Once again, if people want to have irresponsible, unprotected sex with people they do not want to have a child with at this time, then they can pay for their own abortions, especially when they yammer about “my body my choice.” If that’s the case, then it should be “your choice, your money”
Ocasio-Cortez starts petition to repeal Hyde Amendment
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) started a petition Saturday to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which bars the use of federal funds for abortions, arguing the restriction overwhelmingly harms low-income Americans and women of color.
“It’s not the 70s anymore. This is 2019, and none of our leaders should be willing to stand by a policy that disproportionately harms low income Americans and people of color just to suit the interests of anti-choice zealots,†Ocasio-Cortez wrote in an email to supporters.
“That ends now. We’re going to fight to repeal the Hyde Amendment, and let people access the care that they need. Sign your name if you stand for repealing the Hyde Amendment,†she continued.
The Hyde Amendment, which prohibits government health programs such as Medicaid from paying for abortions except in cases of rape or incest or to save the life of the mother, was first thrust into the spotlight earlier this month after Joe Biden’s presidential campaign confirmed the former vice president still supported it.
She does know she can submit legislation to do away with the Hyde Amendment, right? Petitions are what citizens create to cajole lawmakers. Lawmakers submit legislation. The wording of the petition is pathetic
Abortion care is health care. It’s estimated that over 60,000 women are forced to go through with unwanted pregnancies every year just due to a lack of access to care. In a modern, moral, and wealthy nation such as the United States, that is unacceptable.
How extreme is this, that Democrats consider aborting a life as health care, and the moral position? And is anyone surprised that she trots out “wealthy nation”, meant to highlight that Other People should pay for a woman’s abortion? She is correct, for a change, that it isn’t the 1970’s anymore. Men and women have access to all sorts of birth control methods all over the place. They can even get an implant that will stop over 99% of pregnancies and can work up to 4 years. Combine that with a condom (and self control, responsible behavior, etc) and the chances are virtually zip that a woman gets pregnant when she doesn’t want to be. And that birth control is still pretty much covered through health insurance and government programs.
But, really, this is all about fundraising. Keeping her name out there. Getting people to give up their name, email address, and zip code, so she and the DNC can send out email blasts asking for money.

TEACH typed: AOC Forgets How Congress Works, Starts Petition To Repeal Hyde Amendment
Teach knows that’s a lie, but is just a continuation of the right-wing smears on a young politician that intimidates them.
75% of abortions are obtained by poor women, 64% Caucasian, 62% Christian, 72% under 30 yrs old.
Free contraception would reduce abortions. Isn’t that your objective?
Universal healthcare would reduce abortions. Isn’t that your objective?
Reducing the income/wealth gap between rich and poor would reduce abortions. Isn’t that your objective?
Do you or do you not want fewer abortions?
Perhaps these women need our help rather than our opprobrium.
The esteemed Mr Dowd typed:
Contraception is very cheap already, and under Obaminablecare, all health insurance is supposed to cover contraceptives 100%, with no copayments allowed. Thanks to Obysmalcare, anyone in the country can get health insurance, and if they can’t afford it, the government will subsidize it, up to 100%.
We already have that, with Obumblecare. But this thread is about public funding of abortions, and what you have advocated would increase the number of abortions.
At what point do we start treating people, even poor people, as responsible adults? If people cannot be responsible for themselves, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote!
You’re dangerously close to silliness. The GOPhers and tRumpublican have spent years trying to kill the ACA.
Is your objective to reduce abortions or to lecture (and punish) women (but strangely, not irresponsible men) on their behavior?
Evidence is accruing that cons care little about poor children born to poor women, but yet want to force the poor women to have babies. Incongruously, the Cons appear to have no interest in reducing abortions except by controlling the behavior of women. Why not a push to stop men from impregnating women?
Maybe force all men who are not ready for fatherhood to have a reversible vasectomy. Sound good? Or at least imprison any man found to have impregnated a woman when neither had an interest in conceiving.
dana typed: “If people cannot be responsible for themselves, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote!”
Isn’t obtaining a legal abortion when faced with an unwanted pregnancy being responsible?
Would you prosecute any man found to have had unprotected sex without desiring a child, with the objective of rescinding his right to vote?
Isn’t the man as irresponsible as the woman? Why is it the woman’s fault?
Such a target-rich environment…
“TEACH typed: AOC Forgets How Congress Works, Starts Petition To Repeal Hyde Amendment
Teach knows that’s a lie, but is just a continuation of the right-wing smears on a young politician that intimidates them.”
You are an idiot. AOC is in Congress (due to her district being infested with LIVs) whose job is…making the law! If AOC wants the Hyde Amendment overturned, her proper course of action is to…wait for it…try to pass a law! Petitions are for non-congresscritters to make their wants known to Congress, including…wait for it…AOC!
“75% of abortions are obtained by poor women, 64% Caucasian, 62% Christian, 72% under 30 yrs old.”
I’m sure you think you have a point there somewhere.
“Free contraception would reduce abortions. Isn’t that your objective?”
No such thing as “free”. There is already low-cost contraception available to everyone, including self-control. Are you arguing that women have no self-control? Also, some have tried to make BC pills available OTC, but had that idea shut down…by the Dems.
“Universal healthcare would reduce abortions. Isn’t that your objective?”
It would also cost more than what we have now, and be no more effective.
“Reducing the income/wealth gap between rich and poor would reduce abortions. Isn’t that your objective?”
Prove this one. I think you just HAD to work in the “INEQUALITY!” trope somewhere, and this was the only place left.
“Do you or do you not want fewer abortions?”
Sure – see notes re: cheap contraception and self-control.
“Perhaps these women need our help rather than our opprobrium.”
Feel free to help them. Just don’t use government force to do it.
You must be tired – this was even dumber than your usual comments, and that’s saying something.
Representative Ocasio-Cortez knows her job well enough. The far-right is frightened of her. In theory, those that govern do so with the assent of the governed, so it pays to have interactions with those that elected you, and those that didn’t.
“75% of abortions are obtained by poor women, 64% Caucasian, 62% Christian, 72% under 30 yrs old.â€
I’m sure you think you have a point there somewhere.
My point was to give low-information commenters a bit of information. On the right, there appears to be this idea that most abortions are obtained by Black atheists.
Free IS free to young, poor women. If we can pay $3.4 million per golf trip for tRump, rich guys like you and I can pay a few cents a year to reduce abortions.
Universal healthcare does not have to cost more than we have now. Every other advanced nation on Earth pays much less per person than we do, AND they cover all their citizens! We pay double the average!! Poor, young women with easy access to healthcare, contraception and counseling would seek fewer abortions!!
Since 75% of abortions are sought by poor women, doesn’t it make since that with fewer poor women, we’d have fewer abortions?
We get it. tRumpublicans claim the continued expanding economy (which started in 2010) is lifting all boats, but it’s not. The gap between rich and poor is widening. Certainly the tRump gang has benefited from the tRump economy – $4 million for Ivanka from the DC hotel, over $40 million for dj. For god’s sake, a Special Counsel was appointed to investigate Jimmy Carter’s peanut farm, which he sold before taking office!!
At least we know tRump will pay all the taxes owed on his collections from foreigners seeking his favor. Yeah, right.
Yes, the Right is so frightened, they can’t stop laughing.
And her “facts”, or yours, are a crock. Documentation?
Since more black babies are aborted, rather than brought to term, it is seen as the self-extermination of blacks in America, but, since blacks only comprise 1 in 8 Americans, it would be a statistical miracle to attribute most abortions to black atheists (ordinarily, I would ask how you come up with such nonsense, but last night’s tirade tells me).
BTW many states do not report abortion by race, so your “figures” are nonsense. Most are in their 20s and unmarried, that we do know, so the problem is pretty obvious.
Universal healthcare does not have to cost more than we have now.
Ah, yes, the lie of free healthcare. Until you look at income taxes, sales taxes, and gas taxes.
Since 75% of abortions are sought by poor women, doesn’t it make since that with fewer poor women, we’d have fewer abortions?
Maybe if we had fewer women (and (I use the term loosely) men) thinking they could screw around and have somebody else pick up the tab, this might not happen.
the continued expanding economy (which started in 2010)\
Sure, that’s why we kept having Recovery Summer until ’16. You really must start writing down all your delusions. You’d be the new Edgar Allan Poe.
At least we know tRump will pay all the taxes owed on his collections from foreigners seeking his favor.
Tell us, did the Ozarks or the Os?
Funny how abortion is portrayed as a response to “irresponsible sex” and no mention of the procedure as saving a woman’s life from emergency miscarriage. Hate women much? Also wear a condom
Ms. Eiswald makes an excellent point that conservative men rarely address. What responsibility should the impregnators bear?
Women never get pregnant alone. Isn’t the potential father just a liable for the outcomes of “irresponsible sex”?
““Free contraception would reduce abortions. Isn’t that your objective?—
We have free contraception, it’s called the “don’t fuk” system.
“We get it. tRumpublicans claim the continued expanding economy (which started in 2010) is lifting all boats, but it’s not. The gap between rich and poor is widening. ”
No Elwood, you don’t get it. None of you leftists get it. An expanding economy does lift all boats except in leftist Democrat Socialist enclaves like Chicago, Detroit, Philly and all the rest of the urban plantations the left keeps their pet blacks in. BTW, 69% of PP abortion clinics are in these areas. And “the gap between rich and poor” doesn’t mean a dam thing as long as the poor are okay. You can’t make poverty go away, Elwood. I though you idiots figured that out by now after pissing away 2 trillion on The War on Poverty. The poor people in America live better than anywhere on earth and if they don’t like it here they are free to leave. I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.
Trump 2020
Since it “takes two to tango” how do you propose we hold men who “fuk” irresponsibly, responsible? Or is it all a woman’s fault?
Since you seem to think men can have irresponsible sex, who are they going to have it with??? Each other?
Anyway, my hypothesis that Con Men don’t care about fetuses, babies or children, but rather wish to control women is gathering evidence with each post by you, formwiz and dana.
The data don’t support your claim that all the poor are in big cities. Are the small towns and rural areas really being “lifted” by tRump tax cuts for the rich and the tariffs that are hurting farmers.
Did you know that farm belt bankruptcies are soaring, not going down?
I can assure you that you have no knowledge of black communities or black needs. You can’t even understand the farming article. Agriculture of diverse forms has been in trouble secondary to Obama policies in his efforts to destroy the US. And you have little knowledge of the dynamics of getting and using birth control.
It is nice that you comment here as we get an understanding of liberals, namely that you are very ignorant and formulate opinions based on false or zero information but laced with mostly emotion.
We have a system for holding men responsible. It’s called child support. Have it enforced. Too many Lefty judges seem willing to let it slide.
Since you seem to think men can have irresponsible sex, who are they going to have it with??? Each other?
He’s back to that again.
Seriously, if women stopped giving in to clowns they know aren’t going to stick around (remediable by a little thing called bench warrant), the problem would solve itself.
Of course, Lefties don’t want to solve problems. Just gain more power.
Are the small towns and rural areas really being “lifted†by tRump tax cuts for the rich and the tariffs that are hurting farmers.
Did you know that farm belt bankruptcies are soaring, not going down?
Suddenly, he’s all concerned about those racist, KKK, bitter clingers down on the farm.
Again, care to document?
Fact is, once again the Lefties are cooking the data.
PS Farm belt is not the same as farm.
AEI??? The American Enterprise Institute?
There’s your problem right there, find a source without an axe to grind (or a prezzy to bolster).
You know, like the conservative Wall Street Journal.
So unwanted pregnancies are the woman’s fault, even though basic biology incriminates a man inseminating a woman?
Fewer unwanted pregnancies means fewer abortions, but it’s proven Con Men care little about fetuses, babies or children, but are worried about women having sex.
Another tax. Of course just for white people. Blacks just doin’ what comes (no pun) natcherly and taxing them would be rrraaaacccciiissssttt.
Maybe we should double it for all Lefties, since they started the Sexual Revolution.
Two thirds of abortions are obtained by Caucasian women – one of the 3 or 4 “races”.
Do you believe only “lefties” get abortions? Over 60% are obtained by Christians.
Prove it.
Not all states list abortion by race, so the data is flawed. I take it statistics is another on of your weak spots.
Ever hear of cafeteria Catholics? Pelosi Galore is one. So is Gropin’ Joe. Just because you call yourself Christian (or Jew or Moslem) means you walk the walk.
LOL G F’ed, sweetie.
What makes you the arbiter of people’s religious sincerity?
P.S. The word is “one”
P.P.S – Can you explain what on Earth you meant by: “Just because you call yourself Christian (or Jew or Muslim) means you walk the walk.”
There’s a word in the English language.
Maybe women ought to learn it and use it.
There’s also another word in the English language.
Maybe women ought to learn it and use it, too.
Can men say no?
Are men incapable of taking responsibility for their actions regarding sex? Maybe men could protect themselves from impregnating females.
According to WHO and Guttmacher, 73% of women seeking abortions are married.
It seems con men are more interested in criticizing women than reducing abortions.
Men are the ones doing the asking (begging, if we’re honest).
I offer a remedy to abortion and he doesn’t like it.
Kell Sir Prize.
According to WHO and Guttmacher
Well, there’s your problem. Try finding somebody who doesn’t have an axe to grind.
AOC is simply trying to cash in on her new found fame and popularity among the uneducated classes of elite leftists. You know, they type who think they’re better than every other America and they count more because thy’re “compassionate” and “virtuous” and smarter than the working man.
This is the real AOC:
Let’s trade. Send back all the illegal aliens and use the medicade money saved for abortions, hip replacements, free birth control, viagra, tummy tucks, and transgender operations. There will still be plenty left over after that.
“Free contraception would reduce abortions. Isn’t that your objective?”
Contraception is already free or very low cost.
“Universal healthcare does not have to cost more than we have now. Every other advanced nation on Earth pays much less per person than we do, AND they cover all their citizens! We pay double the average!! Poor, young women with easy access to healthcare, contraception and counseling would seek fewer abortions!!”
In 2015 in the UK and Wales the abortion rate of women between 15-44 years of age was 16 per 1,000 women. In 2015 the abortion rate in the US of women between 15-44 years of age was 11.8 per 1,000 women. Looks to me as though free contraception and universal health care actually increases the abortion rate.
As for men and the abortion issue, this is one area that women have all the rights and the man has none. A father cannot stop an abortion if the mother wants one even if he is willing to solely support that child without the mother. Nor can he ‘abort’ that child if the mother wishes to keep it. He will be forced to support that child and be thrown in jail if he doesn’t.
You are also wrong about the abortion rate among married women. According to the CDC in 2015 only 14.3% of abortions were sought by married women and 85.7% for single women.
And only to the small, feeble mind of the liberal does encouraging self control and responsibility equate to criticism.
A few more facts to dispel the fog:
Women are the leaders of the anti-abortion movement in the USA. So, if it is a “war on women”, it is a war brought and fought by other women.
Most leftists in the USA are, at least nominally, Christian. So, of course they get their fair share of abortions. They also buy their fair share of porn, cheat on their spouses, shoplift, and other things that they know they shouldn’t do.
Most of the Christian church, including the Catholic church, is either full on progressive or at least left leaning.