Hank Johnson is most disturbed
Earth Is Tipping Because of Climate Change
Melting ice and shifting rain patterns are causing the north and south poles to driftThe north pole is on the run. Although it can drift as much as 10 meters across a century, sometimes returning to near its origin, it has recently taken a sharp turn to the east. Climate change is the likely culprit, yet scientists are debating how much melting ice or changing rain patterns affect the pole’s wanderlust.
The geographical poles—the north and south tips of the axis that the Earth spins around—wobble over time due to small variations in the sun’s and moon’s pulls, and potentially to motion in Earth’s core and mantle. But changes on the planet’s surface can alter the poles, too. They wobble with every season as the distribution of snow and rain change, and over long stretches as well. Roughly 10,000 years ago, for example, Earth woke up from a deep freeze and the massive ice sheets sitting atop what is now Canada melted. As ice mass fled, and the depressed crust rebounded, the distribution of the planet’s mass changed and the north pole started to drift west. This pattern can be clearly seen in data from 1899 onward. But a recent zigzag in the north pole’s path (and the opposite movement in the south pole) suggests a new change is afoot.
So, it’s happened before, but, hey, this time it’s different
The data do not indicate whether the recent climate changes are man-made, but Chen personally believes the drastic shift in the pole has to be the result of human activities. Meanwhile Ivins thinks he will be able to tease man-made climate change from the data in another six months or so.
Got that? There’s no proof of anthropogenic causation, but, one Believes, and the other will surely manufacture the end result to show anthropogenic causation. This leads to the article blaming Mankind. This is what Warmists call science these days.

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The population of the Earth was 1.5 billion in 1900
It has quadrupled since then
Think maybe that has caused some changes
Quadrupled! Got that?
Dude isn’t even trying to pretend that he has any scientific ethics. He’s offering up hope for another government grant to come his way.
Are they talking about the geographic North Pole or the magnetic North Pole? The magnetic North Pole does shift constantly, and always has.
The AGW thought police have begun their evil work:
CEI Fights Subpoena to Silence Debate on Climate Change
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) today denounced a subpoena from Attorney General Claude E. Walker of the U.S. Virgin Islands that attempts to unearth a decade of the organization’s materials and work on climate change policy. This is the latest effort in an intimidation campaign to criminalize speech and research on the climate debate, led by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and former Vice President Al Gore.
The subpoena requests a decade’s worth of communications, emails, statements, drafts, and other documents regarding CEI’s work on climate change and energy policy, including private donor information. It demands that CEI produce these materials from 20 years ago, from 1997-2007, by April 30, 2016.
On March 30, 2016, Attorney General Schneiderman, former Vice President Al Gore, and attorneys general from Massachusetts, Virginia, Connecticut, Maryland, Vermont, as well as Attorney General Walker, held a press conference in New York City to announce “an unprecedented coalition of top law enforcement officials committed to aggressively protecting and building upon the recent progress the United States has made in combating climate change.†Schneiderman said that the group, calling itself “AGs United for Clean Power,†will address climate change by threatening criminal investigations and charges against companies, policy organizations, scientists, and others who disagree with its members’ climate policy agenda.
It’s not that big a deal, just another sign that the ice melt in Greenland and Antarctica has geographic effects.
Yes, just another sign of things happening as they’ve always been happening.
Except this time the ice is melting because the Earth is warming from CO2 humans are dumping into the atmosphere.
Except it’s not. No way to tell the difference.