Category Archives: Prozac Diaries

A Tale of War (Bush) and Peace (Gore)

No, really. My post title is the short line for a Washington Post "edistory" by Peter Baker Somehow, it seemed only fitting that at the moment of Al Gore’s triumph, George W. Bush would spend the day in Florida, scene of the fateful clash that propelled one to the presidency and the other to the Nobel […]

Going To A Privately Owned Place? Be Sensitive

Silly news A lesbian who was ejected from the ladies’ room at the Caliente Cab Co. in Greenwich Village filed a gender-discrimination lawsuit against the Mexican restaurant Tuesday. Khadijah Farmer, her girlfriend and a pal dropped by the Seventh Ave. South eatery on June 24, after attending the city’s gay pride parade. But the visit […]

Blocking Crackdowns and Border Fences

Someone needs a serious dose of Prozac in their liberal lunacy A federal judge in San Francisco yesterday blocked plans by the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration to crack down on employers who hire illegal aliens. U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer issued an order saying the agencies could not go forward […]

TTLF: Good News! Air Fresheners Kill You

File this one under "environmentalists gone wacko(er)" (hat tip Conservative Belle.) A group of heavyweight environmental organizations is asking the federal government to crack down on air fresheners, products that scientific studies show can aggravate asthma and pose other health risks. In response to the groups’ petition filed Wednesday with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency […]

The Prozac Diaries: 9/11-No Planes Hit The WTC

No, seriously Last month the U.S. District Court, Southern New York, unsealed a 9/11 case filed by Dr. Morgan Reynolds, thereby making the case public. Reynolds is suing on behalf of the United States of America after the U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York who represents "the government" declined to intervene […]

T(Insane)LF: Truthers Upset With History Channel

I gotta say, the History did an excellent job of not only debunking so many of the 9/11 myths, but also in making the Truthers and their movement look like raving lunatics. Can it get any better then the guys who made Loose Change sitting around in their bedroom with the blinds all closed, redoing their […]

The Prozac Diaries: Eugene Robinson Joins The Cast

OK, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but, one would expect some responsibility from the Major Media, wouldn’t you? (yeah, I know, I’m dreamin’) Eugene Robinson, over at the Washington Post, swims in derangement syndromes Buh-bye, Karl Rove. On your way out of the White House, don’t let the screen door hit you where the […]

Pirate's Cove