Welcome to the Nanny State
Penalties for Massachusetts residents who can afford health insurance but do not purchase it in 2008 could quadruple compared with the maximum penalty in 2007, according to draft regulations released by the Department of Revenue yesterday.
The maximum penalty for those who flout the law and do not buy health insurance would be $912 a year, compared to $219 in 2007.
The higher penalty is intended to get those who are on the fence to buy health insurance. For those wavering, it could make more sense to pay for insurance than to pay the penalty.
Now, the article does make the point that it is mandatory to get car insurance if you have a car, so why not health insurance? It does make sense, right? But, liberals constantly push the meme of “choice.” It is our bodies, so government should not interfere with our rights. Of course, what they mean is that everyone should be able to get an abortion up to the 40th tri-mester.
Should government be allowed to mandate health insurance? The Mass. law only applies to those who can afford it and do not get it. If liberals want to discuss loss of personal freedom, they should look at what they push.
And guess who signed this bill passed by Democrats in Mass. in to law?
Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprocal link back to me. And vote for Fred!

This is a POS law.
Who determines who can afford it?
When are the people going to wake up to the hypocrisy of the nany state espousing one thing (choice) and mandating another?
You have a really unique way of labeling issues that liberals stand behind !!
I think perhaps you are confusing liberals and libertarians
Teach, even though they both begin with many of the sameletters “LIBER” they do have different views. In fact the libertarians, such as Ron Paul, are much more likely to be Republicans. I expect 10% of all Republicans to vote in Iowa in the primary to vote for Ron Paul. What is your prediction on how many Republicans will support Ron Paul ?
[…] third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, The Uncooperative Blogger, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, Stageleft, Right Voices, Church and State, Blog @ […]
Support Paul? Dumb, waste of time and money. Vote for Paul? Waste your vote. Paul will have the same effect on the election as I. One vote for someone. The man has let his ego drive him to supidity and he’ll end up with BDS even though President Bush has nothing, other than one vote, to do with the next election.
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Liberals will choose who pays, which will be based on who they can pander to.
John, Paul will get about 3%.
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