NY Post: NY Dems Are Getting The Message To Stand Down On ‘Climate Change’

Is the Post’s editorial board on to something?

Dems are finally getting the message on their NY climate agenda: Stand down!

A light just went off for the left: Americans don’t like paying higher bills for a climate war. Duh.

Democrats (well, some of them) are suddenly recognizing the message of November’s victories by Donald Trump and other Republicans.

First, that voters are deeply skeptical of a pricey (and likely futile) war on climate at their expense.

Second, that those victories will make it harder still to achieve the greenies’ fanciful agenda.

Hmm: With luck, the entire climate agenda might just collapse, saving Americans billions and bolstering energy security across the nation.

Could it?

“The public is exhausted,” admits Assemblyman John McDonald (D-Albany). “They don’t want to see their bills go up. We have to be sensitive to that.”

McDonald also stressed the need “to be realistic that we’re not going to have a federal partner.”

Gov. Kathy Hochul, too, has delayed her plan for a “cap-and-invest” tax on fossil-fuel corporations, knowing the costs would be passed to consumers, conflicting with her 2026 reelection focus on “affordability.”

The Post tries to make the case, but, what they are missing is what I said in regards to the Wall Street Journal saying the same thing: “but, I have news: it will never die. The cultists will not let it. It will keep coming back. The disciples will make sure their voices are heard since the news media is on their side, along with politicians. They will never stop.” They won’t. The cult may go a little quiet, might act like they are backing down, but, they will always be there, always be ready to go full cult. They will always try and back door legislation and regulations. They will try and slip stuff through. Don’t ever turn away.

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18 Responses to “NY Post: NY Dems Are Getting The Message To Stand Down On ‘Climate Change’”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    And yet they select Loon David Hog as the leader of their party to carry the climate/gun/LGBTQ banner into the next decade.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      “They” will go away when global warming goes away.

      David Hogg is a student survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting and slaughter. He is an outspoken critic of US gun policies. He is a Harvard graduate.

      Hogg, 24, is a new vice-chair of the DNC to attempt to influence young voters.

      • James Lewis says:


        Hogg, 24, is a new vice-chair of the DNC to attempt to influence young voters.

        The fact that Hogg survived the shooting is meaningless.

        I would like to thank the Demos for taking actions that will insure the election of VP Vance in 2028.

        • david7134 says:

          Hogg was not at school that day.

          • Elwood P Dowd says:

            More lying bullshit from david911. Is there any false right-wing conspiracy you don’t believe? Why do you spread obvious lies?

            David Hogg was at the high school at the time of the shooting. He had videos and recordings proving it.

            Pizzagate: Were Democrats kidnapping children to terrify them and drink their blood for the “adrenochromes”?

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            Autism: Do vaccines cause autism?

            Area 51: Does the US Government have other-worldly alien bodies stored at Area 51?

            Moon: Did American astronauts “actually” land on the moon?

            School shootings: Were some school shootings (e.g., Sandy Hook, Parkland) w orchestrated by the US Government to support gun control?

            9/11: Did the US Government take part in the 9/11 attacks?

          • Professor Hale says:

            I empathize with Hogg. I also survived the shooting that day.

          • Elwood P Dowd says:

            Of course Mr Hogg was hiding with his fellow students in a closet. The teacher would not allow them to make a “run for it” into the path of the shooter.

            The professor has our sympathies. We did not know he was also in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School when the murders (17 dead, 17 injured) occurred.

            We understand the MAGAts’ affinity for murderers who kill schoolkids. After all, you believe these murders are false flag operations.

        • Elwood P Dowd says:

          Casey Jones typed: The fact that Hogg survived the shooting is meaningless.

          It’s meaningful to him, his family and friends. WTF is wrong with you?

          The fact that Il Douche survived the shooting is meaningless.

          Unless the Trump Regime can rig all the elections, the growing disenchantment with Il Douche will all but guarantee a House Dem landslide in 2026, and a long-shot for the Senate. In 2028, Vance will be forced to defend a recession, inflation, unemployment, wars, global condemnation, American anger and a rapidly warming planet. President Newsom will pardon Il Douche, Musk and Hegseth. But you chaps keep whistling past the graveyard.

          YOUR only hope is for Il Douche and his lieutenants (and especially his handlers) to construct an actual and effective autocracy in the next 4 years.

          Good luck.

      • Dana says:

        David Hogg tweeted, on September 18, 2022, “I’m never planning on having kids. I would much rather own a Porsche and have a Portuguese water dog and a golden doodle.”

        Do real men want Portuguese water dogs or golden doodles, unless their wives or girlfriends want them?

        Never planning on having kids? The distinguished Mr Hogg is already rumored to be homosexual, and went to prom with his homosexual best friend, though he allegedly has a girlfriend. He will not attract normal male voters, and a lot of normal female voters will be unimpressed by him as well.

        Those ‘blue wall’ states Donald Trump broke through and won? There are lots of hunters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and a pussy whose main schtick is taking away our Second Amendment rights isn’t going to impress them, either.

        • Elwood P Dowd says:

          Mr Dana’s religious-based disdain for LBGTQ persons is well known. There is no need to point out the Catholic church’s criminal hypocrisy on the topic.

          It’s clear that Mr Dana has little understanding of young Americans.

          He also called for the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) to be repealed, and criticized the NYSRPA v. Bruen decision. On October 29, 2023, Hogg said on X that “If you don’t support banning semi-automatic rifles you should leave the Democratic Party and join the Guns Over People (GOP) party.”

          I disagree with Mr Hogg on guns. I believe America has too few guns. I believe children should be allowed to carry guns for protection as is allowed by the 2nd Amendment. There is no Constitutional reason to keep felons like Mr Trump from possessing firearms any more than the Government should keep a felon like Mr Trump from voting. That said, a majority of young people, the ones being shot by loons, agree with Mr Hogg on AR-15 style rifles.

          • Dana says:

            Our antagonistic agnostic wrote:

            Mr Dana’s religious-based disdain for LBGTQ persons is well known. There is no need to point out the Catholic church’s criminal hypocrisy on the topic.

            It’s clear that Mr Dana has little understanding of young Americans.

            It is true that, in far too many cases, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church has behaved abominably when it comes to homosexuality, but that does not mean that the actual teachings of the Church, based upon the Holy Bible, are wrong.

            Young Americans today are unlikely to beat up homosexuals these days, but that does not mean that most admire them.

  2. Dana says:

    Far-left columnist Will Bunch of The Philadelphia Inquirer lamented that Kamala Emhoff didn’t campaign more vocally on fighting global warming climate change, but virtually none of the Democratic candidates in non-safe elections did.

    • Professor Hale says:

      She was already going to lose. She wasn’t going to lose “more”.

      • Dana says:

        Mr Bunch really couldn’t believe that Mrs Emhoff lost, but he made his comments after she did, saying that perhaps, just perhaps, had she campaigned differently, she could have won.

  3. Dana says:

    The image of Mr Hogg’s tweet didn’t come through, but you can see it here.

    • Professor Hale says:

      I doubt anyone will try to talk him out of it. He will have lots of fun in that Porsche that his dad buys for him.

  4. Jl says:

    “To announce they’ve given up completely, DNC selects David Hogg as vice-chair”

  5. david7134 says:

    Why did Hogg tell the news that he was not at school that day.

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