January 6, 2013 – 4:19 pm
When I caught this over at 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, I was hoping it was a joke or a false meme. Alas, it isn’t. Screenshot comes from Mike It’s real. Rep Jose Serrano, who took over tax cheat Charlie Rangle’s Congressional seat, submitted the legislation. Right now, it looks like it will go absolutely nowhere. […]
January 6, 2013 – 1:00 pm
…is an awesome planet healing scooter which Everyone Else should be forced to drive, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Zilla of the Resistance, with a post featuring the Second Annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere! I figured this was the perfect place to highlight this, since […]
January 6, 2013 – 9:24 am
Happy Sunday! Another super fantastic day here in America. This old school super classy pinup is by Bill Medcalf, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Villainous Company with a post on what balance deficit reduction looks like Raised On Hoecakes discusses Newtown Sister Toldjah has […]
January 6, 2013 – 8:34 am
Of course, as usual, Obama is leading from behind, seeing as how Democrats have already introduced 8 pieces of legislation in the House and Senator Feinstein (D-has gun herself) plans to introduce a big one in the Senate (Washington Post) The White House is weighing a far broader and more comprehensive approach to curbing the […]