They give a lot of squishy corporate speak, but, come on, the reality of trying to kowtow to the climate cult is fast becoming an unobtainable goal in Reality Land, one which will see costs rise and profits plummet, unless their is a serious breakthrough in jet fuel
Air New Zealand becomes first major airline to scrap its 2030 climate goal
Air New Zealand on Tuesday dropped its 2030 climate goal, citing delivery delays of fuel-efficient aircraft and the affordability of alternative jet fuels.
The announcement means that New Zealand’s national flag carrier has become the first major airline to water down its near-term climate aspirations, a move that reflects the scale of the industry’s challenge to meet its decarbonization goals.
Air New Zealand CEO Greg Foran said in a statement that it has become apparent in recent weeks “that potential delays to our fleet renewal plan pose an additional risk to the target’s achievability.”
“It is possible the airline may need to retain its existing fleet for longer than planned due to global manufacturing and supply chain issues that could potentially slow the introduction of newer, more fuel-efficient aircraft into the fleet,” Foran said.
“As such and given so many levers needed to meet the target are outside our control, the decision has been made to retract the 2030 target.”
Yeah yeah yeah. He realized that trying to get to a 28.9% reduction of 2019 carbon dioxide levels is idiotic in practice. They cannot afford to replace a whole bunch of planes. They’re not cheap.
Air New Zealand also confirmed its intention to immediately withdraw from the Science Based Targets Initiative. The SBTi network is a United Nations-backed climate action group that seeks to help companies reduce their emissions in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Air New Zealand Chair Therese Walsh said the carrier remains committed to reaching its 2050 net-zero carbon emissions target.
“Our work to transition away from fossil fuels continues, as does our advocacy for the global and domestic regulatory and policy settings that will help facilitate Air New Zealand, and the wider aviation system in New Zealand, to do its part to mitigate climate change risks,” Walsh said.
They can yammer these meaningless platitudes to appease the climate cult, but, really, they aren’t serious about doing a damned thing. One thing they could do would be to ask people purchasing tickets online if they are Very Concerned about anthropogenic climate change, then, a few pages later, hit them with a big green fee. And if they are a “green” voting politician, refuse them transportation.
Anway, how soon till other airlines go down the same route?

One of the commenters here is telling us all the time that the road to green parity only costs $4 and the airlines are already doing it since forever. So how are they not meeting their climate goals? It must be on the back end. Brazilians aren’t using that money to plant more rainforest. Climate activist groups aren’t using that money to “raise more awareness”.
So many people have found that making promises is a lot easier than keeping them.
You’ve won! It’s clear we humans will not make the changes needed to slow and stop global warming. We’ll be fine. Maybe if a few more conservative men had children they’d be more concerned about the world they’re leaving.
So, if warming continues at the current rate (0.189 ±0.035 °C/decade) (0.342 ±0.063 °F/decade) in 50 years the global mean surface temperature could be about another 1.5°F warmer. We’ll need to prepare.
I’ll be dead by then as will be most of you. (The Pissant will be only 66 in 50 years). But those of you with children, grandchildren and eventually great-grandchildren will leave quite the legacy.
I’ll be only 121 years old fifty years from now, so I’ll still be alive, assuming that I survive World War III, 2049-2053.
Actually, it’s slightly less than 39 years to April 5, 2063, the date of First Contact with the Vulcans, and perhaps they’ll have the technology to scrub some of the CO2 from the atmosphere!