 44 percent margin.
Broken down even further, the poll’s results show that 42 percent of respondents oppose both the House impeachment inquiry and impeaching and removing the president, while 41 percent support both the House impeachment inquiry and impeaching and removing the president. Eight percent of respondents support the House impeachment inquiry but oppose impeaching and removing the president, while nine percent were categorized having “other†views.
Registered voters in six key battleground states–Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin were surveyed in the poll.
Nope, no problems at all.

First you whined that there was no impeachment inquiry vote. Now you whine about there being a vote.
The GOP refuses to defend trump on the substance of the complaint. Why? Because trump admitted he did what he did. The GOP’s latest argument is that it’s OK to solicit foreign help to win US elections.
The only one who whines is you.
All we wanted was the law to be obeyed. That due process thingy. Silly us, expecting that of Lefties.
And the “vote”, if it comes off, has nothing to do with beginning and inquiry. It’s just a resolution stacking the deck for Schiff For Brains.
The GOP refuses to defend trump on the substance of the complaint. Why? Because trump admitted he did what he did. The GOP’s latest argument is that it’s OK to solicit foreign help to win US elections.
Since there is no there there and since all we have is Schiff For Brains running it as he please behind closed doors and since Trump told Fake News he was going to do this back in May with no problem, there’s really nothing that needs to be defended.
As far as solicitation, the Demos have been doing that since Teddy Kennedy.
BTW See where they can’t get a single R to defect for this? See where there’s a lot of doubt Demos from Trump districts will go for it?
For us, win-win.
First you demanded a vote. Today you got a vote! A public investigation on television and everything. Repubs can call witnesses; the tRump Team can be there and ask questions! Now you whine about how unfair it all is.
Elections have consequences, ya know.
If ya can’t do the time, don’t do the crime! He clearly solicited electoral help from a foreign government, and compounded it by offering a bribe, and further compounded it with a cover-up. The House is obligated to impeach. They would be derelict if they didn’t investigate.
If Americans accept tRump’s blatant lawlessness, how could we ever justify limiting a president’s actions?
We all know that tRump will not be removed by Congress, but he’s afraid his reputation will be tarnished, LOL.
Repubs can call witnesses; the tRump Team can be there and ask questions!Â
Sorry Abu you’re wrong again (but what else is new?).
One of the most absurdly unfair parts of these “rules” is that only Democrats can call witnesses. Republicans can call them — with Democrats’ permission.
And Republicans can only ask questions that Democrats allow.
Try to keep up Abu.
A public investigation on television and everything. Repubs can call witnesses; the tRump Team can be there and ask questions! Now you whine about how unfair it all is.
No, it’s behind closed doors and is anything but public. And usually the defense can call any witnesses it wants without the prior consent of the persecution and ask any question it wants.
Elections have consequences, ya know.
Nothing to do with elections, but overthrowing them. As for consequences, wait until next November.
He clearly solicited electoral help from a foreign government, and compounded it by offering a bribe, and further compounded it with a cover-up. The House is obligated to impeach. They would be derelict if they didn’t investigate.
No, sweetie, that was your side.
If Americans accept tRump’s blatant lawlessness, how could we ever justify limiting a president’s actions?
The blatant lawlessness was the Ozarks and the Choom Gang. You limit a president’s actions on election day, but that would never occur to a Commie like you.
We all know that tRump will not be removed by Congress, but he’s afraid his reputation will be tarnished, LOL.
That’s brilliant. /sarc
But Trump will go down as probably the best President of the last hundred years or so.
And then the LOL, as always, will be up your ass.
The Suppository Wiz is confused as usual. Impeachment and conviction to toss a bad preezie is in the Constitution.
Sometimes he thinks so much about asses that he gets confused.
Elwood has lies and hate. And maybe insanity, but nothing else.
Same as the rest of the Left.
There is no need for a witch hunt. We already know who the witch is and where she lives.
You wanted an impeachment inquiry
You got an impeachment inquiry
In the last election 2018 10 million more Americans voted for the Democratic Party than for the GOP
This was a direct reflection on Trump
And that was before Ukrainegste
No, You wanted an impeachment inquiry
Nobody else did.
In the last election 2018 10 million more Americans voted for the Democratic Party than for the GOP
This was a direct reflection on Trump
No, it was vote “harvesting” (read fraud) and 40 NeverTrumper Congresscreeps resigning out of spite.
And your LOL will be shoved down your throat next year. ForniKatie, Hell’s Harem, Occasional Cortex, and Schiff For Brains have tainted the Democrat brand.
And that was before Ukrainegste
And the Ukraine thing is what’s going to bring the crooks down.
PS It’s Ukrainegate.
Hillary won the popular vote.
Donald won the legal popular vote.
Leave it to our resident anti Trumpers to completely miss the point.
Nobody is whining about the vote. What you missed, or ignore, is that this resolution goes FAR beyond what they are claiming to be investigating.
But, I for one, am glad they introduced such a resolution. First, it will die and quite a few House Dems will vote against it. Second, by including language to allow for any and all types of investigations only shows that their Ukraine crap isn’t going anywhere and they need some way to keep fishing and this is their latest ploy to do that.
The true agenda of the Dems is becoming more and more apparent and Trump is plying them like a fiddle. Come election day 2020 I will be surprised if the Dem candidate gets any votes.
Why are the democrats doing an impeachment Right now.
Two Words.
His investigations is uncovering 8 years of disgraceful crap by Biden, Obama and all their cronies. The Democrats need something to BLUNT this investigation and keep the dishonest and chin deep in shit Obama from having his name tarnished.
I actually believe Obama was so far over his head that he led the 3 letter agencies run wild. He even made a statement that went unnoticed when people were wailing about Trump and his cleaning the swamp. Don’t worry I have assets in place to keep that from happening.
He meant it. It shows. The Unites States Government is the most corrupt institution on the planet. They just have had 300 years to figure out how to FUK the American people and not get caught.
but in truth Durham will uncover mountains of slime on the left. In return the DOJ will refuse to prosecute as the 3 letter agencies threaten their families if they do and it will all be swept under the table after Trump is either defeated or runs out of years to dig up the dirt and we return another political slut to the white house.
Elwood and the left pretend their side did and does nothing wrong. That is just plain trolling on their parts and they know it.
While it’s possible, if not likely, that tRump and his consigliere Barr have their thumbs on the scale of justice, Mr. Durham is a well-respected prosecutor known for his honesty and thoroughness.
The GOPhers better hope he doesn’t find even more Republican malfeasance! But not to worry, Barr will bury it.
Anyway, what are tRump’s and Barr’s concerns? According to them there was no collusion! Just like Kim, Xi and Putin, tRump is not going tolerate any disloyalty, is he? LOL
IOW Hypocrite Hare is already whining about the outcome.
Your LOLs always end up up your ass.
One might think you would have learned by now.
Hornblower never learns.
No, you certainly don’t.
The “I know you are but what am I?” defense.
I have zero care IF he finds GOP malfeasance. The difference between you and me is I want Justice. What they are doing to Trump is not justice it is the 3 letter agencies showing how they are in control of the USA and not our elected representatives.
If a dozen Gop’ers go to jail. I dont’ care. As long as the truth in uncovered and prosecuted.
The Dems fell for it. They voted for the impeachment, now they will have to run on that next year. Decades of letting the press cover for them has made them weak.
I think Schiff should be investigated. His tax returns dug into. I think there should be a legal proceeding against him by the senate. The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, NDI, Mossad, Steele and all the foreign governments of China, Russia, and nato should investigate every fart he has taken in the last 10-20 years.
Let us see how clean this scum bag is. I demand it!!!!! I mean if the left can randomly just start investigations into the president then we should be able to randomly investigate all of the members of congress.
Oh, wait. That’s right. All those agencies are OBAMA assets in place to make sure their slime goes undetected.
The Soviet Union said it best. Take over the schools and the MSM and religion and compromise the government and the United States will fall like a house of cards.
There was nothing random about the investigations into tRump. His campaign and administration had multiple contacts with Russians and that investigation led to multiple indictments, convictions and guilty pleas, reaching all the way into the White House. He still has potential and likely obstruction charges hanging over his head. He is still Individual One as an unindicted co-conspirator in a bribery/campaign finance charge that send his “fixer”, Michael Cohen, to prison.
A whistleblower reported concerns regarding tRump’s call with the Ukraine President – concerns that have been backed up by multiple witnesses with knowledge of the call. TRump released a partial summary of the call (he lied, calling it a word for word transcript) that admitted the concerns – trading US aid for “dirt” on likely 2020 opponent Biden.
Let’s all admit that tRump is not a politician and has little knowledge of America, our laws and policies. But ignorance is no excuse.
It’s terribly amusing how you have these little dialogues with yourself as if 2 people were discussing alternate points of view.
Let’s all admit that tRump is not a politician and has little knowledge of America, our laws and policies.
Yeah, all those years in the public eye, he learned nothing.
Now that is projection.
We’re giving him an “out”. He’s too ignorant of America to understand the difference between right and wrong!
You’re claiming he broke our laws intentionally!
No, you are.
When Trump said he wanted help in pursuing these investigations, he did so in front of Fake News back in May and they thought nothing of it. He also included Blighty and Oz among the countries he was going to ask.
Gropin’ Joe is the one who admitted he broke the law intentionally.
A whistleblower that Schiff now says doesn’t need to testify. LOLOLOL
Well, we do know. HE WORKED FOR BIDEN. Was a Democrat and has an ax to grind.
You guys have nothing on Trump. Zero. Zip. Nada and now you have asked for carte blanche to investigate anything they want. I ask you. If you committed a crime would you be okay if the police investigated your parents, uncles, aunts, business, taxes, children, grandchildren?
Would you be okay with them spreading lies, innuendo and false truths about you and your family and everything you have ever done in your life? Would you like for them to have the ability to destroy your life, your life’s work and everything you are? Because they can?
Because that is exactly what you and your side of the aisle are granting to Schiff and the democrats on Trump and the next time the GOP gets in power. It will start all over again.
October 31, 2019 1:26PM
The identity of the whistleblower behind the Ukraine hoax has reportedly been revealed as CIA officer Eric Ciaramella, a registered Democrat who worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan.
I think it’s safe to assume he was all mobbed up with the Choom Gang and is trying to use this as a way of protecting himself.
But, like Vindman and Taylor, it’s all hearsay.
OTOH The Demos keep contradicting each other and no evidence of any quid pro, except by Joe.
NSC Official Tim Morrison To Schiff: ‘I Was Not Concerned That Anything Illegal Was Discussed’ In Trump-Ukraine Phone Call
Tim Morrison, a former National Security Council official under Trump, told Rep. Adam Schiff in testimony today that he was never concerned that Trump discussed anything illegal in his July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president.
They have nothing but fear. This is nothing but trying to Blunt the investigation into massive corruption. Remember even the IG referred Comey to be brought up on charges and the DOJ refused. I would be willing to bet they are just running out the clock hoping Trump doesn’t get Reelected and even better. IMPEACHED out of office in a strong showing of WHO runs this country.
Americans if you want your country back, vote every one of these Democrats out of office and lets take back our country from the 3 letter agencies including the Military-Industrial Complex.
The Suppository Wiz is confused as usual. Impeachment and conviction to toss a bad preezie is in the Constitution.
Sometimes he thinks so much about asses that he gets confused.
Impeachment and trial are in the Constitution, the trial being under the rules of due process and for any officer of the government. If you quit fantasizing of all things anal, you’d realize this is a dead end for the Demos.
Latest headline off Yahoo News:
Why Republicans may have won impeachment vote.
2 Demos defected, no Rs.
And one more item. The only witness so far called who actually heard the converation as it transpired said, “Not Anything Illegal Was Discussed In Trump-Ukraine Phone Call”.
And everybody knows how important an actual witness is.
Perry Mason, anyone?