Aww, poor baby. She’s given more sympathetic treatment by the Associated Press than a kid who saw an adult get in his face, and was then demonized by the news media
An Alabama woman who left home to join the Islamic State group in Syria is not a U.S. citizen and will not be allowed to return to the United States, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo saidon Wednesday.
In a brief statement that gave no details as to how the determination was reached, Pompeo said Hoda Muthana, who says she made a mistake in joining the group and now wants to return with her 18-month-old son, has no “legal basis†to claim American citizenship.
“Ms. Hoda Muthana is not a U.S. citizen and will not be admitted into the United States,” Pompeo said. “She does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, no right to a passport nor any visa to travel to the United States.”
Muthana’s status had been considered by lawyers from the departments of State and Justice since her case arose, according to one U.S. official who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. The official would not elaborate but said Pompeo’s statement was based on the lawyers’ conclusions.
The article actually includes a pleasant picture of her smiling brightly.
The 24-year-old, who joined the Islamic State after becoming radicalized, says she regrets aligning herself with the terrorist organization and wants to return to the United States, Shibly said on Tuesday. He said Muthana is putting herself at risk by speaking out against ISIS from a refugee camp where she has lived since fleeing the group a few weeks ago.
Muthana, who dodged sniper fire and roadside bombs to escape, is ready to pay the penalty for her actions but wants freedom and safety for the son she had with one of two IS fighters she wed, he said. Both men were killed in combat.
In a handwritten letter released by Shibly, Muthana wrote that she made “a big mistake” by rejecting her family and friends in the United States to join the Islamic State.
Yes, she did make a big mistake. Now she gets to pay the penalty for it. We wipe our hands of her.
Ashfaq Taufique, who knows Muthana’s family and is president of the Birmingham Islamic Society, said the woman could be a valuable resource for teaching young people about the dangers of online radicalization were she allowed to return to the United States.
“Her coming back could be a very positive thing for our community and our country,” Taufique said.
No, not really. Unless he’s interested in showing Muslim kids how to become radicalized.
Notice how the article treats her with, perhaps not kids’ gloves, but teenager gloves.

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If she’s a US citizen, she has rights. Otherwise…
If she’s an American citizen she has the right to a trial for treason and a quick execution. Although since Nazi Pelosi lost her communist Chinese spy assistant she may have a position open for another anti American on her staff.
That was DiFi with the Chinese spy. Same folks who compromised Hillary’s home brew server, along with the Russians, of course. But, Trump…
Ugh! Thanks Hoss, I get those two commies mixed up all the time. Maybe Elwood should have made that a test question. Now that’s something any American should know.
She can be an even MORE powerful lesson by staying where she is. The Lesson is: Don’t be like Hoda or you could lose your Status in America. At least she can come back through Mexico, if she loses the Hijab, she can pretend to be Honduran.
Well bless her little heart…
It’s amazing how badly she wants to come back to the cozy safe USofA, even if it means prison. What a great country!
I don’t believe any of her remorse bullshit, she’s an Islamist who tweeted for American muslims to murder Americans during our holiday celebrations. That’s not a religion that you quit. She’s just doing taqiyya to the infidels for her own benefit.
Looks like she might be a citizen by birthright since her dad stopped being a diplomat 3 months before she was born. Stupid fukking law!
She’ll be coming back and should get 20 years. Of course she’s a woman so she’ll get a pussy pass for a soft sentence.
She’s welcome to come back to go straight to prison, and let her and her attorneys know they’ll be seeking the death penalty. It’ll piss the democrats off, but they’re always pissed anyway, because I’m sure they think what she’s done is admirable and no big deal.
If she is not an American citizen, as the first article claimed, she has no right to return here. If she is a citizen, then we should bring her back, put her on trial, and lock her up until she’s 87 years old.
As I recall, her male child “belongs” to the father’s family. We should not interferre in the local traditions and Sharia.
She could, of course return to her extended family in Yemen or maybe find a place among the Sunni Muslims in Syria who have come to an accomodation with the national government. That population has had many losses during the revolt and would probably welcome the family of a Jihadi “Hero”. She might be well advised to stay away from Shiite or Druze population areas, however.