Your Fault: Groundhog Predictions Less Accurate

I’m going to do something I rarely do, give you a video as the post, as this is a new one for me. I’ve yet to see the Cult of Climastrology link Groundhog Day to their cult beliefs. Hopefully it will work, since I set this up Thursday night. Link here in case it doesn’t

The blurb at the link for the video reads

Punxsutawney Phil’s predictions are increasingly wrong as climate change shortens winter. A new analysis of the groundhog’s forecast shows he would be twice as accurate if he always predicted an early spring. National climate reporter Chase Cain digs-in to how winter warming is affecting the tradition of Groundhog Day.

Blah cult blah. Now let’s see the cult scientists predict how accurate Phil’s predictions will be 10-20 years from now. It’s super easy to Monday Morning computer model it. Also, there’s no real comparison to how Phil would predict during the Little Ice Age and previous Holocene warm periods. You know, doing science.

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3 Responses to “Your Fault: Groundhog Predictions Less Accurate”

  1. H says:

    Another YUGE job market report 335000 about double dhst ess expected. Unemployment ticked lower, even as a couple of million migrants enter the economy
    Wages up .6% again about double estimate. That would work out to 7% raise in 12vmonths about double current rate of inflation. L
    Biden Economics !!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Cost of living has increased 21% since Brandon took office.
      Thanks for playing, retard.

      Bwaha! Lolgf

  2. Dana says:

    With all of the television lights around, how could Punxsutawney Phil not see his shadow?

    Phil has predicted an early spring, and with another Bluegrass morning in which it did not get below freezing, I’d like to think that he’s right.

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