Category Archives: Islamification

US Temporarily Closes Embassies, France To Close Embassies Over Islamist Rage

All this supposedly over a movie (The Nation) US on Tuesday halted public dealing in all its diplomatic missions in Pakistan as police battled with enraged people protesting against an anti-Islam film on the third consecutive day. In Lahore, the second largest city of the country, up to 900 people demonstrated near the US consulate, […]

Islamist Protests Continue, Islamists Offer US Ultimatum

Don’t forget: this is all about some stupid film released months ago, and not about the US. Or the spread of extremist Islam (Fox News) Hundreds of protesters demonstrating against an anti-Islam film torched a press club and a government building in northwest Pakistan on Monday, sparking clashes with police that left at least one […]

Say, Why Is The Arab World So Easily Offended?

The Washington Post’s Fouad Ajami poses this question, and works to answer it, which is rather strange, considering that so many Liberals constantly tell us that it’s not the 1.3 billion plus Muslims who are bat guano violent, just a small minority. Ajami seems to be saying that all are like this, at least in […]

Mostly Non-Radical Egyptians Assault US Embassy

Good thing our efforts in Egypt have worked (CNN) Angry protesters climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo on Tuesday and tore down the American flag, apparently in protest of a film thought to insult the Prophet Mohammed. A volley of warning shots were fired as a large crowd gathered around the compound, […]

Surprise! Women Being Excluded In Egypt

Who would have thought women would be relegated to the sidelines in Egypt, being made second class citizens, if you will, as the Islamists consolidate their power in? (Washington Post) After Egyptian women stood shoulder to shoulder with men in the protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak, many looked forward to a role in the revolution’s […]

Kansas Legislature Passes Anti-Sharia Law, The Big Meanies

There’s only one problem with the narrative going around the Left-O-Sphere that Kansas is now a bunch of Islamophobes: the actual legislation doesn’t actually mention Sharia law, which makes the USA Today headline rather improper Kansas lawmakers pass anti-Islamic law measure A bill designed to prevent Kansas courts or government agencies from making decisions based […]

Islamist Who Want to Get All Beheady To Appear In Court

This has apparently shocked the Triangle area Muslim community. I’m not quite sure why, perhaps they haven’t been paying attention to what some have been doing in the name of their religion (Raleigh N&O) A woman accused of working with a Triangle man convicted of conspiring to commit terror to arrange murder of three witnesses […]

Good News! Pa. Judge Totally Cool With Assault On Zombie-Muhammed

Guess the religion of assaulter (WHTM) It almost sounds like the makings of a joke: an atheist, a Muslim and the Mechanicsburg Halloween parade. But non-believers aren’t laughing about an attack and insist what’s really frightening is the way a district judge ruled on it. The Atheists of Central Pennsylvania decided to walk in the […]

School Invites CAIR To Speak, Surprisingly, Parents Have A Problem With This

Seriously, why would anyone have a problem with a group that pushes Sharia law and refuses to condemn Islamic terrorist groups? (Fox News) Parents in Tampa are the latest to protest school officials inviting a controversial Muslim civil liberties advocacy group to speak to students. Dozens of people showed up at a Hillsborough County school […]

Good News! Libya To Base Everything On Sharia Law

Kinda makes that 7+ months of “days not weeks” bombing all worth it, eh? (via Hot Air Headlines) (AP) …(transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil) laid out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying Islamic Sharia law would be the “basic source” of legislation and existing laws that contradict the teachings of […]

Pirate's Cove