Daily Archives: April 17, 2017

Good Grief: U of Wisconsin-Madison To Have Free Tampons In Men’s Bathrooms

Social Justice Warrioring on steroids (or, should that be estrogen?) (College Fix) The University of Wisconsin-Madison is rolling out a new pilot program to provide free menstrual products in several of its campus bathrooms — including some men’s restrooms. The public university will offer the women’s hygiene products in three campus buildings. In two of […]

If All You See…

…is an evil dog sucking up Earth’s resources and cause sea rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on how Chicago celebrated Easter. It’s yoga pants week.

Good News: We Have Just 10 Years To Save The Planet From ‘Climate Change’ (Again)

Because all the other time frames to save Gaia from minuscule increases Warmists say is caused by Mankind’s output of carbon pollution have failed (along with all their other predictions), it’s time for another (Breitbart) In the latest in radical climate doomsaying, a new report warns that fossil fuel consumption will need to be reduced […]

Bummer: Fear Is Making Illegals Disappear From The Border

It’s apparently very horrible, according to Daily Beast writer Betsy Woodruff, that illegals have disappeared from border town shelters Fear of Trump Makes Migrants Disappear From Mexican Border In the 35 years Gilda and Juan Francisco Loureiro have been running a shelter in northern Mexico for undocumented immigrants, they’ve never seen a week like this […]

NY Times Editorial Board Really Wants President Trump To Stop Being Mean To North Korea

On the “straight” news pages, the NY Times has called the North Korea situation a “slow motion Cuban missile crisis.” On the opinion pages, the Editorial Board almost seems to be taking North Korea’s side in order to Bash Trump, their favorite game President Trump’s Loose Talk on North Korea As a candidate, Donald Trump […]

Pirate's Cove