Yeah, maybe he should look to the wackos in his party. And himself. Don’t forget, he’s been yammering about going all “Dark Brandon” lately
Biden makes primetime plea to ‘cool it down’ after Trump shooting
President Biden on Sunday night made a primetime plea to lower the temperature in American politics after a gunman shot at former President Trump at a rally the day prior.
“The political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated. It’s time to cool it down,” Biden said in remarks in the Oval Office. “This places an added burden on all of us that no matter how strong our convictions, we must never descend into violence.”
“Let’s remember here in America, while unity is the most elusive of goals right now, nothing is more important for us now than standing together. We can do this,” Biden said.
Who’s president during this time of massive disunity?
“There is no place in America for this time of violence, for any violence, ever. Period, no exceptions. We can’t allow this violence to be normalized,” Biden said in the primetime remarks.
Tell that to those who rebelled against England.
“In America, we resolve our differences at the ballot box. That’s how we do it, at the ballot box, not with bullets,” he said. “The power of change in America should always rest in the hands of people, not in the hands of a would-be assassin.”
He actually said “battle box.”
“Tonight, I’m asking every American to recommit to make America… what it is. Think about it, what’s made America so special? Here in America, everyone must be treated with dignity and respect and hate must have no safe harbor,” he added.
He almost said “make America great again.” Anyhow, also Biden
Americans want a president, not a dictator.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 13, 2024
That surely doesn’t whip Dem voters up
Biden posted last week that it's time to put Trump in a bullseye.
Deleted today.
????@elonmusk @X— Afshine Emrani MD FACC (@afshineemrani) July 14, 2024
His team may have deleted the tweet (don’t federal records keeping laws require it to be kept?), but, it’s still on Politico, who first reported it.

“It’s your fault not mine.”

— Joey
America has Trump’s back!! Judge Aileen Cannon just declared the Special Counsel improperly appointed, dismissing the case against Donald for stealing sensitive documents and obstruction! This will spill over onto ALL federal cases against President for Life, Trump!!
Go Donald. You got this!!
Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Bragg etc will go against the wall, finally!
As you like to say, nobody is above the law, including the incompetent pit-bulls you think should be going after the Bad Orange Man.
The case was bullshit anyway and you know it.
The case wasn’t dismissed on its merits, but on a procedural technicality. It will be appealed through the Circuit Court. It wasn’t going to be tried before the election anyway.
If Trump is elected he’ll order his new AG to dismiss all charges.
The case was solid. Then-President Trump intentionally took classified documents from the White House when he left. He stored them at his home, and importantly, refused to return them, ignoring multiple requests and subpoenas.
The FBI raided the house and found more classified documents.
Why Trump did this only he knows.
Cannon said his (Jack Smith) appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the Constitution.
Hardly a technicality, Rimjob (aka SMF).
Kinda like all those 2020 election cases. Only there were mobs outside their doors.
The case was bullshit, especially when you ignore all the classified information trafficked by Hillary and Biden, neither of whom were entitled by virtue of their office to possess any such information.
The FBI raid was a bullshit setup and a coverup whose chief purpose was to discover what information Trump had on any of them.
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
Procedural technicality = there was no case and the “prosecutor” had no standing to bring it.
“Here in America, everyone must be treated with dignity and respect and hate must have no safe harbor,” he added.”
It is my right as an American to hate whomever I want for whatever reason I deem appropriate. I hate Joe Biden and his family. I hate anyone who works against the legit interests of our country.
Respect is earned, not given out like EBT cards. Not everyone deserves to be treated with dignity. It depends upon their behavior.
Biden can take his Sunday School daycare philosophy nonsense and shove it up his a33.
Ever notice how the left tends to fall back to their overused and disingenuous pleas to tone down the divisive rhetoric about 5 minutes after they figure out that they went overboard with their own BS?
Project much?
Take a minute to imagine the nonstop over the top caterwauling that would take place had Joe been shot at.
Now try to picture the joy and glee the establishment media and the rest of the left would be displaying had that rooftop patsy succeeded.
Now consider why both of those scenarios are so easy to envision.
We’re doomed
How do you spell “Fuck Joe Biden?”
Askin for a friend…
I think it was Gutfeld who pointed out that when you start calling your political opponents “Hitler”, any means of stopping them becomes not only acceptable, but mandatory.
Everyone has played the thought experiment of “If you could travel back through time and meet Hitler in 1920, would you kill him and prevent WW2 and the holocaust”? Everyone answers, “OF Course, to do less would be evil”. You are required to “kill Hitler”. Everyone knows that.
But of course the Left are famous for their cheap morality. They would of course kill Hitler, but can’t go back in time and don’t lift a finger to kill any real life “Hitlers” today. They pat themselves on the back that they would have stood against slavery in 1860, but don’t lift a finger against slavery today and even vote for the political party that supported slavery back then and established policies to encourage slavery today. They pretend that they would have been part of the underground railroad and helped escaped slaves find freedom, but blithely walk past real live slaves in their cities today and do nothing to help them escape.
Something to think about: maybe future time travelers could have used their technology to go back in time and kill Hitler, but could only use it once, and they used it to kill someone else who was even worse than Hitler, but you will never know who that was, since he died before becoming worse than Hitler.
Although VP candidate JD Vance once called Mr Trump “America’s Hitler”, Vance didn’t try to kill him.
As entertaining as is the professor’s gedankenexperiment, it doesn’t prove that calling someone “Hitler” results in their death. But like us all, those called Hitler eventually die.
Again Rimjob (aka SMF) tries to make a cogent point and again he fails.

CNN just reported that the US had received a credible threat against Mr Trump that the Iranians were plotting an assassination of the ex-President! Based on the information the Secret Service had increased security around him (thank goodness – imagine how badly the protection would have been without the upgrade!?!?).