Illegal aliens shouldn’t even be in country, much less the workplace. A new bill is being introduced to safeguard their pay
New York bill targets workplace immigration discrimination
For people in the U.S. illegally, speaking up about missing wages can come at a big cost: deportation. Authorities and advocates say that since President Donald Trump’s 2016 election they’ve seen an increase in reports of dodgy bosses threatening to call federal immigration agents on workers.
In New York, where the labor department says it has investigated at least 30 cases in the last three years involving threats to a worker’s immigration status, the attorney general on Wednesday urged legislators to make clear such practices are illegal.
Attorney General Letitia James is proposing legislation to sharpen the language of an existing law, which bars employers from firing, threatening, penalizing or otherwise discriminating against workers who report or blow the whistle on wage violations.
James’ legislation would expand the law’s definition of retaliatory conduct to include threats regarding a person’s immigration status. Potential punishments would remain the same: up to three months in jail and a $20,000 fine.
Democrats will do anything they can to protect illegals, rather than putting American citizens first. This still wouldn’t stop ICE from rounding up illegals if they show up on the radar, but, there is an unexpected outcome sure to show up: more employers will refuse to hire illegals (something that should have gotten the employers a nice criminal and civil fine under federal law). If they can’t get them to work for well below normal wages, why take the chance? Just hire people who can lawfully work.
Which would mean fewer jobs, so, no way to earn money, so, less of a reason to come to America illegally/overstay visas. Less reason to stay in America. Interestingly, before Ann Coulter went bat-guano insane over building a wall, one of her recommendations was that government give illegals the ability to sue for not being paid the minimum wage, which would make employers not hire them to start with.
It is interesting that the illegals who are unlawfully present in the U.S. are suddenly concerned with Other People following the law, eh?
Rogers said fearful workers are asking labor investigators to hold off on allegations until they move to a new home because employers and coworkers could have their addresses and report them to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
“They are scared of ICE and they don’t want to take any action that might anger an unscrupulous employer,†Rogers said. “So they ask us, ‘please wait I am going to move next week.’ That never used to happen.â€
Ah. So they know they are in the wrong. Go figure.

Teach: there is an unexpected outcome sure to show up: more employers will refuse to hire illegals (something that should have gotten the employers a nice criminal and civil fine under federal law)
You “elected” a president who hired illegal workers more than once. In addition he recruits foreign workers for his resorts and golf clubs. Shouldn’t the president at least try to set a good example?
Now just because Donald Trump is a giant hypocrite regarding immigration doesn’t mean his ideas on immigration are wrong, it just means he’s a giant hypocrite on immigration.
We did?
His organization may have, but, as always, Harvey only has “consensus”, and that only among the Idiot Left, and is without that damned proof.
And the only one who’s giant hypocrite on immigration is Jeffery.
I actually want NEW YORK and CALIFORNIA to offer illegals the moon so they stop fleeing into the United States and moving to Texas and Colorado and Ohio and GEORGIA. Their is a sinister plot unfolding to turn this country socialist and then communist.
These kiddies who are never taught a thing about communism think that free everything is just great. They have no idea who will pay for this and don’t care.
In the end the plan is to take over states like Texas and Georgi which will end the GOP in this country and permanently put them in the status of not only the minority but Insignificant.
Billions and I do mean Billions of dollars the LEFT screamed bloody murder about in the past have flooded into elections in the last two cycles. TEXAS is IN panic mode right now over the insane amount of money flooding into their state by the left. The GOP is doing nothing because most want Trump to lose and then they can collect themselves. Three of the people who ran against trump in the primary realized Trump is just trolling them and trolling people in general and are now his allies. Rubio, Graham and Rand Paul. Ted Cruz actually asked Trump for help in Texas this last election and had he not he would have lost which is why the GOP in Texas are screaming for help.
Fear not Democrats your dreams will soon be realized and then you can all live in the projects because when every rich person in this country flees there will be no one to tax to pay for your stupid shit and then when you try to print money it will be worthless and our inflation will be 1 million percent like Venezuela.
But hey at least you will have defeated your hated and loathed political enemies. OOORAHH for you.
Teach: fewer jobs, so, no way to earn money, so, less of a reason to come to America illegally/overstay visas
Make up your mind. We thought the “illegals” only came here for free stuff.
Some have kids to feed. If they survive the forced march and the sex traffickers.