In other words, it’s an un-science cult
(Guardian) The UK’s weather will become both too wet and too dry – and also too cold and too hot – as climate change increases the frequency of extreme events, the Met Office has warned in a new report.
Its scientists concluded that on average the UK will see wetter, milder winters and hotter, drier summers in the long term due to global warming. But the natural year-to-year variability of weather will also mean occasional very cold winters, like that of 2010-11, and very wet summers, like that of 2012.
The article goes on for a long time in a hysterical manner (and I mean both types), but that is really all you need to know. Here’s how someone in the comments puts it
That’s all bases covered?
Hedging the old bets I see.
Lots of splinters in the bumbum.
Yup. Cult.
waginn: And its going to be darker at night and lighter in the daytime.
RobKindon: But will it be more frequently extremely dark and more frequently extremely light?
JackSavage: It may be darkly extreme and lightly frequent.
It might be darker at night, because Warmists policies not only make energy more expensive, but decrease the availability of energy.

Teach do you personally think that the frequency of extreme weather events is increasing ?
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[…] News Companies Support FOIA Lawsuit Against Michael Mann: MRC“Climate Change” Will Make UK Dryer. And Wetter. And Hot. And Cold: CoveWashington mudslide warned about 15 years ago by geologists: Daily […]