It’s pretty bad when CNN has to set the record straight
Why were these men wearing pearls at a gun control hearing?
A decision by a group of male Republican New Hampshire lawmakers to wear pearls during a hearing on gun control legislation sparked accusations that they were being sexist and insensitive to the mothers of those killed in shootings.
State conservatives, however, say the lawmakers were supporting women’s rights to arm themselves for defense.
The controversy began Tuesday afternoon during debate over a bill that would restrict access to firearms from people deemed to pose an “immediate risk to themselves or others.”
Photos posted on social media show several male Republicans wearing pearls during the hearing.
And here’s Excitable Shannon
Male New Hampshire lawmakers on the hearing committee wearing pearls to mock @MomsDemand volunteers and gun safety advocates. #NHPolitics
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) March 5, 2019
The lawmakers also were condemned on Twitter by Democratic US Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kamala Harris of California, who said the New Hampshire lawmakers were mocking the mothers.
But the president of the Women’s Defense League, a New Hampshire gun rights group that focuses on “training and educating women” on practical self-defense skills, disputed the accusation, saying the pearls were worn in support of their group.
“These men are supporting women and supporting women who support actual women’s rights. They are the farthest thing from sexist and there was a women lawmaker wearing them, too. That was conveniently left out,” Kimberly Morin, the president of the Women’s Defense League, told CNN Wednesday.
These are the people that Democrats want to disarm, law abiding women who want a firearm for protection.

And the usual suspects Spartacus and Cameltoe were bitchin’ and screamin’. Don’t leftists ever get tired of being continuously OUTRAGED at everything anybody does? What small minded assholes.
Sen. Cory Booker flat-out refused to comment on Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic tirade Thursday; abruptly canceling a press briefing when he was asked to weigh-in on her series of anti-Israeli tweets.
Another Spartacus moment…
One can’t believe a word a GOPher or the “women” who support them, says.
Maybe the manly GOPhers of NH just feel better wearing pearls… and silk undies.
Says the ultimate lying liar and all time projectionist!
Elwood, do you get cell phone service where you live? I figure you’re so f*****g far out there you must need a satellite phone and 25′ TV dish. You come here to taunt people and when you fail because we just don’t care then you start the insults and lies telling us what we believe. Like you would know what we believe.
You whining about insults and lies is rich.
We bet you think DJ Stump doesn’t lie.
You lose!
And your word is hardly reliable.
It was to mock the pearl-clutching of the left.
Apparently the left didn’t get the joke…
Why did the GOPhers lie about it? You just can’t believe a word a Con Man says, not even “the” or “and”.
Neither did nignorant.
Most of the time, what Harvey calls a lie is the uncomfortable truth.
But TEACH, the pearl-wearing GOPhers and the WDL all claimed the pearl-wearers were wearing pearls in support of the women in the WDL, NOT to mock mothers who had lost children to gun violence.
Now the cesspoolians are calling TEACH and the GOPhers liars!
We’ll wait for you guys to get your stories straight.
The only ones saying the Rs were mocking mothers who had lost children to gun violence were Demos.
You just support their lie.