I’m really not sure how I feel about this idea. Good one? Bad one? Mixed? Do we really want to get that involved? Would be allowed to? Who pays for it? We should certainly rebuild Western NC, the fire area of California, and Maui (believe it or not, only 3 homes have been rebuilt of over 3,000, thanks to Democrat policies) before Gaza.
‘Level it’: Trump says US will ‘take over’ Gaza strip and rebuild it to stabilize Middle East
The U.S. will “take over the Gaza strip,” level it and rebuild the area, President Donald Trump said during a press conference Tuesday evening after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House.
“The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it too,” Trump said Tuesday evening in a joint press conference with Netanyahu. “We’ll own it, and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous, unexplored bombs and other weapons on the site.”
“Level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings, level it out, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area,” he said. “Do a real job. Do something different. Just can’t go back. If you go back, it’s going to end up the same way it has for 100 years.” (snip)
“I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East, and maybe the entire Middle East,” Trump said. “And everybody I’ve spoken to — this was not a decision made lightly — everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land. Developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent in a really magnificent area that nobody would know. Nobody can look because all they see is death and destruction and rubble.”
If Trump could make it happen (and where’s the money coming from?), would it work? It sounds like there would have to be a large military presence, effectively a military outpost, to make sure Iran wasn’t sending in material to make military weapons and bombs, and to keep the Palestinians from going terrorist.
Netanyahu lauded Trump’s tenacity and ability “to think outside the box” during his comments to the press.
“Your willingness to puncture conventional thinking, thinking that has failed time and time and time again, your willingness to think outside the box with fresh ideas, will help us achieve all these goals,” he said. “And I’ve seen you do this many times. You cut to the chase. You see things others refuse to see. You say things others refuse to say, you know. And after the jaws drop, people scratch their heads and they say, you know, he’s right.”
Would the Palestinians be living there? We keep being told how nice Gaza was prior to Israel bombing it back to the stone age after October 7th: what would keep them from doing the same old same old? But, you know, maybe it’s time to try something different. The naysayers will say “you can’t do that!”, to which the response should be “what’s your plan?”

Hey CNN you are a dying company. Give this guy his own show for your own good – Videos
I’m all for ethnic-cleansing. When can we do it here with the full-throated support of the US administration?
Trump is causing the world to admit to themselves that Gaza cannot be a paradise because the Palestinians won’t allow it. He is doing that by proposing to make Gaza a paradise and then letting his political opponents carry the burden of being on the side that attacks the plan. They are genetically incapable of supporting anything Trump suggests so it is an easy prediction that they will leap into that well and justify their position afterwards.
If the Arabs are pushed out of Gaza, and the land given to Jewish settlers, Gaza will be completely cleaned up in a year, and a paradise on earth in five. If the ‘Palestinians’ remain in Gaza, it will remain the same [insert vulgar slang term for feces here]hole it was before the recent unpleasantness.
I get President Trump’s basic motivations for saying what he did, but Gaza shouldn’t be our problem.
He is getting the Islamic world to say the quiet part outloud: Palestinians are the problem, and giving them their own state is as unworkable as turning Gaza into Disneyworld.
Bullshit. Conserva-“thought” starts from the foundation that straight white christian males from ancestral northern Europe are the gods’ chosen people, and genetically superior to non-white, non-christian, non-males.
Every conserva-“policy” must satisfy that minimal criteria. Persecution of LGBTQ persons (Trans persons were the easiest targets, a good place to start). Persecution of immigrants (a few violent central/south Americans, a good place to start). Blacks, day in and day out. Muslims, PRN. Jews, PRN.
Remarkedly, we have no good way to track VISA overstays, but the last estimate from INS was 40% of “illegals” but it’s no doubt LOWER than that now, with the influx over the southern border the last couple of decades. In 2022, DHS estimated that 416,500 were still in the US at years end past the expiration of their visa. Visitors from Spain were the worst offenders. The US often offers waivers to “overstayers”.
The Nazis were convinced the Jews “are the problem”.
The Good Professor has become decidedly more reactionary since St Donald II took over.
Our malcontent from Missouri wrote:
Where is your scientific evidence that “straight white Christian males from ancestral northern Europe” are not God’s “chosen people, and genetically superior to non-white, non-Christian, non-males”?
Western civilization was begun among heterosexual, white Christian society in Europe, and it produced the greatest, most productive, most scientifically advanced culture the world has ever seen. It produced capitalism, the only economic system which ever lifted more than a very small minority above the subsistence level, and the only cultural system which produce freedom and democracy. The greatest scientific minds in the world and top scientific discoveries and developments sprung from Western civilization. In art, literature, and music, Western civilization has led the world. Thomas Jefferson wrote that “all men are created equal,” but while that should be true in the sense he meant it, under the law, it has not been true of individuals.
So, Mr Dowd, can you, a product of Western civilization yourself and the beneficiary of white settler colonialism and military conquest, explain to us how “straight white christian males from ancestral northern Europe are not genetically superior to non-white, non-christian, non-males”? I’d really like to see how you do it!
Why not invite all Floridians south of Orlando to leave and give it to the Palestinians? Maybe SC, north FL, AL, GA or TX) will take in displaced Floridians. South Floridians who chose to stay would have to live under Palestinian law. North Floridians could “visit” through armed Palestinian checkpoints only (Orlando, Titusville, Spring Hill). No domestic US flights, no ships except for deliveries.
I’d suggest that Haiti would be more suited to the ‘Palestinians’ level of civilization.
Every country on earth other than Iceland is ruled by the descendants of the last group of conquerors, and the ‘Palestinians’ have conquered nothing; they have been the losers in everything. Even among other Arabs, they have been underachievers.
We get it: you think that it’s just plain unfair that the ‘Palestinians’ have lost so much, but that’s kind of what happens when you start wars you can’t win.
It wasn’t just October 7th: the Arabs started wars, trying to kill all of the Jews in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973, and despite outnumbering the Jews more than 50-1, they got their candy asses kicked every time. It took the Jews a long time in 1948, but despite being outmanned and out gunned, the Jews still defeated the Arabs. The Israelis had women fighting beside their men, and the women Israeli soldier proved themselves tougher than the Arab men. Many of the IDF soldiers who were killed in the October surprise attack were women, women who held their ground and took many of the enemy with them, against an all-male attacking force.
In the real world, people have to win their homelands, and the ‘Palestinians’ have never managed to do that.
Big Ideas Donnie wants the U.S. to “take over” or “own” Gaza turning it into “The Riviera of the Middle East” – a theme park for the rich on the Mediterranean!!
He has unified the Middle East against the U.S.!!
My son was stationed in the Sinai on a peacekeeping mission- he said no one over there wants the Palestinians- the Egyptians or Jordan. They consider them trash. Let Isreal pay for the clean-up. they broke it; they own it. BTW, I’m a three-time Trump voter.
Our first South African co-President, Elon Musk was hoping to hire his friend, Baris Akis, a Turkish-born venture capitalist with a green card who had become a close ally.
But, U.S. law generally prohibits noncitizens from working for the federal government. To their credit, the Trump admin recognized the obvious hypocrisy in hiring a non-citizen while deporting 11 million other non-citzens and told Elon, NO!
It’s weird enough that a Canadian-American South African is running our government…
Americans First?
Mohammed bin Salman also refused to increase OPEC+ crude production. Trump hoped this would lower oil and hence gas, prices. Of course, if oil prices drop too much, American producers are priced out of the market. OPEC countries produce oil ($10/bbl) at a much lower cost than U.S./Canada producers ($20-$50/bbl).
Rather than invade Gaza, maybe we should invade Saudi Arabia, Iran or Iraq and “take their oil” like The Donald wanted to do decades ago! We could rule the world!
Governance is hard!!
i.e. Ilhan Omar… Phil Murphy…Rimjob…
Well done, sir.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Losers!
MAGA47 Motherfuckers!