Morning, y’all, Jebediah Murphy here with some of that truthiness stuff. Personally, I have to wonder about change. Cause ya know, that is all the Democrat presidential candidates want.
They seemingly want to change everything about the country. It makes it seem as if they do not like the United States of America. In their world, everything about America sucks.
But, we know some countries that Democrats like/liked. Countries like the Soviet Union. Venezuala. Cuba. Iran. North Vietnam. Socialist France. And they must love the Germany of the 30’s and early 40’s, because they keep talking about facists and Nazi’s all the time.
There is seemingly nothing they do not want to change. Yes, there are things that need fixin, such as social security and the high cost of health care. But, rather then addressing the root causes of the issues, the Democrats look to institute socialist measures, in an attempt to turn us into a “workers paradise.” Given their druthers, this country would be renamed the United Socialist States of America.
So, if you want to fix some things and make things better – because, like in any capitalist venture, we can always strive to do better – vote Republican. It doesn’t matter who the candidate is. A weak Republican, even one that is more liberal then conservative, is decidedly better then any true Democrat. Do not throw your country away while “sticking to your principles.” If you do not vote or vote for a Dem in 2008 to “send a message,” your message will be ignored. Sure, eventually, Republicans might get it. But, by that time, you will not recognize this country. And it will be for the worse.

I Totally Agree !!
In fact, for years I’ve suspected that bill and the hildabeast are actually members of the Communist Party.
It must very troubling for you to be in the minority party.
Republicans and social conservatives seem to have reached their high water mark back in 2004. Ever since then their victories have been few and fleeting.
You dead on target, Boss!
Hey left-wing dip sticks… The last time I checked the 2004 presidential election results there were 31 Red States of America, and in 2000 there were 30! Go to your rooms now and no CNN after 10 pm and no fruitcup!!