I’m very much in the corner. There would be nothing better than the Democrat presidential candidates trying to explain to the American people how their plans would artificially skyrocket the cost of living for citizens while also limiting freedom and choice. So, keep pushing, Democrats!
The DNC said no to a climate debate. Some of its members are still trying to make it happen.
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez has repeatedly said that although climate change is a top issue for Democrats, the national party will not host a debate solely dedicated to the topic during the 2020 primary race.
However, some DNC members are trying to change that.
Last week, Washington state Democratic Party Chairwoman Tina Podlodowski announced she will introduce a resolution advocating for the committee to host a climate debate. The resolution comes as a number of progressive organizations and top 2020 Democratic presidential candidates call on their party’s national committee to host a debate focused on climate change.
The resolution also states that if the DNC does not host one, then Democratic candidates “are free to participate in any and all forums or debates focused on Climate Change sponsored by other groups.”
Podlodowski said Monday that a climate change debate wouldn’t be a “single issue debate,” and instead would also touch on other policy areas such as the economy and health inequities.
See, the issue of so-called man-caused climate change is just a means to push all their other Modern Socialism garbage policies. They’ve rolled everything into one big over-arching idea. What better way to institute all sorts of taxes, fees, and control of your life than saying that it would all save off doom?
Progressive organizations, including MoveOn, the Sunrise Movement, Greenpeace, and others, have repeatedly called for a climate-only debate. At least 10 Democratic candidates have also endorsed a discussion focused on climate change, including Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, former Obama Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, along with Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand and Michael Bennet,
Currently, Podlodowski’s resolution has more than 50 signatories, who are state party chairs and other DNC members, including Christine Pelosi, one of the nearly three dozen DNC members that represent the California Democratic Party and daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Christine Pelosi is co-sponsoring the resolution.
Again, I hope they succeed. The end result won’t be what they expect.