The Democrats previously blocked Kate’s Law in late October, and were given a chance to support it again, and said no. First, a little bit about Kate’s Law
What’s wrong with imposing a mandatory minimum jail sentence of five years for illegal immigrants who are convicted of re-entering the United States after being convicted of an aggravated felony or have three strikes for trying to enter the country illegally?
Nothing. It’s what should be done to stop the senseless crimes perpetrated by the worst element of illegal aliens entering this country.
But Senate Democrats no longer can see the forest from the trees on immigration. It’s either the whole enchilada — amnesty for all, even the criminals — or nothing.
Two weeks ago, Massachusetts U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey joined with 45 Democrats to block the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act. The measure needed 60 votes to proceed to the floor for debate, but garnered only 54 votes.
Kate is, of course, Kate Steinle, the American citizen who was murdered by Francisco Sanchez, a 5 time deported illegal with 7 felony convictions. Democrats would prefer to take his side over hers.
(Breitbart) Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) blocked legislation Wednesday increasing the penalty for illegal immigrants who return to the U.S. after a deportation, also known as Kate’s Law.
Reid’s obstruction of Kate’s Law — named in honor of Kathryn Steinle — occurred Wednesday afternoon when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked for unanimous consent to proceed to Kate’s law. Reid objected, saying the legislation represents an “attack on the immigrant community.â€
“All we’ve seen from Republican leaders and their caucus is bills that attack immigrants and tear families apart. So I object.†the Democratic leader said.
Ted Cruz responded
“It is sad that the Democratic leader chooses to stand with violent criminal illegal aliens instead of the American citizens. But even sadder is that he impugns legal immigrants,†Cruz, who is running for president, said.
“When the Democratic leader suggests that incarcerating aggravated felons, murderers and rapists who illegally reenter this country is somehow a sleight to immigrants — Well, Mr. President, I am a son of an immigrant who came from Cuba. There is no one in this chamber who will fight harder for legal immigrants than I will,†Cruz said.
“For the Democratic leader to cynically suggest that somehow immigrants should be lumped into the same bucket with murderers and rapists demonstrates the cynicism of the modern Democratic party, demonstrates just how out of touch the modern Democratic Party is,†he continued.
Out of touch, he says
(Rasmussen) Fifty-six percent (56%) of Likely U.S. Voters favor a five-year mandatory prison sentence for illegal immigrants convicted of major felonies who return to America after being deported. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 27% oppose such legislation, while 18% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Usually, I would say “just deport them” rather than paying to incarcerate them, but, these illegals have shown that they will keep coming back. How about making it a 100% federal crime, and building a jail up in the wilds of Alaska? Let them enjoy the beauty of the frozen north for a few years prior to sending them back?
But, obviously, Democrats would prefer to put illegals with felony convictions, who’ve crossed the border illegally again and again after being deported, over the safety of American citizens.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Mandatory minimums are always bad. They remove judicial powers
Oh john, you are such an idiot.
And of course, the reason why those mandatory sentences is because of the outrage of the people when a judge gives a sentence that is not commensurate with the crime.
Mandatory sentences don’t remove “judicial powers” at all john. For Pete’s sake take a second grade course in government. Judges impose the law legally passed by the legislature and signed by the executive branch. Adhering to the law is not a removal of judicial powers.