Happy Sunday! The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, the fox is trying to attack the geese in the pond again, making all sorts of noise. Just another fantastic in America. Watch the boidies!
The Patriotic Bunny joins Vaughn Bass to bring you today’s pinup.
So, what’s happening on ye olde feedreader?
- The Open Borders crowd is going apeshat over judges approving anti-illegal laws. Michelle Malkin has the lowdow
- Flopping Aces: the Dem party is a bunch of chicken doves. Heh!
- British journalists are in love with Sharia law. See The Jawa Report for the details
- Over at Stop The ACLU, basil breaks down what the ACLU thinks of the remaining candidates. Guess which Republican breaks the 50% approval rating mark with them
- The Anchoress discuss Substance over Nothing. But, hey, the Dems always have hope!
- Liberal fascism in actual practice. Head to Blogs For Victory for the 411
- Beth at Blue Star Chronicles highlights John Bolton making a case for Maverick
- BDS can end fuel dependence. Jim at bRight & Early tells us how
- Good news! The CIA and FBI advertise in a pro terrorist magazine. See the Counterrorism Blog
- What does being virulently anti-American and complaining non-stop about Operation Iraqi Freedom get ya? Well, if you are Germany, you get to be the center of al Qaeda’s attention and in their crosshairs. Check Jihad Watch for story
- Raven has some gorgeous pictures of The Grand Canyon
- Rick at Right Wing Nut House explains why he is sick of both political parties
- Free to a good home. See Ogre if you are interested
- Over at Moonbattery, we have real climate change
- And last, but not least, The Moderate Voice welcomes you to the Hillary pity party
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet?