Progressives say they love Direct Democracy. Right up to the point that they lose the vote. Sadly, all those who said they would move to Canada if Bush won in 2004 didn’t. When they lost the gay marriage fight in California, North Carolina, and so many other states they sued. And in Houston…
(Breitbart) Losers in the Houston “bathroom ordinance†election are saying they are going to boycott Houston’s economy and are asking the NFL to move the Super Bowl. Houston has been named as the site of the 2017 Super Bowl.
Whiners and those trolling them on Twitter with #BoycottHouston, were prolific on the day after the defeat of the bathroom ordinance.
A petition was initiated to call upon the NFL to boycott.
Sites like RAWSTORY, also criticized the methods used by opponents of the ordinance and reported that sites such as Outsports were asking the NFL to move the 2017 Super Bowl.
Trans military veteran Brynn Tannehill wrote in SB*Nation Outsports, “The NFL claims to respect the human dignity of all their fans. Even this fan of the Cowboys who has watched since Roger Staubach handed the reins to Danny White.†Tannehill continued, “The only way to remain ethically consistent, and show that respect, is to move the 2017 Super Bowl to a location where people like me are not put in mortal danger every time we need to use the bathroom.â€
As humorous as the unhinged tweets from Progressives are, it’ll never happen. As squishy as the NFL has been when it comes to these kinds of issues (while often ignoring the actual criminal conduct of many players), and as Democrat leaning as so many players profess to be (in words only, not action), there are a few things the NFL knows: right leaning people support and watch football more than left leaning folks. The owners tend to support Republicans over Democrats. The NFL is about making money. If they moved the Super Bowl, they know the backlash would be tremendous, and a big hit monetarily.
What would be really amusing would be for the Redskins to make it to the 2017 SB. It won’t happen, because the Redskins will still stink next season. But, it’s fun to contemplate.

You know, maybe, just maybe, if the HERO didn’t include legal protection for males claiming to be females and vice versa, it would have survived. It’s only because the left wanted to include mental illness as a protected class, and say that the “rights” of one mentally ill person trumped the privacy of thousands of normal people that they lost.
So. No trannies in the ladies room at the big game, huh?