January 18, 2013 – 1:23 pm
That’s gotta hurt, admitting what all of us who deal with the reality of the climate know (GWPF) The GWPF has been right all along. In a new report Hansen, Sato and Ruedy (2013) acknowledge the existence of a standstill in global temperature lasting a decade. This is a welcome contribution to the study of […]
January 18, 2013 – 1:00 pm
…is an evil looking plant that is putting out nasty clouds of CO2 and might even be a fossil fuel refinery, you might just be a Climate Astrologer The blog of the day is Maggie’s Notebook, with a post noting that Chicago’s anti-concealed carry law was struck down.
January 18, 2013 – 10:00 am
New Yorkers wouldn’t have to worry about violating the law if they mistakenly put 8 bullets in the magazine (via The Lonely Conservative) (Reuters) (Greg) Abbott, a possible candidate for governor of Texas in next year’s election, used campaign money to buy ads on websites of news organizations in New York City and Albany. One […]
January 18, 2013 – 6:55 am
Yet another nail in the coffin of the climate astrologers, who we all know will fail to answer with science but instead will stick with their own cult like dogma while attacking the messenger and demonizing those who wrote the paper (The Hockey Schtick) A paper titled “Global Warming: A Geological Perspective,” published in Environmental […]
January 18, 2013 – 6:42 am
If there is one thing nice we can say about (NMP) Obama, it’s that he runs an excellent campaign apparatus. Governance? Respect for Americans who disagree with him? Foreign relations? Adherence to the Constitution? Not so much. Campaigning and ginning up crazies to get out there? Yes. And lying liar Stephanie Cutter tells us about […]