I never got around to this Friday, since life happened (shot a 43 while walking 9 yesterday afternoon, even with the wind. Putting was great), plus, I really didn’t care that much. There are always breathless pronouncements by Warmists, and they’ve been pushing this meme for months. Outlets like the Washington Post, Vox, Politico, etc, along with all sorts of left leaning blogs and organizations, are all going bat guano insane over this “news”, blaming Mankind, yet, none of the writers and organizations are pledging to give up their own fossil fuels usage. Strange, I know!
NASA, NOAA Find 2014 Warmest Year in Modern Record
The year 2014 ranks as Earth’s warmest since 1880, according to two separate analyses by NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists.
The 10 warmest years in the instrumental record, with the exception of 1998, have now occurred since 2000. This trend continues a long-term warming of the planet, according to an analysis of surface temperature measurements by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) in New York.
Perhaps they can tell us the temperature in the previous warm periods? No?
Since 1880, Earth’s average surface temperature has warmed by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius), a trend that is largely driven by the increase in carbon dioxide and other human emissions into the planet’s atmosphere. The majority of that warming has occurred in the past three decades.
Well, wouldn’t be proper for NASA/NOAA to not primarily Blame Mankind, right? Overall, though, the world is still in Pause. Something not discussed in the press release, nor in most of the Warmist articles, is the actual “temperature”. As Not A Lot Of People Know That notes
Nowhere does their press release tell us that it only beat the previous record by a tiny, effectively unmeasurable 0.02C. Nor do they mention that the error bars are many times greater, or even tell us what they are.
One can barely tell the difference between 57F and 58.4F. “Is 58.46° then distinguishable from 58.45°?” That’s what Dr. Pat Michaels asks, and his answer is “no”.
Both Not A Lot Of People Know That and Dr. Judith Curry note that NASA claims it was an El Nino neutral year. The actual data refutes that. Dr. Curry also notes
Berkeley Earth sums it up well with this statement:
That is, of course, an indication that the Earth’s average temperature for the last decade has changed very little.
The key issue remains the growing discrepancy between the climate model projections and the observations: 2014 just made the discrepancy larger.
So, essentially, the Pause continues, and the Warmist computer models continue to fail stupendously. She also writes
With 2014 essentially tied with 2005 and 2010 for hottest year, this implies that there has been essentially no trend in warming over the past decade.
The temperature is stable.
One thing we’re still waiting for is the satellite records. Once those come out, this whole “2014 is the hottest year” stuff will go away…oh, who am I kidding. The media and Warmists will ignore any actual data which disagrees with their cultish beliefs.
Regardless, even if the data is 100% spot on, it still doesn’t prove mostly/solely anthropogenic causation, just another wishy washy warm period during this interglacial period. The argument is not over warming, but causation.

Teach I live on the surface of the planet and thermometers show it is getting hotter here on planet earth
The total volumn of ice is also decreasing and that ” tiny ” increase is doing it
Teach what ever happened to the prediction you posted that 2012 was going to begin global cooling ? And as I said before we are not all doomed only the mist vulnerable
Why does “natural variability” keep making it warmer and warmer?
Nice to see that Gavin Schmidt, of Climategate fame, is tinkering with the data again.
My take on the NYT story was that all the people who froze their ass off last year can now LMAO over stories like these.
Why does “natural variability†keep making it warmer and warmer?
Because your life is gone in a flash compared to the Earth and you only see the warm years and are unable to comprehend the eons of time when large areas of this world were covered with ice.
Besides as the pictures on this site show ladies in warm weather are much nicer on the eyes than those in cold freezing weather.
You are likely unaware of how much the Earth has warmed over the past century. This is a significant change compared to other Holocene temperature excursions. Why is the Holocene important? It is the epoch of man.
It is clear that we are causing the Earth to warm by returning millions of years of accumulated CO2 to the atmosphere the past century. The debate should be about what, if anything, we should do about it.
Over at WUWT they refer to swings in the Earth’s temperature record as being similar to a pendulum. They describe the current warming period to be the pendulum swinging back from the so-called Little Ice Age. Physical science teaches that the driving force of a pendulum is gravity. What is the driving force for the “pendulum” of warming? Gravity? Or an unknown force that science hasn’t discovered yet?
Jeffrey, there is so much in your comment I could take issue with. Let me boil it down to one question: After the last ice age, point to the manufacturing capabilities and driving practices of men on earth at that time, which produced the copious amounts of man made CO2 to accomplish the task?
We’ll wait.
On another note, when people like you, or Barack Obama start any sentence with “it is clear”, it is bound to be clearly hilarious.
BTW, “pendulum” is a figure of speech, a simile, just as portions of the earth are “flat”. Don’t read too much into either of them.
Warming and cooling cycles are most likely caused either by the sun or the relationship of the earth to it or both. Clearly neither is affected by one’s SUV. Therefore, if you want to change global warming by the hand of man, have all the Chinese jump up and down at the same time until our orbit changes. That would be the most likely cause of “man made” global warming.