AGW Today: The Goracle Is Still Too Chicken To Debate

Time and time again, Al Gore has been given an opportunity to debate his belief in anthropogenic global warming. Junk Science used to have a clock up on their site with their challenge. Eventually, they took it down when they got bored with waiting for Gore to respond. And now it gets even funnier (via Jammie Wearing Fool)

Former U.S. vice-president Albert Gore allegedly feared a direct confrontation with Czech President Vaclav Klaus at a conference on global warming, and this is why Gore’s presentation was rescheduled for another day, Lidove noviny (LN) writes Thursday, referring to Klaus’s spokesman.

Klaus will take part in the two-day international conference in Santa Barbara, the United States, on Friday, March 6 when he was to get involved in polemics with Gore, one of the main supporters of the global warming theory, which Klaus is sharply challenging.

However, Gore, a Nobel Peace prize winner, will speak at the conference Thursday. The organisers have changed the programme at the very last moment, LN writes.

“A dialogue (between Klaus and Gore) was to take place on one stage. We accepted the U.S. proposal positively. But the organisers reassessed the idea in the end,” Klaus’s spokesman Radim Ochvat told the paper.

“Gore might have feared such a clash,” he added.

Indeed he would. He would certainly fear having to answer question about why there were so many falsehoods in his award winning movie, and why, if he believes Mankind is killing Gaia, Gore has changed his lifestyle to one where he puts out even more amounts of CO2.

In other AGW news, The Goracle and other hysterics are attempting to create a new top level domain, .ECO. Oh, and Lake Superior is freezing over for the second time since 2003. It usually freezes over about once every 20 years.

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3 Responses to “AGW Today: The Goracle Is Still Too Chicken To Debate”

  1. Reasic says:

    First and most importantly, AGW does not need to be proven in a debate. The case for AGW has been laid out in scientific literature. To date, there have been no valid rebuttals, which is EXACTLY why deniers would like to carry on a debate whenever possible. This provides a welcome distraction from actual scientific evidence, and instead, gives them an opportunity to spout bogus denier talking points, without any evidence to back them up. It is a forum that gives deniers a tremendous upper hand, as one cannot possibly go over the plethora of scientific research on the subject.

    He would certainly fear having to answer question about why there were so many falsehoods in his award winning movie…

    What falsehoods? Do you have a list or a link?

    …and why, if he believes Mankind is killing Gaia, Gore has changed his lifestyle to one where he puts out even more amounts of CO2.

    As I’ve said time and time again, and you’ve continually ignored, Gore is carbon neutral. Do you know what that means?

    Please stop posting about that which you do not understand. At least engage me in a debate, as you so wish Gore would do. It baffles me how you are completely ignorant of all things related to climate science, and yet are more than willing to spew denier talking points.

  2. manbearpig says:

    Didn’t you just say that no debate was needed? Now you want a debate? 8-}

  3. Reasic says:


    Yes, I realize that may seem like a contradiction, but what I meant by the “no debate needed” point was that AGW cannot be disproved by a public debate. One can have them to his heart’s desire, but if the purpose is to disprove AGW, the effort will be fruitless.

    Now, my point for asking for a debate with Teach is basically to point out the irony in his criticism of Gore supposedly ducking a debate when he always runs from my arguments. Talk about walking the walk, huh?

    Of course, in Teach’s world, he can completely disregard evidence. He can say whatever he wants about people, regardless of the facts, and continues to do so on a daily basis.

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