Person blowing off her education one day a week (at least) Speaks
Which is it?

Person blowing off her education one day a week (at least) Speaks
Which is it?
‘Twasn’t so long ago it wasn’t climate change but global warming. Does the name really matter?
dana typed: ‘Twasn’t so long ago…
When did they change it? The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on CLIMATE CHANGE) was formed in 1988 – 31 years ago. So they changed it from global warming to climate change before 1988.
Is that the time frame you had in mind – over 31 years ago? In addition, it’s still called global warming all the time.
It’s like people finally realize Liberal means Commie Lite, sp they went to Progressive.
It’s like people finally realize Conservative means white supremacist, so they went to right-wing.
No, the only people who buy that are the stupid Lefties.
It’s why the Left is losing so many Hispanic, black, and Jewish votes.
It’s like when leftists over-used “racist” until it didn’t mean anything. So they switched to calling people “white Supremacists”.
A turd by any other name still smells like shit.
You’re the expert, little coprophagic puppy!
If that’s supposed to impress, learning botany, math, physics, chemistry, economics, history, or just rational thought might work better.
Anybody can open a dictionary.
Actually, it was meant to insult not impress.
What word does one look up to find coprophagy? Turd-eater? Puppies are coprohagic, like rats and rabbits.
You typed: Anybody can open a dictionary.
Good. You should try it sometime.
I never said it meant impress, I it was supposed to impress us with how smart you think you are.
Clearly, I hit a nerve. And that list of subjects I mentioned? Guess you better add remedial reading to it
Ton Nelson “bravely” attacks schoolgirls!
“Dumb!” shouts Olsen, bravely. And misspells global.
And The Teach posts a cartoon with lies and misspellings!
No one claims the Earth’s temperature is constant.
No one claims past warming must be ignored.
No one claims the Sun’s influence must be ignored.
No one claims water vapor influence must be ignored.
Posperity is not a word.
Dissent is tolerated – lies should not be tolerated.
Sounds like the 12 year old girls know more than Tom Nelson, Greg Olsen and Teach.
Do you really think old white men make great decisions?
Once again the little fella proves he has the intellect of a 12 year old.
Don’t worry little puppy – you too can have the intellect of a 12 year old in 20 years or so. Study hard!
And the wit of a 12 year old school girl to boot…
Well played, honey chile!
It would still put him ahead of the 3 year old intellect from St Lou.
That was the same brilliant message of the crowd that told us, “Don’t trust anybody over 30”. Then they elected Ol’ Bucketmouth Carter who revealed he discussed foreign policy with 10 year old Amy and the world laughed.
No one claims the Earth’s temperature is constant.
No one claims past warming must be ignored.
No one claims the Sun’s influence must be ignored.
No one claims water vapor influence must be ignored.
No one claims you make sense.
Posperity is not a word.
Nobody mentioned it but you.
Dissent is tolerated – lies should not be tolerated.
Which is why you’re so unpopular here.
PS Commies have always hidden behind kids. Mostly as human shields.
“Do you really think old white men make great decisions?”
Well, if you have any brains at all you know they didn’t start out ass old white men you racist, ageist bigot. They were all one young white men an put on uniforms to defend this country and your worthless ass. They also went where they were needed to deliver medicine, food and water after tsunami’s, earthquakes and plague.
Then when they came home some of those white men put on police, fire or EMS uniforms to protect you from criminals, drag you out of fires and get you to medical services. They also operated on you when you were sick or injured, built you homes and offices, the infrastructure and provided you with power and energy like no nation in history ever had. Some of those white boys built businesses, hired people and others worked long hours to feed their families and pay their taxes.
None of that matters to an old racist like you who only sees Old white men. Do they make great decisions? They make the BEST decisions you ass hole. That’s why you live here in safety and prosperity.
Mr Dowd wrote:
Considering the [insert slang term for feces here] this country has endured since we expanded the franchise, I’d say that yes, old white men really did take better decisions than some of them being taken these days.
Skipping school is such a sacrifice but someone has to do it.
Learning to read and write cursive is just a waste of time and time is so short…
It has all the value of tRump rally…
Didn’t see any misspellings from the kids, not so for the “brave” men that attacked them.
Did you see that Good Brain Donald misspelled Kentucky in his bizarre twittering about the Kentucky Derby?
You’ve blown a few around here, too.
At least he didn’t have to include a picture of himself like Zippy needs to.
I’ve never seen such bravery as a child missing school…..
Now, now… what about the “brave” grown men that attacked them? What could be more courageous that attacking, mocking and ridiculing schoolchildren over the internet?
But that’s the Con way… destroy the hope of children…
Did we hurt your feelings, sweety?
All the Internet lynch mobs are on the Left, deplatforming anybody who dares disagree.
ZuckSucks, Twat, all of them. On the Left.
Or has Laura Loomer been given dispensation?
These kids are no different than the high school kids who poured Zyklon B on Jews.
It’s called indoctrination and it’s why that Barack Hussein Obama Mmm, Mmm, Mmm song creeped everybody out so much.
Kids skipping school to protest global warming is the equivalent of the Holocaust?
You’re a sick fukk.
Nice try.
Indoctrination always leads down a bad road. Those kids have yet to learn to think for themselves, but they just do what they’re told.
And it takes one to know one.
What happened in your life to make you so filled with hatred?
I just point out the tactics the Left uses.
Lessee now, peckerwood,, white nationalist, Senatrix, International New York Times cartoons.
You’re the one who knows all the epithets.
J has a had time at reading comprehension. “Bravely†was the word used by the liberal media. Sorry, but having several people report that fact is not “attacking†the children. The second piece by Glen Olson refers to the the adults that hold up children as experts on global warming.
Give me your children for five years and I will make them a Bolshevik for ever….Vladdy Lennin.
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
The goal of socialism is communism.
Without a revolutionary theory there cannot be a revolutionary movement. Vladdy Lennin.
The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.
When one makes a Revolution, one cannot mark time; one must always go forward – or go back. He who now talks about the ‘freedom of the press’ goes backward, and halts our headlong course towards Socialism.
And so it has begun. Communism reborn around the world. This time they are just rehashing 1915 all over again. Taking over the press and indoctrinating the youth as they march in the streets.
The left are communists. Make no mistake.
“You (Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTs) Won’t Replace Us!!”
Trump has tapped into the fear of white Americans of losing “their” Western culture, “their” America. This is why Trump and many white Americans couldn’t bring themselves to criticize the Charlottesville rioters or the synagogue, mosque and Black church shooters and arsonists.
Commies, socialists, eugenicists, Soros, Obama, Clintons, teachers, universities, TV, newspapers, libs, progs are all in the conspiracy to destroy Western (white) culture.
Why? Explain to me why our nation should be consumed by people flooding from other countries?
the United States has existed since 1789 with a culture. During that time Immigrants flooded from all over the world including being brought from China to work as slave labor even though they were not slaves.
Explain please why the USA should let America be Occupied by Illegals swarming over the border and not put up a fight?
I am curious as to your hatred towards white people since you yourself are a white person. Explain please, because its comments like the one above that makes me seriously believe you are a member of the communist party of the USA and/or a paid agitator by someone. So if you are a genuinely concerened American then why is it you prefer this country be assimilated by other cultures which already exist around the globe.
Sarcoptic Mangy (don’t associate with mangy puppies!),
Saul Alinsky #5 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
This is the lifeblood of Teach and his guardians, e.g., Mangy. That and false information.
Anyway, Mangy, KeyWiki is a right-wing site used to feed the conspiracy beast of the far-right.
We should stop all illegal immigrants from entering. Is that better?
That still leaves the problem of the DACA folks and the illegal immigrants already here, some for decades. The NuCons say “nuke ’em”, the rest of America says bring them out of the shadows with a workable plan toward citizenship.
How many Muslims are too many? How would you stop Muslims from immigrating? How would you stop other Americans from converting to Islam?
How many Jews are too many? How many legal Hispanics?
Who else would you want to stop from immigrating or force to leave?
I do not hate white people, but I do love America and our Constitution. I recognize this is NOT a white Christian nation, but a melting pot of brown, black, white, yellow, red, Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, agnostic, straight, gay, man, woman, rich and poor… been that way for centuries.
I DO criticize white people (especially conservatives) who feel their advantages and privileges are earned rather than conferred. I do hate white supremacists.
What happened in your life to make you so filled with hatred?
And we’re still pushing Charlottesville. How come no more hate crimes? Maybe the hate is all on your side?
Sorry Elwood but the United States is part of Western Civilization and Western Civilization is White and Christian. The entire Western Hemisphere was discovered by, conquered by, explored by, settled by and fought for by White Christian Men. Almost to the man. There were a few Jews sprinkled in also a couple agnostics but nothing else that I am aware.
Among the Founding Fathers there was not one Mohammadan, Asia or black and “Hispanics” had not yet been invented.
The precepts and ideals penned in both the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution derive from Protestant Ethic and the result of Enlightened minds and Classic education.
Pisses you off doesn’t it Elwood? Too fukin’ bad. It is what it is. This country was created by God fearing white people for God fearing white people. You would never say Japan is a Yellow Supremacist country, not Senegal a Black Supremacist country but for some reason you refuse to see the white countries as having their own legitimate identity.
You hate America, White people, Christians, Jews and everything we stand for. You are quisling to our tribe.
The survival of one’s Tribe is only possible when a group of people has both a strong sense of identity and a strong sense of a shared future. That tribalism that has kept Jews from being swallowed up by their host populations turns out to be pretty good for all sorts of things that are good for the Tribe.
And the same is true regardless of which tribe you belong. It’s not about the shared past, so much as the desire for a shared future that makes tribalism work in the modern world. If you look at your people as a large extended family, you will want your people to survive and thrive into the future. You OTOH want the genocide of whites and Christians. Basically you are calling for the genocide of the Western World. The sad thing is your entire party is full of idiots like you.
Fun fact:
About 1/3rd of the way down you will find one Barak Obama organizations. click on his name.
Actually its about 2/3rds of the way down the long list. this is what you get when you click on his name.,_organizations
Interesting fun fact.
According to Democratic Socialists of America member and sociologist Robert Fitch, in 2006, Robert Rubin organized a fundraiser with a couple of dozen leaders of the shadow banking industry. Each threw in a little over $100,000 – “basically parking space money”. His recruits included Howard Berkowitz of BlackRock, which handled the disposal of bad Bear Stearns assets; Quadrangle’s Steve Rattner, later now under investigation for bribery; and Roger Altman of Evergreen Partners, who served as Undersecretary of the Treasury under Clinton.
It was Altman who brought then- Sen. Barack Obama into the Hamilton Project. At Hamilton’s inaugural event, in the spring of 2006, Obama was the featured speaker. His remarks were brief, but not ceremonial or superficial. ***He showed recognition of Rubinesque parameters about entitlements and deficits. And perhaps most important, he presented himself to the assembled hedge fund hotshots as a man of the Left who recognized the futility of the Left’s adherence to New Deal programs, which he admitted had long ago lost their justification – “as they were written.†***
There is more but of course the main emphasis here is that Obama was not a man of the people but rather bought and paid for by HEDGE FUND MANAGERS to be the next president of the USA. Beholden to the rich and powerful, no doubt helped along by HRC and BILL CLINTON who fully understood what it meant to prostrate yourself before the gods of money.
Corporatists. Not transparent and certainly not a progressive as portrayed.
But Jeffy wants to saul Alinsky any attempts at portraying the left as in bed with wall street and corporatists along with a rapidly escalating socialist/communist party make up when in fact some of the stars of the party are just that. Bernie Sanders, AOC avowed Socialists. Barak Obama a member of the CPUSA.
I love it when Jeffy puts one idea on these pages. He is so easy to destroy that you can see he has no idea what he is talking about. He is simply regurgiatating talking points of the left that have been proven to work against most uninformed conservatives not equipped to deal with the Alinsky tactics of the left.
Mangy puppy,
Do you have evidence to support your claim that President Obama is a member of the Communist Party? Thanks.
In a televised interview in 2008 on New York’s all news cable channel, NY1, 88-year-old Percy Sutton, a former borough president of Manhattan and a credible mayoral candidate in 1977, made some interesting revelations about his links to the young Obama.
Sutton told NY1 reporter Dominic Carter on the show “Inside City Hall”: “I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him.” He asked Sutton to write a letter in support of Obama’s application to Harvard Law School.
“The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour,(formerly Donald Warden, mentor of Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his associate, Bobby Seale) from Texas,” Sutton said. “He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men. He told me about Obama.”
Sutton recalled that al-Mansour said that “there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?” Sutton did.
“At the time, Percy Sutton, a former lawyer for Malcolm X and a former business partner of al-Mansour, says he (al-Mansour) was raising money for Obama’s graduate school education, al-Mansour was representing top members of the Saudi Royal family seeking to do business and exert influence in the United States.”
ANYONE WONDER WHY OBAMA BOWED BEFORE THE SAUDI KING WHEN HE MET HIM? Follow the money and when you do you will realize the powerful behind Obama and why their is not history or trail of Obama during his time in college. Why did Obama release his grades from college? Bush did.
Mangy “Tin Foil Hat” Alert!
Conspiracies everywhere!
The response to criticism of Trump is always, OBAMA!!! CLINTON!!!
Perhaps you didn’t hear, but Trump almost won the vote, and is now president.
Fun fact:
About 1/3rd of the way down you will find one Barak Obama organizations. click on his name.
KeyWiki is a right-wing site that posts questionable information of Dems and independents.
Yes everything dug up on lefties is questionable and alie. Everything dug up on conservatives by lefties is the truth.
Got it.
IOW It tells the truth.
OH but mr. elwood you said: Commies, socialists, eugenicists, Soros, Obama, Clintons, teachers, universities, TV, newspapers, libs, progs are all in the conspiracy to destroy Western (white) culture
I was merely pointing out that it goes beyong conspiracies when it comes to the left going full tilt communist. You on the other hand are most assuredly paid to Saul Alinsky anyone who sees the truth and occasionally when you are having problems your friend Zach shows up as did Bill Bear to help you out. No doubt rotating Moscow supervisors.
As I said… conspiracies everywhere! A commie under every rock!
So Zachriel, Bill Bear and myself are paid to “Alinsky” anyone “who sees the truth”, under orders from Moscow supervisors?
You do realize that Russia is no longer communist?
“The Truth is Out There!!”
YES. Prove me wrong.
We suspect our Master, the Great Vladimir Putin, isn’t much concerned with this blog that supports him and Trump.
Let me get this straight. You think Putin is paying at least 3 people to argue FOR Social Democratic policies AND bad mouth Trump and Putin. Putin pays people to PROMOTE global warming?
So Zachriel, Bill Bear and myself are paid to “Alinsky†anyone “who sees the truthâ€, under orders from Moscow supervisors?
With your brain, you couldn’t make 15/hr doing anything else worthwhile.
That’s what trolls do.
I don’t see Zach as a troll. He isn’t as obnoxious, shallow, pre-digested, or neurotic as your average troll. I also thinks he’s sincere in what he says.
I also believe he holds down a real job. He isn’t here that often.
You do realize that Russia is no longer communist?
Well, for God’s sake,, do’t tell Vlad. He thinks he’s bring the Soviet Union back to its former glory, thanks to good little traitors like you.
Only you can put this much silliness in one 3 line post. Perhaps you didn’t hear, but Trump almost won the vote, and is now president.
Perhaps you didnt hear: Donald Trump 304 Electoral Votes. Hillary Clinton 224 Votes.
Conspiracies everywhere: Yes perpetrated by the left. In case you forgot one DNC worker was murdered for threatening to squeal on the DNC that your Bernie Bro was being cheated by the DNC. Even Julian Assange made reference to him before saying Oh but that doesn’t mean he gave us anything.
Obviously another conspiracy for you to chew on. Trumpers shout lock her up. Democrats shout murder the bastard and DO!!!
Mangoldielocks typed: In case you forgot, one DNC worker was murdered for threatening to squeal on the DNC that your Bernie Bro was being cheated by the DNC.
Well no. If you’re speaking of Mr. Seth Rich, your conspiracy theory was debunked 8 ways from Sunday. Do you confirm anything before you believe/type it, even if it’s promoted by Sean Hannity.
What next? Bill and Hillary had hundreds of associates murdered? Hillary was running a pedophile ring out of a DC pizza parlor?
Well no. If you’re speaking of Mr. Seth Rich, your conspiracy theory was debunked 8 ways from Sunday. Do you confirm anything before you believe/type it, even if it’s promoted by Sean Hannity.
So how was it debunked? You mean by the very government that just EXXONERATED TRUMP OF CHARGES?
You mean Robert Mueller said it was DEBUNKED and you believe him on that but you dont believe him on TRUMP…..that debunking?
TIN FOIL ALERT….once again when they suit Jeffy he trots them out, when they don’t he trots out the same guy he hates right now for not finding Trump Guilty. Mueller is a champion some of the time and some of the time he is working for TRUMP………
Show us all this debunking, por favor.
And the Ozark body count is about sixty. A lot of convenient plane crashes, suicides, etc.
Kind of like all that “feeling” about how Trump must be guilty of something, but without the corpses to make it interesting.
goldie, you should surely know by now electoral votes only count if they’re on the Demo side and fraudulent votes do count if they’re on the Demo side.
Too bad Trump won by 4 million votes and by 30 states electorally.
Shout that Saul Alinsky baby. You MUST belittle me and destroy my credibility as I point to public archived VIDEO footage of a democrat making these claims.
Got cha. See the only reason I did this Elwood is this is what YOU are going to be facing when the next democrat is elected president because YOU and your kind chose this route. This path. No politician is clean. No billionaire is clean.
It will be hilarious to watch you swatting flies as the next democrat is impeached the day after he takes office and a massive special counsel is undertaken and then guess what happens next.
Because your side is full of politicians who have lied, stealed, cheated, broken the law and trampled people to get to the top….Your guy is going down.
I said this almost two years ago. The democrats opened a can of worms when they demanded a special counsel to assuage their disbelief that people did not vote for the biggest liar and thief and con artist on the planet. You know HRC.
What goes around comes around. Arm yourself Elwood. Your in for a long ride the next time your guy is in the White house.
Mangoldielocks typed: “I said this almost two years ago. The democrats opened a can of worms when they demanded a special counsel to assuage their disbelief…”
In fact, Mr. Mueller was appointed by Trump’s DOJ after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. At that time the GOP controlled the House, Senate and White House. How did the Dems start the investigation of tRump when they weren’t in control?
Also, why didn’t the Dems try to oust George W. Bush, who also lost the popular vote? Recall that just before the GOP tried to oust President Clinton for lying about having oral sex with an intern.
It’s almost as if EVERYONE was concerned about Trump’s bizarre relationship with Russia.
The Donald gave them all the rope they wanted and will now hang them with it.
How did the Dems start the investigation of tRump when they weren’t in control?
Because they were pushing the Russia story, which, as we have seen, is a lie.
why didn’t the Dems try to oust George W. Bush, who also lost the popular vote?
They certainly tried, but the courts said, “No way, Jose”.
Recall that just before the GOP tried to oust President Clinton for lying about having oral sex with an intern.
It was a lot more than that, but perjury is a felony, also known as a high crime.
Sorry but no. The GOP wanted the DOJ to investigate this which is their prevue, then the AG recused himself and a career Bureacrat then started the Muller investigation.
Following Comey’s firing, over 130 Democratic Party lawmakers in Congress called for the appointment of a special counsel, while the FBI began investigating Trump for obstruction of justice. The special counsel’s office took over both these investigations from the FBI.
Oh but you forget the dems did go after bush with a vengeance. Its just they were still following protocol and not opening pandora’s box. Remember Bush is hitler? marches in the street?
Remember Harry reid passing resolutions on Iraq almost daily? Lately, as the acid relationship between the White House and Congress has deteriorated in battles over children’s health insurance, war spending and taxes, Mr. Reid’s public comments have taken a more ominous tone.
I imagine this is one of the main reasons why the Democrats politically didnt go after bush.
According to the Texas Secretary of State, the entire Bush family changed their party registration from Republican to Democrat early Friday morning.
We all know his daddy a Republican was entrenched in the deep state and his father worked with Hitler.
“I fear that the Bush years will be known as a rare, even dark time,†he said Friday on the Senate floor.
Harry Reid said we will try one more time to pass immigration reform then get back to the business of passing resolutions on Iraq?
WASHINGTON — Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, has called President Bush a loser and a liar and has referred to him derisively as King George.
In 8 Years of Obama, GOP AGs Sued 46 Times. Democrats Already Sued Trump 35 Times.
The level of treachery within this government is astounding.
He did win the vote. He took 30 states which gave him enough electoral votes to win.
BTW Did you know Zippy never took 30 states?
We suspect our Master, the Great Vladimir Putin, isn’t much concerned with this blog that supports him and Trump.
Let me get this straight. You think Putin is paying at least 3 people to argue FOR Social Democratic policies AND bad mouth Trump and Putin. Putin pays people to PROMOTE global warming?
It’s the only way the Commies will ever get that world domination they say is theirs.
Of course. PUTIN will never follow any treaties or accords but he is dying for the USA to start cutting back the production of oil, gas and gasoline so that the prices skyrocket and HIS NATION benefits greatly from the windfall.
Your really not too bright are you Jeffy. They should recall you and train you again.
You make a lot of stuff up. Or do you read it on the Gateway Pudendum or InfoWars?
You’re really not too bright, are you Mangy?
So who’s paying me, Putin or Soros? Make up your mind.
P.S. – You are = you’re, not your
Mangy puppy,
Do you have evidence to support your claim that President Obama is a member of the Communist Party? Thanks.
He talks, acts, governs, and thinks (I use the word loosely) like one, mostly because he was raised by them.
And, if you go to their website, they certainly love him. So it may well be he is one.
At least as much evidence as all your conspiracies about Donald Trump and white people.
What happened in your life to make you so filled with hatred?
I truly believe he is a paid agitator by George Soros who is about as communist as they come. Perhaps
If you remember in 2007 Obama did this very thing. Fill the internet with his supporters, most of whom at that time were non paid advocates but you could not go to any website. Any without being bludgeoned by Obama supporters non stop with Saul Alinsky tactics.
Jeffy is following the formula to the letter established by Barak Obama’s campaign in 2007 against HRC at first and then McCain/Palin. Romney/Ryan were more prepared and fought fire with fire. In 2016 the trump faithful were out in force all over the internet and to this day the left cannot believe they got beat at their own game. A game they created. One of the many reasons for collusion delusion.
In fact the prevailing theory even among moderate democrats is that the conservative RIGHT is winning the social media battle and that is why the left is desperate to get conservatives banned from platforms such as youtube, twitter, Instagram.
More disconcerting is the GOP is ignoring the massive money pouring into State and local Attorney General races even in red states. In fact in texas in 2016. The judgeships up for election the democrats won all 50 of them.
the Jesse Smollet AG in Chicago was bought and paid for my George Soros money. They have this plan to block all redistricting even in red states by owning the state and local AGs all across America.
So no, you have no evidence. Thanks.
Mangy puppy,
TIN FOIL HAT alert!!
All conspiracy, all the time!!