Did the person who wrote the tweet do it on purpose, knowing it would generate ridicule? And clicks?
Republicans pounce after Netanyahu protesters burn U.S. flags – and wave Hamas ones instead https://t.co/EySPCyVQSF
— POLITICO (@politico) July 24, 2024
The headline at the article is a wee bit different, but, the idea is the same: Republicans are upset that Jew hating and Hamas supporting wackos burned the American flag and raised Palestinian flags, while also wearing Hamas apparel
Republicans condemn Netanyahu protesters for burning US flags — and waving Hamas ones instead
Republicans seized immediately on images of burning U.S. flags and vandalism at Washington, D.C.’s Union Station following Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech as evidence of widespread antisemitism and a harbinger of what can happen under Democratic control of government.
“Pro-terror, anti-Israel agitators are vandalizing federal property, removing American flags, and replacing them with Palestinian flags steps away from the United States Capitol,” said Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), a member of Senate GOP leadership, on X. “This is inexcusable, and I expect them to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
Hey, we got a “seized” in the article!
“Hamas flags, slogans about killing Jews, harassment of @CapitolPolice officers, vandalism, burnt American flags, & hanged effigies of PM Netanyahu. These are just some of the appalling scenes at protests around the U.S. Capitol today,” wrote Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
Let me ask: why is it mostly only Republicans who are noting this? Who are upset by terrorist supporters doing this in our nation’s seat of government no less? Give it up to this Democrat
“I never imagined seeing the flag of a terror group holding eight Americans hostage for 292 days waved in the streets of our nation’s Capitol,” Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) wrote alongside an image of a protester waving the Hamas flag.
I guess he doesn’t have all those Islamic extremist Somalis in his district (3rd), which is near Minneapolis as well as having a small portion of the city. He might have a tough re-election if the Somalis get wind of this.
I hope you guys are beginning to understand…. They’re not here to assimilate and thrive
They’re here to conquer pic.twitter.com/EcFBWUNrwf
— ????Native Patriot ???????? (@LaNativePatriot) July 24, 2024
This is Union Station in D.C, and the bell is called the Freedom Bell, a replica of the Liberty Bell in Philly. Watch that video and pause it. They’re telling America what they want. Why are we allowing them to stay in the U.S.?

I guess that he’s not old enough to remember the campus protest chant, “Ho, Ho, Ho Che Minh, NLF is gonna win!”
It’s amazing to me that there are so many people in Western countries, enjoying the fruits of Western civilization and a modern economy, supporting Islamist savages who would gladly hang all of the queers and force the women back into subjugation. It’s as though they just can’t wrap their pointy heads around the notion that, if Hamas did win, and drive all of the Jooooos into the sea, this new ‘Palestine’ would not somehow be all sweetness and light, with a First World economy, liberation for queers and trannies, religious freedom, freedom of speech and of the press, and the happiness of a wealthy, Ivy League university campus, but become the same squalor that the rest of the non-oil producing Arab Middle East is.
I have to laugh at the “Queers for Palestine” signs, of (mostly) white young women taking a leadership role in these protests, when none of them would be allowed any leadership roles at all under Islam. I have to laugh at those calling the Israelis “white settler colonialists” when every white person in America is the descendant or beneficiary of white settler colonialists, only here because white settler colonialists drove out and (mostly) killed the Indians here before them. Every black person in America is the descendant or beneficiary of the evil white slaveholders who brought their ancestors here, rather than leaving them in the undeveloping squalor that is most of sub-Saharan Africa today.
Benjamin Netanyahu said yesterday, to Congress:
Absotively, posilutely right!
[…] William Teach of The Pirate’s Cove, I saw this […]
Israel, like other western modern nations, has a large and politically active leftist whacko fringe. The Leftist whacko fringe in Israel is as much devoted to the destruction of Israel as the Whacko fringe in the USA is devoted to our destruction. And they are politically aligned and connected. Internationally these group cooperate with each other. So it should be no surprise that such a group can be expected to spring up on a moment’s notice in any Western country. If you ask them what they believe, they are either mostly unable or unwilling to say. They just know they were told to show up and bring signs. This is what modern activism looks like. Paid useful idiots indeed.
You know where you won’t see such people? Gaza, Africa, any Islamic nation. No one will pay them in those places to act the way they do and they might get beaten senseless by police. Only modern Western nations permit such behavior and make it profitable.
Leftists in Israel hate Netanyahu every bit as much as leftists in the USA hate Trump, even going as far as charging him with make-believe crimes. They are connected. They are the same.
As you will probably know by now I suffer the slings and arrows from Adolf Elwood because of my refusal to say that allowing Muslims communists Nazis atheists and any other group hostile to the United States and the United states interests to live here.
It’s been too often said that the constitution is not a suicide pact. Apparently to some people it is. Those people would be the ones like Adolf ellwood who would have our enemies living amongst us. I don’t believe that is prudent and I don’t believe that is intelligent. I know some of you are gonna say but how can we do anything about it they’re protected by the constitution. And I say no they’re not anybody who doesn’t believe in the United States can’t be protected by our constitution.
No I know that Adolf Elwood and his comrades don’t believe this but as Americans we have our own culture, we have our own identity, we have our own history and we have our own past and we have our own future. And whether Adolf Elwood likes it or not our country was founded by white Christian men for white Christian men. Now it seems that the left once everybody including non Americans to vote and have a say in our Republic. That’s nonsense. Only Americans should pick the leaders for America. Now we’re watching as the Democrat party pics the candidates for itself and its members don’t even get a vote anymore. This is the party that’s always screaming for democracy?
We have enough problems in our country we have enough crimes in our country and we have enough expense in our country from our own people we don’t need to import third world dirt bags here. Especially those that haven’t been invited. I mean I could actually understand it if we had a sign out says please send us your technicians your doctors your mathematicians but we don’t. What we end up with are ignorant uneducated frequently diseased and frequently criminal dregs of their society. We have our own drugs we don’t need theirs.
Another thing this country needs to do is to go back to the death penalty. There are some crimes especially murder, child rape and such that should require the death penalty. And all of you folks that are gonna say well you’d rather have 100 guilty men run go free than one innocent man executed take a look at the major cities and tell me how that stupid idea is working out.
We need to establish a morality of accountability (not just for Trump and conservatives either) for people’s actions. That means holding demonazis accountable for their policies.
L.G., The Abortionist, believes those he dislikes should be metaphorically “aborted” from America. Unfortunately for The Abortionist, but fortunately for Americans, we have Constitutional laws largely prohibiting his Nazi-like ideas.
Young men from uber-wealthy daddies, with few accomplishments on their own, are frustrated when they don’t get their way. Protest is protected in America. Would America be better without Oath Keepers, MAGAts, Proud Boys, Trump devotees? Sure! Absolutely! But your bizarre beliefs are protected!
Rather than deport, jail or execute you (as MAGAts want to do to Dems), we strive to get you to understand there’s a better way.
Trump is now likely to lose. How will you respond?
Ya think so? Only if you cheat.
Are you referring to hunter? He is a frustrated pussy whipped ass hole just like the rest of the “men” in his commie family. Just like you too!
Why do you keep referring to me as an abortionist when you know full well I’m pro life??? Are you mentally ill?
America would be better off without a lot of things, you for one, but I don’t want you murdered like you want us murdered. It’s you leftists that always seem to do the killing though, isn’t it? You nazis and commies murder millions ever where you take over.
BTW, I spent 21 years as a fire fighter saving hundreds of lives. What have you done for America? Vote commie?
You said you took part in two girlfriend’s abortions. Are you withdrawing that claim? It only makes sense that men having irresponsible sex impregnating young women share responsibility for your “dead babies”. Have you considered what your life would have been like as a young man with 2 children by two different baby mamas? Would you have willingly supported both for a couple of decades?
Other than raising 3 successful children with several wonderful grandchildren, paying millions in taxes to support those on disability such as you, inventing a successful drug and not being responsible for even one abortion, not much. Never been indicted either.
Anyway, I thought you enjoyed the friendly name-calling that characterizes Teach and his blog.
Chicken Little Karen Man
” inventing a successful drug”
And that drug is????
None of your fucking business.
Chicken Little Karen Man
So you lied. It failed the FDA review. It was not successful.
Karen Little Karen Man
If the FDA turned hands down it was/is not successful.
Quit bsing us…
Do you also think Ivermectin is a Covid drug??
Successful indeed.

My apologies. Did I type “successful”? I meant to type “very successful”? Off patent but still sold worldwide!! And still receiving royalties!! Yay, me!!
Too bad you don’t share with the investors you buttfucked out of $50M+.
I didn’t know your mama was an investor. She seemed to like getting buttfucked, though.
I see where the problem is. I have already explained to you twice that two women had approached me different times of my life when I was younger and in an attempt to get me to marry them because my father was quite rich they deliberately got pregnant. I told both of them that I would not marry them and they knew that. But they determined that if they got pregnant I couldn’t say no. However coming from a wealthy family I could say no because I was willing to take them to an attorney sign out a contract to take care of the children their entire adult lives until they’re adult including education food clothing and shelter. If they do not abort the children. They both chose to kill their children not I. Subsequently one of the young ladies committed suicide. The other one has been a miserable shit ever since. She eventually got married and I don’t know where she’s living now. However I got a vasectomy to make sure that could not occur again. So before you start calling somebody names you better remember the facts behind the story.
Just so you know both of the women involved assured me that they were on birth control pills and both of the women involved stopped taking the pills and didn’t tell me. So I was not as you said involved in aborting two children. In fact I did everything in my power not to have the ladies abort them but since as you know the man has absolutely no control over abortion there was nothing I could do about it so stop blaming me for something these two bitches did.
This is the third time I have reiterated the story to you which is a very personal and hurtful part of my life. You seem to take great, great pleasure out of hurting me personally for some asinine reason. I accept that and I encourage you to keep calling me the names that you like to it only proves that for being a liberal you’re really a sadist and a narcissist and a bully. But I knew that before you even started calling me “abortionist”.
I have found that leftists in general are sadists and bullies and in your case genocidal maniacs. Because we’re in I fought tooth and nail to save two children you fought all your whole life to get as many killed as possible. There is something about leftists that makes them nasty and hateful.
You poor victim. I guess I was lucky to grow up dirt poor so that young women wouldn’t try to get my family money!
So it the girl’s fault they got pregnant with your babies.
So you’re now against immature name calling? OK, I’ll be watching.