This pretty much sums up the 2006 Democratic Platform: So in conclusion, how do we win? RUN AGAINST BUSH. Make this election about two things: 1) change; 2) bringing balance to the government. And run in as many districts and states as we possibly can. This to me seems to be a winning strategy. In […]
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- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Speaking of losers. The jury ruled Young is awarded $4 million in lost earnings, $1 in personal damages such as…” Jan 17, 13:35
- Professor Hale on If All You See…: “If he thought it was a good idea, why didn’t he do it during his first few days in office…” Jan 17, 13:17
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Joey SpongeBrain Shitpants declares himself dictator-in-chief. “At this time, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) cannot be certified as part of…” Jan 17, 13:14
- drowningpuppies on Haiti Is A Case Of Climate Justice Or Something: “Ah, the return to the Rimjob Copy&Paste.” Jan 17, 13:03
- drowningpuppies on Majority Of Democrats Vote Against Illegal Alien Sex Offenders: “145 Demreps have no problems with illegals raping and murdering.” Jan 17, 13:00