She came to this country legally, doing it the proper way, and became a naturalized citizen, yet seems to be supporting people who would jump the line
Statue of Liberty climber cheered as she pleads not guilty
An unrepentant protester who climbed the base of the Statue of Liberty on a busy Fourth of July in what prosecutors called a “dangerous stunt” pleaded not guilty Thursday to misdemeanor trespassing and disorderly conduct.
Activists packed into a Manhattan courtroom cheered when a federal magistrate judge released Therese Okoumou without bail after she had spent the night behind bars. Okoumou responded by raising her fist and blowing kisses to her supporters.
Outside court, the naturalized U.S. citizen from Congo told reporters that she climbed the landmark as a spur-of-the moment protest over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance immigration policies that resulted in the separation of immigrant children from parents accused of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.
“When they go low, we go high and I went as high as I could,” Okoumou said, paraphrasing former First Lady Michelle Obama. “No children belong in a cage,” she added.
Okoumou, who goes by her middle name, Patricia, sported a T-shirt reading “White Supremacy is Terrorism” that she had worn inside-out in court.
So, wait, she pled not guilty, and then held a press conference explaining that she did, in fact, climb the Statue of Liberty (ruining the day for a lot of people)?
Court papers also charged Okoumou with resisting arrest by refusing to leave her perch by the bottom of the statue’s robes, about 100 feet (30 meters) above ground. Police were forced to scale the statue to pull her down.
If convicted, Okoumou, would face up to six months behind bars on each count.
She’s lucky she’s a naturalized citizen, otherwise she’d be deported.
The park service was reviewing security videotape to try to determine how the woman was able to make the climb, Willis said.
It should be a rather short trial. The prosecution will only need to show two pieces of video: one of her climbing and on the SOL, along with her resisting arrest, and the second will be her own words after her initial court date admitting to climbing the SOL. What, exactly, will her lawyer say?

Her lawyer will say, “Take the plea bargain.”
The prosecution will offer her a couple thousand dollar fine, with no jail time.
Good thing America has so many White Supremacists so she can have a rewarding career fighting them. It must have been hell for her in Africa to not have any white people to blame. Political activist: Another job Americans won’t do?