Why is this horrific story not more widely disseminated?
(UK Daily Mail) Two men were hurled from the top of a tower block, two more were crucified in front of a baying crowd and a woman was stoned to death in the latest series of horrific executions by ISIS.
The men were thrown from the roof down to the crowd below in the brutal punishment for being gay.
Charges found against the accused were announced by a masked Islamic State fighter, using a small handheld radio. Reading from a list, he declares the men are guilty of engaging in homosexual activities and should be punished by death, in accordance with Islamic State’s radical interpretation of Sharia law.
The horrific punishment was reportedly carried out in the Iraqi province of al-Furat. The victim’s broken body is photographed on the dirty road, lying outside the steps of the orange patterned building. Two other men were also crucified for alleged rape crimes. Their bodies are shown lying tied up to the railings of a nearby fence.
The woman was accused of adultery.
Woman stoned to death & Men thrown from rooftops. All in a days work for #ISIS in #Mosul. #ISIL pic.twitter.com/jN5Oa38puZ
— London Times (@SlemaniTimes) January 16, 2015
One has to wonder when, or even if, Liberals/Leftists/Progressives will turn on radical Islam, which constantly treats gays and women in horrific manners. There are competing interests within the LLP community in wanting to show their support for gays and women but also to be tolerant of all Muslims, a kind of generic Islam, which leads to their constant defense of the hardcores, known as Islamists in truly unique and blindingly stupid ways. LLPs are mostly incapable of condemning the Islamists, and call any criticism “Islamophobia”, in their insane multiculturalism/diversity worldview.

Liberal/Leftists/Progressives are more selective in their outrage – we have turned on radical Islam – but choose to spare peaceful Muslims.
Conservative/Rightists/Regressives/Christianists use the horrors committed by radical Islam as a cudgel against all Muslims.
You accuse Liberals of being “soft” on radical Islam because you can’t help yourself.
Please answer: What do you recommend to reduce the risk to America from radical Islam?
Again, you can’t keep yourself from lying.
We correctly call your indiscriminate criticism of Islam and Muslims, “Islamophobia”.
Killing gays and women (or anyone) is horrible. (Murderous Islamic radicals purposely horrify you by using the most grotesque means available.)
Priests raping children is horrible. The Catholic Church covering it up is horrible.
Letting children die by mistakenly thinking your god(s) will heal them is horrible.
Shooting physicians because you disagree with their religion is horrible.
The Islamic radical group, Boko Haram is horrible.
The world should work at exterminating radical Islam and its practitioners.
And thank you for repudiating the Christian Bible call that homosexuals be put to death.
Judaism, Islam and Christianity all call for death for homosexuals.
Nope. Christianity follows the Teachings of Christ, not the Levitical Laws. I;m sure you don’t know but IF we consider the words and deeds of Christ, it was him who repudiated the Pharisees and Sadducees and called them “Lovers of Law rather than Lovers of God and referred to them as Vipers etc.
You hate the KKK (which I don’t particularly care for) yet you accept Islam. If you look, they have the same agenda. I suspect that you tolerate Islam, and that has been shown to be the worst type of bigotry.
What can we do to stop all this? Profile, profile, profile. Isolate Muslims until they clearly understand that they can not live in a modern world with a stone age religion.
I consider the KKK to be a Christian equivalent to radical Islam. They commit heinous acts, motivated by hate and the lust for political power, under the cover of a legitimate religion.
I tolerate Christianity. I tolerate Islam. I do hate the KKK and radical Islam.
Jeffrey wrote:
The “peaceful Muslims” might not commit terrorist acts, but they enable the terrorists: they provide them with food, shelter, money and concealment.
There were a lot of peaceful Germans, too, good Germans who weren’t Nazis, good Germans who hated the war, but nevertheless provided food and war materiel for the Wehrmacht in the field. We weren’t so squeamish then: we bombed the factories and the railways and didn’t really care if there were any good, peaceful Germans in the way.
Jeffrey misunderstands:
No, the Bible specifies a punishment for actual homosexual activity; a chaste homosexual would not be in violation.
As a nation under civil laws, rather than religious ones, we choose not to punish homosexual activity, as long as it is consensual between adults. They have harmed their own souls, but not infringed upon the rights of others. The Lord, however, will treat sinners exactly as they have deserved.
David7134 wrote:
There are many things that the government cannot do, due to freedom of religion. However, we as private individuals certainly have the right to discriminate against Muslims, and I absolutely encourage it, as long as they are enabling the radicals.
A gas station or convenience store operated by, or even employing Muslims? You can choose not to patronize the businesses.
J- Jews, Christians, ect., all call for death of homosexuals..” Really? What matters is there’s only one religion that practices it. The religion of pieces.
The religion doesn’t practice it, some who claim to practice the religion do.
Just because Christianists used to lynch Blacks and still shoot doctors – some highly placed Christian “Imams” would even rape young children – it doesn’t mean the entire religion is guilty, just the Christianist radicals are.
I knew a Lutheran minister in the Ozarks who was accused of sexually molesting boys in exchange for drugs (I also knew the security officer who apprehended him in the act). The Church removed him from the ministry and “retired” him to a home. It was all hushed up by the Church. So it isn’t only Catholics who rape children, Protestants do too! But not all priests and ministers are rapists, are certainly not all Catholics and Lutherans.
I guess Christianity is the Religion of Piece, too. Piece of ass, that is.
Monday morning links
A tour of a ballistic sub John (Junior) Gotti on growing up son of mob boss John Gotti: memoir Ten people killed, churches and non-Muslim-owned businesses attacked in Niger over Charlie Hebdo cartoons How to get rid of Moose Mommy has a penis
Actually, the Constitution allows profiling. It does not allow the government activity that we see at the airport and other venues. That is a clear violation of the 4th amendment.