With a headline like that, how can I not blog it?
(Phys.org) Researchers believe that the size of birds’ nests created in response to changing weather patterns may be partly to blame for reproductive failures over the last two years.
Sorry, chums, it’s about birds
An article in the April edition of The Biologist, the Society of Biology’s magazine, explains that birds produce different sized nests depending on the weather.
Dr Deeming’s studies of great tits and blue tits breeding in nest boxes at the University’s Riseholme Park campus have shed light on how nests are built and how they function.
What did they find? Well, the nests are thicker when it’s cold and thinner when it’s warm. Because, you know, weather.
However, as climate change brings more unpredictable weather patterns the way birds construct nests will be affected. In both 2011 and 2012, for example, early spells of warm weather were followed by much lower temperatures.
And there you go, it’s all your fault for refusing to give up your fossil fueled vehicle, buy local, and take a shower lasting more than 2 minutes. Because beforehand the weather was always the same and completely predictable. We never had anything like Indian Summer, a phrase that goes back to the late 1700’s. But, of course, “climate change” is an unscientific term created to denote that Mankind’s activities cause everything.
Anyhow, blue tits.

C’mon, Teach, this is like waving a red flag in front of a bull……
I’ve always been able to tell when it’s cold out by looking at the – , well, you know.
It was just one of those stories that had to be blogged. I think there’s a federal statute about the requirement.
Mostest awesomest phrase evah!!!