You drove your fossil fueled vehicle, therefore, it’s all your fault
(Nature World News) While climate change is usually associated with warming temperatures, new research indicates that the planet will experience heat waves as well as cold snaps in the coming years.
About 97 percent of scientists, at this point, agree that the temperature of the planet is rising because of human-related activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. But until now, they didn’t know the degree of variability surrounding that increase – meaning the difference between hot and cold days from one year to the next.
Prior studies focused on phenomenon like whether a parÂticÂular region would expeÂriÂence overall warming. But lead author Evan Kodra from Northeastern University and his team took a different approach, instead honing in on variability.
As described in the journal Nature, the researchers discovered that while global temÂperÂaÂture is indeed increasing, so too is the variÂability in temÂperÂaÂture extremes. For instance, while each year’s average hottest and coldest temÂperÂaÂtures will likely rise, those averÂages will also tend to fall within a wider range of potenÂtial high and low temÂperate extremes than are curÂrently being observed.
This means that even as overall temÂperÂaÂtures rise, we may still conÂtinue to expeÂriÂence extreme cold snaps, Kodra said.
“Just because you have a year that’s colder than the usual over the last decade isn’t a rejecÂtion of the global warming hypothÂesis,” he explained in a statement.
In real terms, this is Excuse Making by Warmists to protect the cult when the weather doesn’t cooperate with their idiotic, computer and fantasy land generated prognostications of Doom from warming. And, let’s note that there is absolutely nothing that will dissuade Warmists from their notions. They are more hardcore than al Qaeda, the Westboro Baptist Church, or followers of Jim Jones.

Since you are obviously not qualified to comment intelligently on this paper, what informs your opinion?
One observation is that since Nature is the premier scientific journal, one who rejects a paper out of hand without understanding it must be an actual science denier.
Do you have a scientific criticism of the paper other than you don’t like the conclusion?
Do you believe the editors and reviewers of Nature are in on the conspiracy? Obviously, there is no scientific paper you can find acceptable.
And you say you’re not a Science Denier! You’re an excellent Science Denier!
It is not a paper, it is an opinion piece. And, yes, Teach has as much ability as anyone to criticize stupidity as anyone else. And, you would not know science if you fell over it. Currently in Louisiana it is 70 degrees, normal is 100 degrees at this time of year. That means we are closer to an ice age than global warming.
“You guys thought you could falsify our “theory”- not so fast! When we said it would warm, we really meant warm and cold. When we said more hurricanes and tornadoes, we really meant less hurricanes and tornadoes. When we said the poles would warm what we really meant…..well, we’ll think of something.” The climate circus continues.
You are wrong. It is a paper. Teach doesn’t like the result.
Speaking of stupidity: that you think we’re closer to an ice age than to warming is stupid (and not supported by the evidence – even if it’s 70 somewhere in LA today).
The Earth is warming. What this means is that the average surface temperature over the entire globe is higher (it is) and that the ocean is warming (it is). This doesn’t mean that every day in Shreveport is warmer than the day before – that would be stupid. What it does mean is that the Earth is retaining a bit more heat than it releases to the heavens. That accumulated heat is melting ice, and warming the land, sea and air.
The US accounts for only about 2% of the Earth’s surface. Louisiana about 0.04% of the Earth’s surface. Northern LA (the only area in LA that was 70 today) only about 0.01% of the Earth’s surface.
The Earth is warming. What this means is that the average surface temperature over the entire globe is higher (it is) and that the ocean is warming (it is). This doesn’t mean that every day in Shreveport is warmer than the day before – that would be stupid. What it does mean is that the Earth is retaining a bit more heat than it releases to the heavens. That accumulated heat is melting ice, and warming the land, sea and air.
I assume that if you or Teach et al have evidence falsifying the theory of AGW you will present it at some point.
What the paper in question claims is that the steady increase of energy in the system is causing increased frequency in WEATHER extremes.
As I’ve said before, I don’t know if you guys are feigning ignorance or you are really this dumb.
No, the piece referred to is opinion only. If you follow the links, they lead you to a more scientific paper that only speculates on various computer models and does not contain anything more that grouped stats on future projections, which have been proven to not be correct. What you need to do is take a few courses in science, in general, and learn how to discriminate and critically analyze the information being put forth. I am not saying this mean spirited, you really have a problem with discriminate analysis.
When ANY article starts out with the 97% BS then it is a given that the entire article itself is BS.
An increase in weather extremes?? Where?? Hurricanes are NOT increasing, tornadoes are NOT increasing, cold snaps have always happened and always will as will heat waves. The models these people use fail miserably. Not one of the believers ever acknowledge the fact that increases in CO2 levels ALWAYS lags increases in temps.
Simply put, you believers are nuts.