Via Operation Iraqi Freedom, Pfc. April Campbell
BAYRK – Making a positive impact, no matter how little, on the lives of Iraqis is a big part of current operations by Coalition forces in the Fahama region. Soldiers with the 4th Infantry Division’s 1st Platoon, Company D, 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, serving with Multi-National Division – Baghdad and attached to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1-68th AR, made this type of impact by bringing presents to school children Feb. 2 in this rural village.
The Soldiers passed out backpacks, pencils and stuffed animals as the eager children swarmed around them.
Army Pfc. Dennis Romans, a Colorado Springs, Colo., native who serves as a driver, said handing out the goodies to the children reminded him of giving presents to his own three children.
“I just like seeing them smile,” he said. “That’s my thing. I love kids.”
Amazing how this kind of story never seems to make it into the Credentialed Media.