Category Archives: Idiot GOPer’s

Rubio: We Need The Illegals Legalized In Order To Pay For Border Security

Byron York noted that Rubio stated that he should have been more artful in his comments to Univision, where he stated that the illegals would be legalized before any sort of border security. I wonder how he’ll walk this one back, via Byron (Washington Examiner) Why is it necessary to legalize the roughly 11 million […]

Rubio Works To Stop Illegals From Getting Federal Benefits…Wait, What?

How many times have you heard Marco Rubio’s commercial where he proclaims “And then they don’t qualify for any federal benefits. This is an important point. No federal benefits, no food stamps, no welfare, no Obamacare”? And said this in interviews. And written it. But, now he’s trying to get it in place? Because there […]

Marco Rubio: Illegal Alien Legalization Before Border Security

Remember how Rubio continues to yammer on about border security, making it the focal piece of his shamnesty push to conservatives and Republicans, as you hear his commercial on the radio (they haven’t played it on TV for awhile) for the umpteenth time? How you’ll read about him trying to make the border provisions better? […]

Sad: Kelly Ayotte Goes Full GOP Squish On Immigration

She stood tough on the 2nd Amendment, but, is giving us the same complete pantload of mule fritters arguments we get from Rubio, McCain, Graham, and other squishes Everybody agrees that America’s immigration system is broken, threatening our security and holding back our economy. The combination of porous borders and lax enforcement has made us […]

Gang Of 8 Amnesty Bill Runs Into Problems With Back Taxes, Border Security

Quick, when you think of the Marco Rubio radio commercials, constantly broadcast on talk radio and TV, does the phrase “pay back taxes” come to mind? It shouldn’t, because Amnestyites have dropped any sort of tough posture from the bill, and Rubio has moderated his language just to say “pay taxes” (Politico) The question of […]

Republican Senators Upset Obama Never Called For A Second Date

Well, at least they only let him get to second base, rather than putting out (The Hill) Senate Republicans who shared laughs with President Obama over dinner at the Jefferson Hotel in March are grumbling there has since been little follow-through from him on deficit talks. They say the White House has not set up […]

Gang Of 8 Immigration Bill Will Supposedly Be Revenue Neutral

These people think you’re stupid (The Hill) Members of the Gang of Eight say their immigration reform bill will not add a dime to the nation’s deficit. That anticipated Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score will defy conservative policy experts who recently claimed the measure would cost trillions of dollars. The bill’s authors expect the CBO […]

Senate Immigration Bill Requires Fingerprinting

But, it forgets one big thing as the Gang Of 8 pushes amnesty (CBS News) Foreigners leaving the country through any of the nation’s 30 busiest airports would undergo mandatory fingerprinting under an amendment senators added Monday to a sweeping immigration bill. Lawmakers called it a step toward a more expansive biometric system that would […]

Gang Of 8 Throws GOP A Bone On NewShamnesty

This begs the question: if Conservatives have to be thrown a bone to attempt to get their support for the immigration reform bill, wouldn’t that mean that the bill is extremely Democrat friendly? This is starting to look more and more like Obamacare: have a couple of popular provisions, such as a 13 year waiting […]

Gang Of 8 Immigration Bill Could Protect Those With Rap Sheets

It seems every day brings a new revelation regarding the Senate amnesty immigration bill, none of them good. Here’s another one (Fox News) With more than 11 million illegal immigrants living in the so-called “shadows,” immigration reform supporters say legalizing the group will make America safer. But opponents of the current Senate bill claim a […]

Pirate's Cove