The main problem with “green” is that it’s no longer about being environmentally friendly: it’s about globull warming, the climate change hoax, hotcoldwetdry. Every issue has been linked, no matter how commonsense, and consumers are constantly barraged with preachy advertisements and news reports. Oh, and they realize that there are a ton of scams, and that “green” products are expensive
(Daily Caller) Call it the effect of a slow economic recovery or the results of excessive hype, but consumers have become less willing to pay for environmentally friendly products.
According to new research from GfK‘s Green Gauge, while aspects of the “green†movement have gone “mainstream,†those willing to purchase the more expensive green alternative products has decreased over the last several years.
The GfK study found that in the last 12 months, 73 percent of American consumers purchased an organic product, 93 percent had done something to conserve energy, and 77 percent had done something to conserve water. Respondents added that social media and other technologies such as home energy monitors have raised awareness about being environmentally friendly.
I purchase “organic” fruit all the time. They have these really great plums at Harris Teeter near work, which I hit about once a week. And their local! I do what I can to save energy, though I am rather bad about taking long showers. I buy the plums because they taste great, and are usually on sale. I save energy to save money, not to save the planet from getting a fever. And, like most people, including Warmists, there is no way in hell I will install a home energy monitor linked to the power company.
The research revealed, however, that while people are more aware, they are less likely to spend additional money to go green, with the percentages of Americans willing to spend on environmentally friendly alternatives noticeably dropping since 2008.
Part of the issue is surely the world wide recession reducing buying power. Also, that people are tired of being preached at to purchase a product.
According to GfK, the proportion of Americans willing to spend extra for cleaner cars has dropped from 62 percent in 2008 to 49 percent; and for energy efficient light bulbs, the number has decreased from 70 percent to 60 percent.
There’s nothing wrong with protecting the environment, saving energy, reducing water usage: people just aren’t willing to pay much higher prices to do it, especially when they are berated by people who themselves refuse to spend the money to change their own lives, nor do consumers want the Central Planning Office to make the consumer decisions (CFLs) for them.

Is it that they have less to “spend freely” with or they are comparison shopping, to get the most value for their dollar? Meaning a tighter economy means more shopping for the dollar/value equation.
When I see two products, one with a smug name or marketing gimmick and the other a more traditional one (appealing to how I will benefit from a better or more thrifty product), i invariably reject the former.
Similarly, I will gladly drop a can in an aluminum recycle bin, but I will walk out of my way to put paper and plastic in a trashcan. Pretending to recycle those products is a government make-work boondoggle. That’s why you can’t sell them on the private market, but you can sell cans and other metal.
Basically, give me a choice and appeal to my personal benefit, and I will be a green frickin giant. Force me, or lie to me, and I will undermine your efforts. Penalize me for overt disobedience and I’ll become subversive.
Many of the greenies don’t get that becauae, under their green exterior, they actually red. Totalitarians at heart.