Earlier, we had the Washington Post Editorial Board using MLK Day to advocate for hardcore Islamists and violent, rapist refugees. Of course, you didn’t think that someone within the Cult of Climastrology wouldn’t use the occasion to yammer about ‘climate change’, did you?
In honor of Dr. King’s fight for social justice, @ClimateReality is taking a look at climate justice this #MLKDay. pic.twitter.com/vbn6lVdvX6
— Climate Reality (@ClimateReality) January 18, 2016
.@ClimateReality During his entire life, did Martin Luther King ever say anything about global warming?
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) January 18, 2016
It seems, though, as if Al Gore’s Climate Reality forgot to follow through on their plan to discuss Hotcoldwetdry in relation to “climate justice” and MLK. Nothing over at Facebook, no follow up tweets. Maybe later?
Would Dr. King be a big believer in ‘climate change’? Only he knows, but, perhaps a man who was fighting for freedom and equality might be a bit annoyed that the people pushing ‘climate change’ tend to be people who are advocating for more governmental control of people.

If the cult is the pimp
Does that mean you are putting Martin Luther King in the position of a whore?
Despicable, incomprehensible and down right wrong not to mention retarded…
Funny how your mind goes there, eh? But, then, we see the way Liberals actually think of Blacks.
Actually the people pushing ‘climate change’ tend to be almost everybody except far-right ideologues. You are a rapidly depleting, yet politically powerful, group. You’re owned by a US political party (who are owned by the wealthy).
Perhaps people “pushing climate change” are advocating protections for people. The political donor class (the wealthy) own the GOP (and many Dems) who support the weathy at the direct expense of the working classes, and uniformly oppose any government regulation of businesses.
Weren’t the Clean Air and the Clean Water Acts examples of government overreach and governmental control of people? Do you oppose these acts now as most conservatives did then?
In fact, don’t almost all government acts, policies and laws result in more governmental control of people in some form or another?
Stop signs, speed limits, Freon restrictions, fissile material restrictions, child abuse laws, education requirements, shotgun barrel lengths, child labor laws, pollution restrictions, radio frequency broadcast restrictions and limits, any and all taxes, public drunkenness, public urination, zoning restrictions, noise violations, plumbing and electrical codes, building codes, restaurant inspections, licensing of marriages, doctors, lawyers, accountants, insurance agents, autos, drivers, hunting, fishing; FDA approvals and rejections of drugs, USDA inspections, … well, the list goes on and on and on and on! Are you against all these restrictions of your freedom to do whatever the hell you want whenever you want?
Funny how your “mind” goes to the word ‘pimp’, eh? But, then, we see the way far-rightists actually think of Blacks.