Of course, this will end up being deemed mean, bigoted, raaaaacist, xenophobic, etc and so on
(KGW8) Petitioners for an initiative that would undo Oregon’s sanctuary state status for undocumented immigrants submitted 105,000 signatures to the Secretary of State’s office Thursday afternoon.
The Secretary of State must certify that 88,184 of those signatures are valid for Initiative Petition 22 to appear before voters in November. Signatures can be submitted until 5 p.m. Friday.
“This afternoon, our committee took a huge step toward repealing Oregon’s sanctuary statute and thereby freeing our police and sheriffs to cooperate more easily with federal immigration authorities enforcing U.S. immigration law,” said Cynthia Kendoll, president of Oregonians for Immigration Reform.
It could be several weeks before it’s known if IP 22 has enough valid signatures to qualify. The initiative was filed in April 2017 and signature gathering began in October.
The law the initiative aims to remove bars Oregon law enforcement agencies from arresting individuals whose only crime is violating federal immigration law.
Does it have a chance in what is considered a very Democratic Party state?
OFIR (Oregonians For Immigration Reform, which is backing this initiative) was previously successful in helping orchestrate the defeat of Measure 88, a referendum that would have allowed undocumented immigrants to secure driving rights. The state Legislature had passed the law, but Oregon voters rejected it by a margin of 2 to 1.
So, yes, it has a chance. And, of course, the article has to point out that the Southern Poverty Law Center nutters consider OFIR to be an anti-immigrant hate group. Anyhow, good luck, Oregonians.