Good News: Texas National Guard Can Now Arrest Border Jumpers

This has made the pro-illegals crowd very upset – as long as those illegals are Somewhere Else

Texas National Guard can now arrest and detain people who illegally enter the US

Texas National Guard soldiers can arrest and detain people for entering the U.S. illegally from Mexico under an agreement with the Trump administration that expands the military’s role in immigration enforcement.

The new authority is a shift for the Guard and the military broadly, which has been limited to a supporting role for the Border Patrol. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott gave Texas Guard members the power to arrest migrants on trespassing charges in 2021, but that order was limited to encounters on border landowners’ private property.

Texas’ pact with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, signed Friday, gives the Guard full authority to investigate, arrest and detain migrants for purposes of deporting them. Guard members must work “only under the supervision of a CBP official” and must be able to speak with a CBP official “by cellular phone, radio, or other similar technology,” the agreement says.

“This boosts manpower for border security,” Abbott said late Sunday on the social media platform X.

No one in the Trump administration is going to stop this. They will help. Texas has a green light to do this.

The military has been limited to tasks like surveillance and building barriers, adhering to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 to keep the armed forces away from civilian law enforcement. But advisers close to President Donald Trump argue there are legal grounds to summon the military to combat narcotics and mass migration.

And there we go. The left loves to trot out Posse Comitatus when a Republican is in office. Except, if they actually read the Act they’d know that the President or Congress can use the military for certain operations, such as protecting federal property (like the border), enforce federal laws (like illegal immigration), and domestic emergencies (like keeping illegals out).

Democratic state Rep. Gene Wu said Texas’ agreement makes law enforcement’s job more difficult and dangerous and that Abbott “continues to generate more hate against an already terrified and vulnerable population.”

How does it make the job more difficult? He failed to enlighten us on that. And that population? They aren’t an American population. They shouldn’t be here. Why do Democrats want so many illegals?

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6 Responses to “Good News: Texas National Guard Can Now Arrest Border Jumpers”

  1. Professor hale says:

    Posse comitatus is the prohibition of using the Army against Americans, not against foreigners. It does not apply when it comes to border security. It does not apply to foreign nationals. It does not apply to repelling invasion. Catching and expelling foreigners is not law enforcement or punitive.
    It is merely sending people home and denying them entry. There is no legal impediment to using the Regular Army or National Guard for that purpose. The federal government has been squeamish in the past about using military not because of Posse comitatus, but because the marines shot a Mexican kid and that looks bad.

    In this context, Posse Comitatus is a red herring. Not relevant.

    • david7134 says:

      You made the fat troll put up one of his gray boxes. No one knows where the black box comes from, but it sure makes one pause. Also he basically said the same as you.

      • Professor Hale says:

        Like Biden, I doubt he even knows what he said. I don’t think he even reads what he posts. Neither do I.

  2. Elwood P Dowd says:

    In general, the good professor gets one correct!! Unfortunately he’s wrong about the law – the military can clearly be used against citizens.

    Posse comitatus is just a law, an “Act”. It’s not in our Constitution.

    §466. Sense of Congress reaffirming the continued importance and applicability of the Posse Comitatus Act
    (a) Findings
    Congress finds the following:

    (1) Section 1385 of title 18 (commonly known as the “Posse Comitatus Act”) prohibits the use of the Armed Forces as a posse comitatus to execute the laws except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress.

    (2) Enacted in 1878, the Posse Comitatus Act was expressly intended to prevent United States Marshals, on their own initiative, from calling on the Army for assistance in enforcing Federal law.

    (3) The Posse Comitatus Act has served the Nation well in limiting the use of the Armed Forces to enforce the law.

    (4) Nevertheless, by its express terms, the Posse Comitatus Act is not a complete barrier to the use of the Armed Forces for a range of domestic purposes, including law enforcement functions, when the use of the Armed Forces is authorized by Act of Congress or the President determines that the use of the Armed Forces is required to fulfill the President’s obligations under the Constitution to respond promptly in time of war, insurrection, or other serious emergency.

    (5) Existing laws, including chapter 13 of title 10 (commonly known as the “Insurrection Act”), and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.), grant the President broad powers that may be invoked in the event of domestic emergencies, including an attack against the Nation using weapons of mass destruction, and these laws specifically authorize the President to use the Armed Forces to help restore public order.

    Please understand that Il Douche can do whatever he wishes. Who’s gonna stop him? Congress? LOL. The Courts? LOL. By what means??? Il Douche controls the military.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    God Bless Texas!
    God Bless Governor Abbott!
    God Bless President Trump!

    Bwaha! Lolgf Losers!
    MAGA47 Motherfuckers!

  4. Sua Sponte says:

    Posse Comitatus has nothing to do with National Guard troops. They belong to the governor.

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