She does, she really does
(MSNBC) Democratic White House hopeful Hillary Clinton added her voice Monday to the growing push to combat the scourge of sexual assault on college campuses. And she said her rival Bernie Sanders is “doing a great job.â€
“It is not enough to condemn campus sexual assault. We need to end campus sexual assault,†Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, said in a speech in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Interesting. Most colleges tend to be hotbeds of Leftism, chock full of leftist administrators and teachers, along with all the students who are leftists and are turned more leftist.
Must be something wrong with Democratic Party ideology, beliefs, and policies for so much sexual assault to propagate on college campuses, eh?
Perhaps Bored Grandma Clinton could explain how she stood up for all the sexual assaults her husband was credibly accused of.

It sounds as if you’re in favor of sexual assaults on campuses.
I’ve always found it interesting that conservatives admit that all the educated folk are liberals.
What does that say about you?
Bored Grandma Clinton. ‘lil jeffy could explain how she stood up for all the sexual assaults her husband was credibly accused of.Well, the Obama Administration is going about ending sexual assaults on campus exactly the wrong way. They are requiring reporting under Title IX, including what the universities are doing about assaults, which is leading to a growing number of colleges trying to use internal disciplinary action in kangaroo “courts.” The accused have no rights, but the colleges’ only available punishment is expulsion. That leaves the real rapists free to rape again!
The only real solution is to report every incidence of sexual abuse or rape to the police.
Bored Grandma Clinton. ‘lil jeffysuckingpuppies could explain what this has to do with sexual assaults on campus.I thought Bill’s behavior of diddling the help was reprehensible. What makes any of the accusations credible?
It is like this, our colleges and institutions of higher learning have become islands of liberal/progressive/communist. Now, that does not mean they are terribly smart, in fact the exact opposite is true. It is well known that professors are those that can’t get a job any where else. They have a concentrated knowledge in one and only one subject and their knowledge is suspect in that subject. Most students basically learn on their own.
Now, it is beyond strange that this woman desires to concentrate on abuse of women when she explicitly condones the activity of her husband. I have knowledge of big Bill’s activity as we share acquaintances. Bill had the state troopers arrange for women to meet him in every town in Arkansas. These were usually nurses as they are fairly easy. He was well known to require sexual favors from applicants for influence and help and jobs. If this was not freely given, though reluctant, he did force the issue. Now, Hillary was no spring chicken. She had a female lover in Longview, TX. and was known to accost the occasional needy female as well.
Dana hits this one on the head, but there are also a few “missed nails.”
Not only are institutions holding “kangaroo courts” where real courts have noticed a lack of due process, the definition of “sexual assault” has expanding on many college campuses to include an unwanted touching (such as in line in a cafeteria ie ie “excuse me, I forgot my jello, can I step in front of you for a moment to get it?”) to jokes jokes where the hearer may be offended, to an unwanted advance such as holding hands or a kiss on a first date and even a hug between friends can be considered as “sexual assault.”
We won’t even get into the “dual standards” of conduct required between men and women for something to be considered “sexual assault.”
Last week, Representative Polis, a Democrat from Colorado offered up the opinion that since sexual assaults to happen, anyone who is even accused of an assault should be dismissed from the school. His reasoning (which is contrary to the court rulings) is
The heck with any due process – just throw anyone accused of something out. (We wonder if Polis would like that standard applied to Congress?)
What else should be noted is that in at least one case, a Chief of Police was a member of the school panel hearing a case and has advocated getting police on such panels not because of the competency of police in understanding the case, but because the testimony of the accused can be used against them at a later time. That puts the accused in an unwinnable position of either not testifying and being found guilty by the school, or testifying without a Miranda warning or legal counsel present.
I don’t know of anyone who thinks that we should not prosecute sexual assaults. But we have to do it in a way that protects the rights of the accused and the accuser.
Of course, that is not what people like Hillary want. In fact, as we have discussed here previously, if the left were truly interested in reducing sexual assaults, they would allow people to carry weapons on campus to prevent crimes and to protect themselves.
Teach you really are sounding like. Youvsee turning into a bitter old man with an intense heat of all young people
The U.S. Military had a much higher sexual assault rate than any college will you blame that on lefties too?
Are you saying that all the smart educated people are liberal ? Or that all the good conservative children are happy to go to liberal colleges ?
Mr Carver wrote:
Sexual assault and rape are very difficult crimes to prosecute: those crimes almost always occur with no witnesses, so the testimony is almost always he said/she said. If the rape is reported promptly, and forensic evidence gathered, it strengthens the case, but it still isn’t a slam dunk. When the accusations aren’t reported for a few days, the physical evidence is lost.
The result is that, with the standard of proof being innocent until proven guilty, some, perhaps many, real rapists get away with it, and that is what angers the feminists the most.
And thus we have, on college campuses, more and more fora in which the standard of proof is no longer innocent until proven guilty, but preponderance of the evidence, and sometimes a bias toward guilty until proven innocent. Of course, since it’s simply collegiate administrative action, the most severe penalty available is expulsion, and that means real rapists are still out on the street.
A wise collegiate administration would take the position that all allegations of sexual abuse or assault or rape will be reported to law enforcement. The collegiate administrators have neither the time nor the training nor the inclination for criminal investigations and law enforcement, and thoe are jobs which should be left to the police.
Hillary is a young person?
Nothing displays john’s delusions more than that statement.
To some extent, yes. The military puts people into situations where there are high levels of hormones running around. In order to be “politically correct,” the military was forced to combine units and situations which ended up putting males and females together.
But since you want to hate on the military john, I guess you must have mixed feelings now that Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has pooh pooh a nine month study saying that a nine month study of mixed gender Marine unis did not perform as well as single gender units. After all, this is the same Navy that you believe is right all the time when you mention AGW. The Marines who participated in the study and monitored the performance say they have been thrown under the Ma(bus) for actually doing their job correctly.
Go ahead and tell us how politics doesn’t enter into the decisions the military makes at the upper levels.
No, what is being said is that colleges are liberal bastions of ideas for so called “justice” that don’t work. These same leftists have lied about the statistics on sexual assaults on campus and then created a situation where basic, fundamental rights of people are violated.
I would go on, but there is no point in trying to deal with a troll like you other than to show your ignorance to the rest of the world.
John asked:
Many of the liberals have had all of the common sense educated out of them. Every sexually reproducing species on earth can recognize the opposite sex in their species, but apparently adult education professionals cannot.
It’s pretty bad when a college education, with advanced degrees even, can make people dumber than a marmoset or a meerkat or a monkey.
Willey adds, “She’s a money-hungry hypocritical witch who will do anything for money.”
And that justifies rape? Horny men need to be able to control their behavior, don’t you agree? But you express a common belief amongst right-wingers – it’s the women’s fault for being there. Do you really think women should be discriminated against in employment because men rape them? How do you explain male on male rape in the military?
How’s the work in the military? Don’t a lot of them have firearms?
No one said that Jeffery. Please try to learn to read. But when you put people in close quarters and in high stress situations and where people have not seen their spouses, things are going to happen. It doesn’t excuse the incident, but it helps explain the increase of what the military labels sexual assault as compared to the much less stressful halls of academia.
It is not the fault of the women for “being there” Jeffery. It is the fault of the people who put them there simply to be politically correct. At least I care about the men and women who are victims. To you, they are nothing but talking points.
Do you think that women should have to meet the same requirements as men in the military to do the same job? If a person cannot meet standards that have been developed over years of learning and studying what is required, why would you advocate putting less qualified people in a position where other can and will die?
As I said, you don’t care about the men and women in the military.
And in case you haven’t noticed, no one is saying that women should be discriminated against. Discrimination in all its forms are something that you and people of your ilk believe in.
It works pretty darn well, Jeffery. Generally speaking armed women are not assaulted at all. However, being that the military limits when and where people may carry (including on bases, at the Pentagon, etc) women (and men) are victims because of a lack of a weapon.
So not only are you happy with letting women in colleges not defend themselves against attacks, you revel in the same thing in the military.
Why do you and your leftist buddies hate women so much?
Do you think women are incapable of carrying a weapon and using it for self defense? Do you think that women need protection and cannot stand on their own?
Classic leftism – blame others for the failures of leftist policies.
Jeff, John,
I think the military rape situation is not all male on female, I believe from things I heard, that a large portion is male on male. So, the easiest way to eliminate those stats is to go back to eliminating gays from the military. I am glad that we now have established common ground. Also, I am not a big fan of women in the military except in administration or medical care, thus further reducing their exposure to males. As to having the military mean and nasty, you bet, the meaner and nastier the better. We need a situation like the Romans had, you sent in a legion and the country was a waste land when they were done. That makes negotiations much easier. At Rome’s peak, all they had to do to obtain peace was send in two senators with lictors. This was so powerful of a message that the senators would actually approach an army ready to reduce a city and have them retreat. That is good diplomacy.